Eating fruit = excess of sugar?



  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Btw, 1g of carb is 4 calories, 1g of protein is 4 calories, 1g of fat is 9 calories... Fat is the problem.

    Well, that statement is not true.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Btw, 1g of carb is 4 calories, 1g of protein is 4 calories, 1g of fat is 9 calories... Fat is the problem.

    It's not just about calories. it's about how your body metabolizes foods. Sugars turn into fat.

    I watched this about a year ago and found it interesting.
    lol, sugar doesn't turn into fat........

    Well, yes it does, if you have an excess amount, just like protein, or fat
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Sugar is sugar...doesn't matter what the source...the body sees it the same way. Once sugar enters the bood system a insulin response is produced, fat burning stops and fat storage begins.
  • ChrisC_77
    ChrisC_77 Posts: 271 Member
    Btw, 1g of carb is 4 calories, 1g of protein is 4 calories, 1g of fat is 9 calories... Fat is the problem.

    It's not just about calories. it's about how your body metabolizes foods. Sugars turn into fat.

    I watched this about a year ago and found it interesting.
    lol, sugar doesn't turn into fat........

    Watch all the parts of that video please. It's about an hour. Now, I have been aware that excess sugars turn into fat stores for a long time. But all the chain reaction events starting before birth was startling. Please watch. It is eye opening. All the best.
  • ninhogorgfan
    ninhogorgfan Posts: 15 Member
    Fruit is only a problem if you are a diabetic. No person i know has become diabetic from consuming too many fruits. You can eat as much fruit as you like.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    Btw, 1g of carb is 4 calories, 1g of protein is 4 calories, 1g of fat is 9 calories... Fat is the problem.

    It's not just about calories. it's about how your body metabolizes foods. Sugars turn into fat.

    I watched this about a year ago and found it interesting.
    lol, sugar doesn't turn into fat........

    Well, yes it does, if you have an excess amount, just like protein, or fat
    He said it wasn't about calories and sugar made people fat. Excess calories do that and I really thought that this wasn't news that it was common sense that if people ate too much they gain weight, apparently not, according to that post sugar makes us fat.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Btw, 1g of carb is 4 calories, 1g of protein is 4 calories, 1g of fat is 9 calories... Fat is the problem.

    Proof that everyone is different. I've been keeping my sugars to 30g or less if possible. I don't eat much fruit mostly berries if I do. For me this makes a huge difference to my losses. I also, keep carbs to 120g.

    I easily eat my 5 portions of fruit and veg per day most days. I eat lots of any salad and vegetables. I especially max out on green vegetables as they are the least calories and carbs.

    If my carbs creep up all weight loss stops, no matter my deficit. Fats are not the problem carbs are. Everyone is different and you have to find what works for YOUR body! Nobody else's. Having said that everyone who tries my approach is successful.

    A sugar is a sugar, your body knows no different between natural, and not natural. Just my spin on it! It's working mighty well for me.

    Edited to add... I eat 30-35% fat, 35 protein, 30-35% carbs. My blood work is perfect. Try to make them good fats. I really don't believe fats make you fat, I believe carbs do. Through out my weight loss journey my body has proves this to me many times.

    Zara x
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    Btw, 1g of carb is 4 calories, 1g of protein is 4 calories, 1g of fat is 9 calories... Fat is the problem.

    this isn't usually true. carbs are less satiating for most people . you only have to eat 2.25 grams of carbs for every 1 gram of fat in order to have the same caloric intake of carbs, and most people eat far more than 2.25 grams of carbs per gram of fat, thus their problem is carbs.

    not only that, but carbohydrates, sugar especially, cause strange behaviors in dopamine receptors of the brain.

    to where these carbohydrates are acting basically like drugs where the brain interprets intake as euphoric and the body responds to them as if they are a pleasant drug. fat doesn't do this. this leads to overeating carbs by several magnitudes.

    so they aren't as filling and they cause the reward center of the brain to become overactive (leading to the brain wanting more and even addiction like behavior) and they cause insulin spikes and increased fat storage.
  • JessicaRobin67
    JessicaRobin67 Posts: 275 Member
    Make the difference between added sugar and sugar contained in fruits, dairy and veggies (carrots, tomatoes, peas, etc.) and aim for a ratio of 1/3 of added sugar. Something like 30g of added sugar for a total of 90g of sugar for the day.

    Fruit smoothies are bad because of the spike of insulin and because they will ruin your teeth (acidic + sugar) ;), but your daily carbs intake overall is more important when losing weight. Eating less sugar is more of a healthy thing to do is you want to spare your liver, gut, etc.

    I have heard smoothies are good for you esp. when you add fiber to help slow that spike... example... I use beans(you can't even taste), natural unsweetened peanut butter, etc. Just my opinion.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Sugar is sugar...doesn't matter what the source...the body sees it the same way. Once sugar enters the bood system a insulin response is produced, fat burning stops and fat storage begins.

    YAY this is right /\
    but i do love fruit and have WAY too much!
    be warned too skimmed milk has alot of sugar in to and throws me over EVERYDAY! grrrr :grumble:
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Btw, 1g of carb is 4 calories, 1g of protein is 4 calories, 1g of fat is 9 calories... Fat is the problem.

    It's not just about calories. it's about how your body metabolizes foods. Sugars turn into fat.

    I watched this about a year ago and found it interesting.
    lol, sugar doesn't turn into fat........

    Well, yes it does, if you have an excess amount, just like protein, or fat
    He said it wasn't about calories and sugar made people fat. Excess calories do that and I really thought that this wasn't news that it was common sense that if people ate too much they gain weight, apparently not, according to that post sugar makes us fat.
    So "that" poster not going into detail is in need of correcting, but you stating "Sugar doesn't turn to fat" and not going into detail is,,,,, well everyone should know what I mean! LOL have a great day
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    Btw, 1g of carb is 4 calories, 1g of protein is 4 calories, 1g of fat is 9 calories... Fat is the problem.

    It's not just about calories. it's about how your body metabolizes foods. Sugars turn into fat.

    I watched this about a year ago and found it interesting.
    lol, sugar doesn't turn into fat........

    Well, yes it does, if you have an excess amount, just like protein, or fat
    He said it wasn't about calories and sugar made people fat. Excess calories do that and I really thought that this wasn't news that it was common sense that if people ate too much they gain weight, apparently not, according to that post sugar makes us fat.
    So "that" poster not going into detail is in need of correcting, but you stating "Sugar doesn't turn to fat" and not going into detail is,,,,, well everyone should know what I mean! LOL have a great day
    Yeah, the poster did go into detail, they posted a link to lustig talking about how sugar making us fat.
  • ChrisC_77
    ChrisC_77 Posts: 271 Member
    Btw, 1g of carb is 4 calories, 1g of protein is 4 calories, 1g of fat is 9 calories... Fat is the problem.

    It's not just about calories. it's about how your body metabolizes foods. Sugars turn into fat.

    I watched this about a year ago and found it interesting.
    lol, sugar doesn't turn into fat........

    Well, yes it does, if you have an excess amount, just like protein, or fat
    He said it wasn't about calories and sugar made people fat. Excess calories do that and I really thought that this wasn't news that it was common sense that if people ate too much they gain weight, apparently not, according to that post sugar makes us fat.
    So "that" poster not going into detail is in need of correcting, but you stating "Sugar doesn't turn to fat" and not going into detail is,,,,, well everyone should know what I mean! LOL have a great day
    Yeah, the poster did go into detail, they posted a link to lustig talking about how sugar making us fat.

    Not to mention the video is 8 parts (I think) You don't even begin to see the half of it until you watched most of it. Like the fact that a mother's diet with child in the womb can have an effect on how many fat cells the baby will have. And we always have the same number of fat cells. How much that is stored in these cells is the concern.
  • highstandards
    I have heard smoothies are good for you esp. when you add fiber to help slow that spike... example... I use beans(you can't even taste), natural unsweetened peanut butter, etc. Just my opinion.
    I agree. If you make your own smoothies and favour berries instead of bananas and oranges + add some fat & fibre, then you can actually drink something which is healthy while still being very tasty :)
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Btw, 1g of carb is 4 calories, 1g of protein is 4 calories, 1g of fat is 9 calories... Fat is the problem.

    It's not just about calories. it's about how your body metabolizes foods. Sugars turn into fat.

    I watched this about a year ago and found it interesting.
    lol, sugar doesn't turn into fat........

    Well, yes it does, if you have an excess amount, just like protein, or fat
    He said it wasn't about calories and sugar made people fat. Excess calories do that and I really thought that this wasn't news that it was common sense that if people ate too much they gain weight, apparently not, according to that post sugar makes us fat.
    So "that" poster not going into detail is in need of correcting, but you stating "Sugar doesn't turn to fat" and not going into detail is,,,,, well everyone should know what I mean! LOL have a great day
    Yeah, the poster did go into detail, they posted a link to lustig talking about how sugar making us fat.

    So why did you feel it necessary to make a untrue statement? If he went into detail, did you think that making a undetailed statement, that is not true, would sway people to like you or something?
  • nookeetoone
    fruit is awesome and as most others have said, fruit sugar is usually ok for most people... however...
    a smoothie that contains 6 servings of fruit? that's a LOT of fruit sugar in one sitting. Plus, where did you get the "6 recommended fruits a day" number from? I *think* its 6 servings of "fruits and vegetables" and is supposed to be heavier on the veggie side.

    Well... I dunno if it contains 6 servings of fruit... But it was a lot :p And it just happened, ok? >_< lol I get experimental sometimes.

    Although... I kinda always understood that rule as 6 fruits and 6 veggies a day.... x__x I guess my whole life has been lie. No wonder I never managed to do that. lol...
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    I try to eat 2 fruits and 5-6 veggies a day The fruit is usually avocado and an orange or banana. try eating fruits that have lower sugar levels if you worried about the sugar content.

    edit: I eat a 50% fat diet for medical reasons and my blood work is healthy
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    Btw, 1g of carb is 4 calories, 1g of protein is 4 calories, 1g of fat is 9 calories... Fat is the problem.

    It's not just about calories. it's about how your body metabolizes foods. Sugars turn into fat.

    I watched this about a year ago and found it interesting.
    lol, sugar doesn't turn into fat........

    I am insulin resistant and have about 50 pounds of excess fat to prove that sugar does turn into fat. Lol!
  • HollyHobbitToes
    HollyHobbitToes Posts: 131 Member
    I have the same problem. I may have to give up fruit so I can have a sugar in my coffee. I know that's not great but I have already cut out so much and I can't drink coffee without. Can't really cut the coffee either as I am a sleep-deprived momma!!

    I use coconut palm sugar in my coffee...I actually like it better than regular sugar....also use unsweetened almond milk....I enjoy my coffee more now and find I don't drink as much coffee because I'm not sugar crashing after I drink it, requiring me to keep drinking more me, putting sugar in my coffee is counter-productive lol
  • HollyHobbitToes
    HollyHobbitToes Posts: 131 Member
    I try to eat 2 fruits and 5-6 veggies a day The fruit is usually avocado and an orange or banana. try eating fruits that have lower sugar levels if you worried about the sugar content.

    Same here....I used to eat probably 6 servings of fruit and barely any veggies....I switched it up and actually feel better....I restrict my fruit to earlier in the day and generally eat lots of spinach and other veggies the rest of the day....