atomiclauren Member


  • Fitbit and MFP have never synced reliably for me, despite all the things I am doing correctly apparently. If I disconnect/reconnect, sometimes it will sync that one time, but it always falls off after that. This has been going on shortly after I first connected Fitbit, almost 9 months ago. Frustrating and never a solution.…
  • Yeah - I totally forgot about groups here - until right now! :o
  • MDI - I just can't bring myself to get a pump. And yeah, the abdomen picture - eeeep!
  • So the household number has risen from 5 to 7 fairly recently - but one is for sale and one is in pieces so that's better, right? :)
  • Welcome to the group! Type 1 Houstonian here too!
  • Three for me and five in the household. At the moment, a road, mountain, and 29er mountain. Looking to switch out the reg mountain for a simple simple old fixer upper (coaster brakes, single speed if possible). That way I have three bikes to cover three different riding situations.
  • Now that I've had them for about 7 months I have gotten much better at taking them in and out and they hurt much less (not sure if I'm just better at it or if they just don't fit as tightly as the first few sets). I have been pretty good about sticking to my goals and if I haven't, well, I can't blame the Invisalign :-\…
  • Good advice so far! Exercise definitely helps my blood sugar and if I eat carbs I stay away from "white" ones (potatoes, rice, and so on) - they hit me harder.
  • I forget to check the groups...but I'm here!
  • ^I sometimes chew (sugar free) gum in between, depending on what I eat/drink (it does a decent job "cleaning" my teeth and is so much easier).
  • Well, about 5 months in and so far so good, though I have to be careful to not eat MORE when they're out to make up for not eating when they're in! :\
  • I started yesterday so I am slowly trying to figure out tricks of the trade to make things less annoying. So far, I think this will help with my weight loss as I can't just "grab a bite to eat" anymore! I've tried drinking non-water drinks with a straw and so far so good - anyone else have any tips?
  • Thanks for the reply! I am going to play with it until I get to the doctor for a prescription to go back to Novolog, but yeah, I think that'll be the best option in the long run..
    in Apidra Comment by atomiclauren May 2013
  • ^I really hope some pharma jumps on that soon! This is a pretty handy tool to keep tabs on dates, too (though some of the abbreviations/terminology/listings I don't quite get for some drugs):
  • On second thought, since I probably already know their answer (10 mL bottle is just too much "extra"), I think I'll ask for a change in prescription to the pens - 3mL so I *should* be able to get closer to what I need (maybe I'll call and confirm *that*). They're easy to carry around and about as easy to pull insulin from…
  • Exactly - I'm going to call mine just for fun and see what reason they give me for not allowing me to have a month's supply..
  • I started a new job last year - I now pay $35 copay per bottle of Levemir - I need more than one bottle/month so instead of letting me have two, I just get to refill my prescription earlier and pay the copay again. I recently switched to Apidra and there hasn't been any copay (I get and only need one bottle/month). For…
  • Sounds like you have everything in place! I think walking at work is a good idea - I need to get back in to that. Not sure where you work in med center but I noticed that even when it got hot outside, it was pretty easy to find outside routes that were shaded from buildings, and also a lot of air conditioned…
  • Does your state (or wherever you live) have a high risk insurance pool? Sometimes that can be an option if you meet the criteria (for example, here's Texas':
  • Thanks! I'll send a message!
  • Native Hou here!
  • ^That time of the month - everything just goes out the window! I'm working toward eating as low carb as possible - I had done it a while back (50 or less grams/day) and I took less insulin (short and long acting) and lost weight much easier. Oh, and my blood sugars were easier to handle and I felt good!
  • I always have to take some no matter what I eat, though I don't know how much is nutrient conversion vs my blood sugar just wanting to go up - Levemir (and Lantus) just doesn't do that great a job for me after a certain point (I tried twice/day without luck but I may revisit that again soon).
  • Oh snap - he has been diabetic for over 65 years! This is the study he was a part of: Shoot, in 2 years I can be a 25 year medalist!
  • There are so many studies and anecdotal things out there it's hard to say what the hell's going to happen! I know that if your A1C is good but only because your highs are offset with lows, it doesn't matter - I've also read that spikes are worse than long term highs (?). Anecdotally, I've read the story of an older…
  • I've dealt with it for 20+ years (diagnosed at almost 10, almost 33 now) and just when I think I've gotten down a good regimen, something gets screwed up! For example, out of the blue I started having morning highs (just gradual increase, no middle of the night lows with a rebound). After finding out that exactly ONE more…
  • Woops, forgot to mention this is in Houston TX.
  • I went to a private Montessori school for a couple years - today's tuition is about $11k/year (they go up to 9th grade). I paid less for college and almost less for grad school :sick:
  • Good music, a stick of gum, and a large bottle of water. I'm also able to weave in and around streets so I tend to pass very little retail..