

  • Had severe bloody diarrhea for a couple months, went away for two years then came back worse. I was then diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. My Dr started me on 6 pills a day of Asacol. Within two weeks I was having completely normal bowel movements again with no pain. I then began decreasing my dosage (doctors orders) and…
    in Asacol Comment by ermahampton April 2014
  • I was extremely addicted to sugar once. My best advice is to simply quite. Yes, it's Extremely hard, but in the long run it's the easiest way because once a couple of days have passed (different for each and everyone of us) but usually between 7-21 days we simply won't crave sugar anymore. Don't buy any sugary food, and…
  • I stopped Cymbalta last Feb., and I am STILL losing weight!! I have lost nearly 70 pounds now, and they kept telling me that I was eating too much. Different people react differently to medications, Anyway to know side effects, drug interactions you can visit here
  • Here is a list of bad carbs
  • Here is a list of good carbs and bad carbs
  • I got terrible gout and played ice hockey when it first appeared. I'd be out of the lineup for weeks. The Doc had me on various medicines... none worked. I read about Allopurinol on a web search, suggested it to him. Only time I feel the gout coming is when I forget my daily dose. It been 10 years of success with no side…
  • Use this height and weight chart to check if you're the right weight for your height
  • I had been an alcoholic for over 12 years. I tried AA, counseling, therapy, quitting by myself. Thank God, my doctor decided to try me with Acamprosate after going to the hospital several times and detox. I bought Acamprosate here, This drug is amazing, I have not had…
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