

  • Hey there, I work as an RN in a family practice clinic so I thought I would share some of my experience pertaining to ferritin/iron levels. To the best of my knowledge there is no 'direct' correlation between ferritin levels and metablolism. However, we do know that having low iron stores can lead to iron-deficiency…
  • I think it's important to remember that many foods in the database are member submitted and there can be significant discrepancies. When I started using the app I found that I was under/over reporting my calories by 200-300/day because of this. Now I will generally pick the food that has been verified the most if I don't…
  • Ontario as well!
  • If you are looking for straight weight loss then you''ll want to stick with cardio. However, I would highly recommend strength training as a means of saying fit and healthy over the long term. The problem with just doing cardio is that once you stop doing it (or do it less frequently) you risk gaining all the weight back.…
  • Go by the information on the package. It could be that someone else has tried to enter the information into the MFP database, but entered it incorrectly.