Mine seems to change on a weekly basis. But it's probably a giant bowl of pasta.
Currently 35lbs in 3.5 months.
My roommate takes Korean Red Ginseng. He says it has helped his energy a lot. Without the sugar/caffeine jitters.
I personally chew gum to curb the cravings.
Maple Syrup Vaccine
Run or Walk on a treadmill. Stupid knee injury. Walking and Running and back at legs next week.
It's killing me right now. I hurt my knee over a month ago. And I am waiting on the MRI results. So I have been forced to only work on upper body. I hate it. I have never wanted to do squats so much in my life. I have been on the seated exercise bike to at least try to get some leg work in.
I have a hat problem. So I set the goal of every 10lbs I lose to buy a new hat. Got 2 hats so far and will get 5 more by the end of the year. I like setting small goals and working towards the big goal.
Zombies Run 5K is great and fun. I can't wait to complete my 5K then start up on the full version.