That is definitely a Beertastophy!!
Checking in! Cheers!
Congratulations! that is awesome progress!
JL Paige....Flirt!
. Buds
I'm in too! Great idea!
Fozzi...GREAT legs!
hang out
Great lips!
I am presenting at a conference about 2 hours from home. Who would schedule a teacher conference on Valentines Day? Who would agree to present?....oh wife=not happy
My stomach, specifically abs.
Hello Everyone! what a great idea for a group, I am glad to be here! I live in Southern California, near San Diego. There are so many good brewery choices within a 90 minute radius from me. My favorite spot to visit is Stone Brewery in San Marcos. I am a big fan of their super hop forward IPAs. If you are ever in the area…
If I am lucky 7 hours a night but in reality it is closer to 6. The only time I can find to workout is at 4:30am. At least the exercise helps wake me up!
I definitely agree with this! Plus I am a complimenter, I've never actually thought I shouldn't compliment someone who is married.
Congratulations on deciding to start the 30 day shred! I did it last month and it was challenging but well worth it! There is a pretty active 30 day shred group on the message boards under groups. I used the daily check in there and it was a wonderful source of support. I recommend you check it out. I am now on my second…
Palm Desert, Ca Should be close to 80 degrees today!
Amazing eyes!
Water with lemon and coconut water.
Pretty funny!
That is great! Congratulations!
I'd hang out with Cliffy
I agree a very entertaining read.... haters gonna hate......creepers gonna creep and as you can see based on my post count ......lurkers gonna lurk
WOW! Great inspiration! Congratulations! I really agree about creating a healthy lifestyle..for life!
Mbiggs... Date