Aleaden's suggestion is pretty much the simplest, cheapest and meets your requirements
Strong transformations on this page. Holy hell
Me love you long time
Almost a 3 year difference between photos. Concentrated just on lifting at first, not exactly optimally but I pup effort in. Hopped on IF last year around March and on it ever since, lost 2 stone in 4 months cutting. Switched to lean bulking and then learnt more about training and, probably more importantly, nutrition…
You have my sword...
Strong hnnngggg on gallery Mine is 2.5 weeks
Staring contest champion
This and busylady are bang on target. Less DOMS doesn't mean less progress. Each body part once a week is the "bro" split ideal for people on the juicy juice. You'll still make progress on it (a beginner will make progress doing practically anything) but it won't be ideal
inb4 strong hair removal
inb4 strong username to post ratio
Strong progress. Mirin
This is a no brainer
dat bone structure
dat nip
You cheeky git...
Answered your own question: If your diet isn't providing enough protein you can bump it up with a protein shake. This should be the only reason you take a shake, not just arbitrarily. It's not dangerous, unless you choke to death on it
This is true for a novice lifter, not so much for anyone past that point. So it's true to a certain extent
All good in the hood
Strong this
4-5k calories per day on the reg. I only have an 8 hour eating window and still feel hungry as fuuuaaark most of the time. If I went for dense sources and had an unrestricted eating window I reckon I could put a dent in 10k
Answer provided: it's compounds WHY YOU DO DIS
That playful strand of hair in the profile photo
Simple is best; you would do well with a pushing movement, pulling movement, and pressing movement in the most basic terms for the upper body/arms. Examples of each: push: bench press, machine press, dips pull: single arm dumbbell row, chest supported row, barbell row press: dumbbell press, military press, machine press…