PecorinoRomano Member


  • My thoughts on L2D1: THIS B*TCH IS CRAZY!! After collapsing on the floor in a pool of my own sweat and tears I am seriously questioning this woman's sanity as well as my own. But then I remembered that I lost 2 pounds on level 1 so I guess I have no other choice but to plow through! Only 9 more days of this you say?!…
  • You are not far behind at all! I'm just starting level 2 today. Keep it up!!!
  • I took a rest day yesterday so I will be doing day 10 today. I was around 116.4 when I started 30DS and when I weighed myself this morning I was 114.8!! I have been trying to lose these last 10 pounds for what feels like forever and I am SHOCKED by how quickly I have dropped. I am super pumped to start level 2 tomorrow.
  • Thanks Anna! I think I was just having a rough day. I did day 8 last night and felt awesome haha. I am now leaning toward moving on. Plus, after 8 days it's getting kind of monotonous, I'm looking forward to a new workout!
  • Here's my go-to lemon chicken recipe. Prep is ~10 minutes, the rest is just letting it bake. Each serving is just under 300 calories depending on what kind of breadcrumb/butter, etc. you use. Baked Lemon & Garlic Chicken for Two 2 chicken breasts 1/4 cup lemon juice 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp pepper 1 tsp oregano or basil 2…
  • I love the daily check-ins! Today was tough, I'm starting to wonder if I will need to do level 1 more than 10 days. I don't want to move on to level 2 before my body is ready for it! I guess we will see how the next three days go. Keep it up all!
  • Welcome and good luck!! Glad to have you here! I am Mrs.Coyote on Weddingbee. :)
  • I just finished today's workout and I also worked out yesterday too. Woo! I did JM again and am already noticing that I can do a bit more of the workouts and have to take less breaks. Bring it on!
  • I'm on day 2 and that's exactly what I'm doing with my weights as well. That third circuit is a killer!
  • Yum, that sounds amazing!! I will definitely have to try that. I've been on a veggie and dip kick lately. I made a dip that's not TOO awful for you, just fat free sour cream mixed with some italian seasoning.
  • Yup I'm doing 30 day shred again tonight. I did day 1 last night and oh man, I am hurting today. Do you ladies plan on working out over the weekend? DH is probably going to drag me for a run either Saturday or Sunday. Ugh.
  • Hah, Alex I posted just as you did! I have tried many times to get all the way through the 30 day shred, but I am lazy and always give up a few weeks in. The longest I did it was 18 days and I noticed a HUGE difference in that short period of time. So yea, it definitely works if you have the motivation to stick with it.
  • Hey, thanks for getting this group together Sarah! I hear ya on the small frame. I'm 5'0" and my goal weight is somewhere around 105-110. I was up to 130 at my heaviest and I'm currently at 115, so just looking to drop those last 5-10 pounds. What kind of workouts is everyone doing? I'm really self-conscious at the gym, so…
  • I feel the same way. I would LOVE to do it in the mornings, but I am the first one up in my teeny apartment and I know will wake everyone up with my bouncing around. :( I have missed 2 days, but am going to get back into tonight. You can do it!!
  • You can do it! I am trying to lose those last pesky 10 pounds as well.I know it's tough, but stick with it! I'm on here every day, commenting and encouraging so feel free to add me if you are looking for more MFP friends!
  • Today is day 17 for me! I have taken 3 rest days so far. Glad to see some others still hanging in there. :)
  • 1) I haven't finished it yet, I'm about halfway through the program right now. I started out with 2 lb weights, but found that it wasn't very challenging. After a few days I moved up to 5 lbs weights and have been using them ever since. I know a few people who are using 8 lb weights, so I think it's just depends on what…
  • First of all -- High Five! I just finished Day 15 as well. From the photo it looks like I am just a little bit heavier than you, but not much so here's my experience so far: No movement on the scale, just a pound or two. My photo from Day 1 and Day 10 look very similar and it was kind of disappointing. BUT I took my…
  • Wow, awesome! Thanks for sharing. I'd be interested in trying this after I finished my run through of 30DS and Ripped in 30.
  • Goonies never say die! ...Sorry I don't have an answer to your actual question, I just love that movie! Hope someone else around here can help you out. :laugh:
  • Hi all! My name is Tina and I'm a 27 year old newlywed from NYC. I actually already started the program a few days ago, but I am giving myself a few rest days here and there so I am sure some of you will catch up with me! It can be tough finding time to work out -- I have a 1.5 hr commute from the city to our apartment in…
  • I am at the end of level 1, but am always looking for new 30 day shred friends to keep me motivated!! Feel free to add me. For everyone just starting out, I really thought I was going to die after the first two workouts, but my endurance has increased SO much and now I can almost do the whole workout without stopping. I…
  • Definitely wear shoes! I tried it 3 days without and my feet and shins hurt so badly. Have done it 3 more days WITH shoes and feel loads better.
  • Good luck everyone! I am on day 7 and loving it! Effulgence, I am using 4 lb weights and it's definitely a workout!
  • Hi there! I started last week and am doing day 7 tonight! Already lost 2 pounds and can definitely see an improvement in my endurance. Looking forward to pushing through this week and starting level 2 this weekend!
  • Hi everyone! Just saw this thread! I am on lvl1day6... Still can only do knee push-ups but I can do SO many more since I started last week. I've been staying away from the scale and the measuring tape, but I'm definitely feeling it (so sore!) and every day I feel like I can do a little bit more of the routine without…
  • We had a retirement party for a co-worker today. Tons of junky food; donuts, cookies, cake, etc. I took a chicken thigh, a small portion of salmon, lots of salad and ONE milano cookie. Prior to counting calories on MFP I probably would have had seconds of everything (including the cake)! ;) So proud of myself!
  • Hi there! I'm doing day 3 tonight and am happy to partner up with you to keep each other accountable! It's so, so easy to just come home from work and plop on the couch so it's great to have someone else to do it with!
  • I just started last night. Definitely feeling sore today, but glad to connect with others who are working on it too!