Am I eating badly??



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Stop being mean. So I had a bad day and ranted online and I shouldn't have done that.
    Just stop
    I did have a job. And I babysit. I have money. I'm a volunteer. I'm a good person.
    So stop beating me down. I acted immature. Okay. That's it. Stop.
    It's not about money. My parents have the money to buy health food if that's what you think I should do.
    But whatever.

    It shouldn't matter whether or not your parents have the money. It's about you wanting something specific and not getting it on your own. If it matters, you'll do what you need to do to get what you want/need.
  • aepdx
    aepdx Posts: 218 Member
    Eat whole foods, they are just as yummy.
  • cdt4717
    cdt4717 Posts: 13
    Has anyone else noticed that she logged food for one day and that was today only?

    I smell a troll.

    Edited for clarity.

    Why would I troll? I have logged food before but never used the forum part. Internet people are always so obsessive about finding trolls. It's stupid.
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    you logged one day? who are "all these people" you talking about? how can anyone make a fair assessment based on one day? and little things. like the cereal you ate, did you have milk too? remember to add those little things too. and 1200 calories seems a bit low too. but from the looks of your diary, you ate better then i normally do! and remember. we chose what we eat. just cause mom makes an awesome dinner, does not mean you have to have large servings. you can eat just one serving and pair it with veggies and salads too. i include all the foods you listed in my diet. i have to buy processed stuff too cause i work a lot and to be blunt, i dont like to cook. it sounds like you need to find what works for you.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Everyone's getting pissed at me. It's weird being the only person who ISN'T a health nut, and my mom and friends would call you guys health nuts and if I started to act like you all, my mom would freak on me.
    I was looking over all the forums on this site and getting really overwhelmed and frustrated. There are so many different things going on on this site, and I struggle to find a way to easily fit new ideas in my lifestyle.
    Maybe it's just this particular day that makes it seem that I eat poorly.
    I eat sandwiches often--on whole grain bread with turkey and 1 slice of cheese, and some veggies like a bag of carrots or snap peas, and fruit. I actually don't eat lean cuisines a lot at ALL. I ate one yesterday and today, but it's the first time I've eaten them in a few months. I guess home cooking can be just as bad though. And my mom isn't one to compromise on taste.
    I guess I'm realizing there's a lot of sugar in the snacks I nonfat yogurt and fiber 1 bars. I have a sweet tooth.
    Whatever, I hate when people gang up on me. So I'd appreciate it if you'd stop, and maybe try to help instead. Sorry I got snippy.

    How can we help, if you are completely closed off and unwilling to listen to the advice? I see a lot of good advice being given, and you're ignoring every one of them.

    Cut back on your sugar intake. No, it's not "w/e". It's important. Log your fruits. Log EVERYTHING. Eat more lean protein and good fats, like avocados, olive oil, and nuts. Convince your mom to cook healthier, or cook for yourself. It's that easy.
    Yes to everything except the part I bolded.

    Lolwut? Unless if you have a diagnosed medical condition that requires you to cut back on your sugar consumption, there's no reason to cut back on all. Hell, there's no reason to track it.
  • TigressPat
    TigressPat Posts: 722
    has logged a single day....
    wants to lose 5lbs...

    why is anyone even replying to this?
  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    Not sure why you posted this?
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    Has anyone else noticed that she logged food for one day and that was today only?

    I smell a troll.

    Edited for clarity.

    Why would I troll? I have logged food before but never used the forum part. Internet people are always so obsessive about finding trolls. It's stupid.

    Your posts look so perfectly constructed to prompt inflammatory responses that people think that you're doing it on purpose. And for all I know they're right.

    You still haven't clarified exactly what you need help with or given us your specific goals and problems.
  • aepdx
    aepdx Posts: 218 Member
    has logged a single day....
    wants to lose 5lbs...

    why is anyone even replying to this?

  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I eat ice cream about 5 days a week and pancakes at least 3. Um, why do you care so much about sugar?
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I don't really have a choice I have to eat processed foods it's just easier and that's how my mom cooks

    Sooooo, are you really 18? Because if you were, you most definitely have a choice to go out and get a job, buy some groceries, and cook some food.

    All right I see your point here. I AM 18. I'm not going to get a job. I don't need to. My mom and I usually eat pasta, breads, frozen things like pierogies, or rotisserie chicken, salads, whatever. What am I supposed to eat, freaking quinoa or something?

    Quinoa is freaking awesome....don't knock it till you try it. Just as easy to make quinoa as it is to make white rice.

    Most people have room to improve their diets. And by using the word "diets" I mean the foods that you eat, not an eating plan to lose weight. What you eat is ultimately your choice and comes down to what you like. Are there ways to improve your diets nutritional impact? Sure. Do you need to drop all the processed foods to do so? No. You should want to eat the foods you do, not suffer through eating things because they are "healthy". An approach to eating better foods is to start with simple swaps. Say for a salad, eat Romain instead of iceburg lettuce. Then later go to a spring mix, and maybe eventually a baby spinach. Tastes can be changed. I loved donuts, fries of all kinds, heck, all fried food for that matter. Now I have a hard time eating it. Those foods have little flavor to me. I would rather have sweet potato, asparagus, and yes, quinoa, the yuppiest of all healthy foods. YOU asked if you were eating badly. If you like to eat the way you do and have no desire to change, you probably shouldn't have asked the question in the first place.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    has logged a single day....
    wants to lose 5lbs...

    why is anyone even replying to this? did.
  • theskinnylist
    theskinnylist Posts: 286 Member
    I did a bit of creepin' - she's not a troll. She did log a few days in August last year when she signed up.

    So she ain't a troll. But damn she's just stubborn as hell.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    under on fats = not a good thing

    (Not that this is the only problem here...but it's one I hadn't seen addressed yet.)
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    I did a bit of creepin' - she's not a troll. She did log a few days in August last year when she signed up.

    So she ain't a troll. But damn she's just stubborn as hell.
    i did the same.
    loving the vodka entries too. of course if her parents dont care if she provides for herself at all, maybe they dont care that shes drinking underage *shrug*
  • cdt4717
    cdt4717 Posts: 13
    I don't know why I posted it! OK? I guess I am obsessing over my eating again, which happens sometimes. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings but you hurt mine more. My first post was riddled with frustration and I wasn't expecting to be attacked by that girl who told me to get a job. It made me defensive and even more upset.
    That's my explanation.
    SO, stop replying, then. There are too many different people with different ideas who are posting on this topic that asking a question at this point wouldn't even help me.
    I would close this thread, but I don't know how to do that.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I don't know why I posted it! OK? I guess I am obsessing over my eating again, which happens sometimes. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings but you hurt mine more. My first post was riddled with frustration and I wasn't expecting to be attacked by that girl who told me to get a job. It made me defensive and even more upset.
    That's my explanation.
    SO, stop replying, then. There are too many different people with different ideas who are posting on this topic that asking a question at this point wouldn't even help me.
    I would close this thread, but I don't know how to do that.

    PM the mods if you want the thread locked. It hasn't even gotten close to where it could end up yet. And really, check out sparkteens, you will probably find a lot of people who get where you are at in life more.
  • TigressPat
    TigressPat Posts: 722
    has logged a single day....
    wants to lose 5lbs...

    why is anyone even replying to this? did.

    i did, didn't I?
  • aepdx
    aepdx Posts: 218 Member
    Try gradually to make changes.

    1) stop drinking sodas if you do, or really any other beverage that isn't water.

    Once you get on a roll with that, try to add other healthy habits into your regimen.

    I used to find eating a hamburger, drinking a soda and following it up with a cigarette AMAZING, and now it makes me sick thinking about it. You'll get there. Or, you won't. It is up to you.

    You don't have to follow what your mom tells you to do anymore, you are an adult :). My mom also loves frozen foods and diet sodas, but I am teaching her how to like other foods.

    I definitely still eat processed sugar, but keep it limited. You can check out my diary for some tips. …minus the lunch I had today :/
  • inbluedresses
    Look at it this way, you could be doing much worse, so remember that. If you come in at your allotted daily calories, you should lose weight, but that's also dependent on how healthy the calories you consume are. If you reach your daily calorie # just eating Doritos, you obviously aren't going to have the same results as you would eating a more balanced diet.

    Do the best you can with what you've got to work with. If you don't already, perhaps go with to the grocery store and suggest alternatives that are healthier. You don't have to sacrifice EVERYTHING you enjoy, but making better choices in the things you ARE willing to change will yield more positive results. Talk with your family about what you'd like to achieve; ask for their support with a positive change in your life. Chances are your success and dedication will make them want to make more positive choices too :)
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