Am I eating badly??



  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    I don't really have a choice I have to eat processed foods it's just easier and that's how my mom cooks

    Sooooo, are you really 18? Because if you were, you most definitely have a choice to go out and get a job, buy some groceries, and cook some food.

    All right I see your point here. I AM 18. I'm not going to get a job. I don't need to. My mom and I usually eat pasta, breads, frozen things like pierogies, or rotisserie chicken, salads, whatever. What am I supposed to eat, freaking quinoa or something?

    No one can help you unless you're willing to help yourself. Why did you ask the question if you’re not going to listen to anyone’s response? This thread is pretty much a waste of time.
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    I don't really have a choice I have to eat processed foods it's just easier and that's how my mom cooks

    Sooooo, are you really 18? Because if you were, you most definitely have a choice to go out and get a job, buy some groceries, and cook some food.

    All right I see your point here. I AM 18. I'm not going to get a job. I don't need to. My mom and I usually eat pasta, breads, frozen things like pierogies, or rotisserie chicken, salads, whatever. What am I supposed to eat, freaking quinoa or something?

    You're rude. If you want people's advice and opinions you should be open-minded. If you're just going to say "well I'm not going to eat any differently, so there!" then keep eating how you're eating and don't ask if other people think you are eating poorly or not.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Check out my food diary. I looked through this forum and people say not to eat any processed food/sugars. OK so that's impossible for me, completely impossible, and I refuse to do that. 52 g of sugar from Special K cereal, yoplait nonfat yogurt, skinny cow ice cream sandwich, a lean cuisine meal, and whatever else I forgot. I ate under my calorie budget though and under my fat budget. I might snack later tonight but w/e.
    I don't really have the patience or willpower or desire to cut out sugar and salt and everything yummy. I guess I'm annoyed with this forum. Everyone's obsessed with keeping their counts to the gram perfectly.

    Refuse away. Your body will never change, unless you change your diet.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Start logging fruit. If it has calories, log it. Other than that, just make sure you're not eating enough fats and protein and let the rest fall where it falls.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    You have a bad attitude. You seem to have created this post mostly to rant over things you're not willing to change anyway. Come back after you've tried it your own way and discover it's not working, and actually listen to what people have to say.
  • cdt4717
    cdt4717 Posts: 13
    Everyone's getting pissed at me. It's weird being the only person who ISN'T a health nut, and my mom and friends would call you guys health nuts and if I started to act like you all, my mom would freak on me.
    I was looking over all the forums on this site and getting really overwhelmed and frustrated. There are so many different things going on on this site, and I struggle to find a way to easily fit new ideas in my lifestyle.
    Maybe it's just this particular day that makes it seem that I eat poorly.
    I eat sandwiches often--on whole grain bread with turkey and 1 slice of cheese, and some veggies like a bag of carrots or snap peas, and fruit. I actually don't eat lean cuisines a lot at ALL. I ate one yesterday and today, but it's the first time I've eaten them in a few months. I guess home cooking can be just as bad though. And my mom isn't one to compromise on taste.
    I guess I'm realizing there's a lot of sugar in the snacks I nonfat yogurt and fiber 1 bars. I have a sweet tooth.
    Whatever, I hate when people gang up on me. So I'd appreciate it if you'd stop, and maybe try to help instead. Sorry I got snippy.
  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    How about you and your mom make the change together? problem solved.

    ....if you were my kid you would have been working at 15. Learn some responsibility...
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    kids these days *smh*
    if my kids act like you when theyre 18, theyll be kicked out
    ETA: i have nothing against eating what you like - i still eat ice cream and pizza and fast food. you dont have to be a "health nut" or give up great tasting food - but your attitude is horrible. if you arent willing to get a job and buy/cook your own food, then why post on here about your food intake? if you arent going to change it, dont ask opinions.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Your diary today didn't look bad to me. I'm not sure what forums posts you are reading, but you will find people trying to cut back on processed foods and sugars etc any diet forum you go to. This one is much more friendly to the idea of continuing to eat in a realistic way. If you want to run some searches on it, look for IIFYM and "Poptarts and ice cream."

    But you may feel more comfortable at Sparkteens if this forum is annoying you. Many people there will be in similar situations where they don't feel they can control their diets because someone else is cooking.
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    Has anyone else noticed that she logged food for one day and that was today only?

    I smell a troll.

    Edited for clarity.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    What was the question again?
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    dont listen to what everyone tells you! i had lean cousine for dinner with a bag of steam veggies! pretty darn tasty and low cal. do what works for you. i had half a pizza last night for dinner. everyone on here would be like, omg! but i did an hour of exercise and was in my calorie goal. and i have lost almost 50 pounds in 3 months. so if its that horrible, then why am i still losing? humm?
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I found that as long as I stay within my calorie goal, it doesn't really make a difference what I eat. I try to make better choices but I live 90 miles from town and only make the trip to the grocery store once a week if that. I am dependent on myself for every meal. There is no rushing out to get a quick bite or snacks. There's not even a gas station here.

    I don't buy much fresh produce or fresh anything because it's just me and I can't eat it all fast enough. I try to cook things myself - chicken breasts are a huge staple for me. But, I find I tend to eat more processed things for lunches. I'll make things to take in from home but I have a few "go to" things for lunch that I keep around because I don't always have time to make things or what I make doesn't sound good so I save it for the next day.

    I also have a huge sweet tooth but I always "save" calories for that.
  • cdt4717
    cdt4717 Posts: 13
    Stop being mean. So I had a bad day and ranted online and I shouldn't have done that.
    Just stop
    I did have a job. And I babysit. I have money. I'm a volunteer. I'm a good person.
    So stop beating me down. I acted immature. Okay. That's it. Stop.
    It's not about money. My parents have the money to buy health food if that's what you think I should do.
    But whatever.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I don't really have a choice I have to eat processed foods it's just easier and that's how my mom cooks

    Sooooo, are you really 18? Because if you were, you most definitely have a choice to go out and get a job, buy some groceries, and cook some food.

    All right I see your point here. I AM 18. I'm not going to get a job. I don't need to. My mom and I usually eat pasta, breads, frozen things like pierogies, or rotisserie chicken, salads, whatever. What am I supposed to eat, freaking quinoa or something?

    I hate teenagers these days.....

    Must be nice to have everything given to you. If I wanted a cell phone, etc...I had to pay for it. I had a job at 14. 11 if you count babysitting.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Everyone's getting pissed at me. It's weird being the only person who ISN'T a health nut, and my mom and friends would call you guys health nuts and if I started to act like you all, my mom would freak on me.
    I was looking over all the forums on this site and getting really overwhelmed and frustrated. There are so many different things going on on this site, and I struggle to find a way to easily fit new ideas in my lifestyle.
    Maybe it's just this particular day that makes it seem that I eat poorly.
    I eat sandwiches often--on whole grain bread with turkey and 1 slice of cheese, and some veggies like a bag of carrots or snap peas, and fruit. I actually don't eat lean cuisines a lot at ALL. I ate one yesterday and today, but it's the first time I've eaten them in a few months. I guess home cooking can be just as bad though. And my mom isn't one to compromise on taste.
    I guess I'm realizing there's a lot of sugar in the snacks I nonfat yogurt and fiber 1 bars. I have a sweet tooth.
    Whatever, I hate when people gang up on me. So I'd appreciate it if you'd stop, and maybe try to help instead. Sorry I got snippy.

    How can we help, if you are completely closed off and unwilling to listen to the advice? I see a lot of good advice being given, and you're ignoring every one of them.

    Cut back on your sugar intake. No, it's not "w/e". It's important. Log your fruits. Log EVERYTHING. Eat more lean protein and good fats, like avocados, olive oil, and nuts. Convince your mom to cook healthier, or cook for yourself. It's that easy.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    dont listen to what everyone tells you! i had lean cousine for dinner with a bag of steam veggies! pretty darn tasty and low cal. do what works for you. i had half a pizza last night for dinner. everyone on here would be like, omg! but i did an hour of exercise and was in my calorie goal. and i have lost almost 50 pounds in 3 months. so if its that horrible, then why am i still losing? humm?

    I really want to know what forums you two are reading. I really do. Hummmm? People here overall seem more obsessed with letting people know not to eat too little and to eat in moderation and not to cut things out of their diets.


    But you two do sound like you'd be a good friend match if either of you are looking.

    (I am happy to be more of a health nut than not, but I never harass people about what they are eating. People have to find their own ways.)
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    Everyone's getting pissed at me. It's weird being the only person who ISN'T a health nut, and my mom and friends would call you guys health nuts and if I started to act like you all, my mom would freak on me.
    I was looking over all the forums on this site and getting really overwhelmed and frustrated. There are so many different things going on on this site, and I struggle to find a way to easily fit new ideas in my lifestyle.
    Maybe it's just this particular day that makes it seem that I eat poorly.
    I eat sandwiches often--on whole grain bread with turkey and 1 slice of cheese, and some veggies like a bag of carrots or snap peas, and fruit. I actually don't eat lean cuisines a lot at ALL. I ate one yesterday and today, but it's the first time I've eaten them in a few months. I guess home cooking can be just as bad though. And my mom isn't one to compromise on taste.
    I guess I'm realizing there's a lot of sugar in the snacks I nonfat yogurt and fiber 1 bars. I have a sweet tooth.
    Whatever, I hate when people gang up on me. So I'd appreciate it if you'd stop, and maybe try to help instead. Sorry I got snippy.

    I think people were trying to help you until you seemed to have your mind set and not really want to listen to what people were telling you. If you are going to rely on your moms cooking then you have to deal with the fact sometimes mom doesnt cook healthy. If you want to change your eating habits, buy your own food and make it. I have an 18 yr old daughter who also doesnt "have" to work but she chooses to work 2 jobs and go to college because she wants things and she cant rely on mom and dads checkbook. So if you want to change, get out there and change. Your diary doesnt look bad, I would be worried you arent eating enough but I am not against processed food. I am not "ganging" up on you as you say, just pointing out some facts to you
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Stop being mean. So I had a bad day and ranted online and I shouldn't have done that.
    Just stop
    I did have a job. And I babysit. I have money. I'm a volunteer. I'm a good person.
    So stop beating me down. I acted immature. Okay. That's it. Stop.
    It's not about money. My parents have the money to buy health food if that's what you think I should do.
    But whatever.

    Can you clarify what you want from us? You said you refuse to change how you eat. What advice are you looking for?
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