

  • Knee and foot pain can sometimes be attributed to the shoes you're wearing. The right pair of shoes can make a WORLD of difference. If running is something you're serious about getting in to, I'd suggest finding a store that can assist you in finding the right shoes for your feet, and investing in a pair :)
  • I LOVE THIS! Definitely going to do it!
  • AMEN TO THAT! I'm so tired of avoiding skinny jeans and boots!
  • She asked if the product shows results, not about the company, which really can be viewed like any other private distributor setup (ie tupperware). I'm not a distributor, I have no interest in becoming one and I have never been told I have to be one to use the product. I've seen results and it has worked for me.
  • The money I spend each month on the two products I use is nearly the same as what I would spend on groceries for the meal I replace with them. I never used to be able to eat straight away in the morning (it would make me nauseous), but after only a week or so of having the shake within 15-20 minutes of waking up, I now…
  • I have had wonderful results using only 2 of their products and working with a Wellness Coach for the past 3 months. Just like any other weight loss/nutritional supplement, individual results will vary and it shouldn't be viewed as the "be all end all" or "quick fix"; the products work best when coupled with healthy eating…
  • It's VERY important to keep in mind that the scale is just one way to measure your success! It's likely that because you're working out, you're building muscle AND burning fat, and sometimes it can take a while for the scale to start reflecting that. My suggestion would be to also measure yourself (bust, hips, thighs etc)…
  • Look at it this way, you could be doing much worse, so remember that. If you come in at your allotted daily calories, you should lose weight, but that's also dependent on how healthy the calories you consume are. If you reach your daily calorie # just eating Doritos, you obviously aren't going to have the same results as…