lovescontrary Member


  • There are things in life that are negotiable and things that are not. Going to work, feeding the pets or kids, etc are not negotiable. You need to move exercise into the not negotiable category and just do it. If you have to decide each day, and/or convince yourself each day, you will struggle and probably fail. Decide…
  • Personally, I have seen my weight vary as much as 18 lbs in a day, from inflammation, etc. The scale, especially short term changes, is not the best measure of your progress. I put more value on my hip measurement.
  • isometrics against a ball or object that you squeeze using ankle weights and raising your lower leg while laying on your side buying a home resistance thinggy that you squeeze with your legs If you can get out to the gym or pool, swim breaststroke or use a multihip machine
  • Weight can be very chaotic. When you lose fat, the fat cells tend to hold on to fluid and only shrink, up to months, later than the actual fat loss. Exercise can increase lean mass, and that actually weighs more per volume than fat. And changes in inflammation, edema, and bowl function can change your weight dramatically…
  • I have been a vegetarian for 45 years. I never think about protein. It is really easy to get enough and most Americans eat way more than they need.
  • Hi, I too have had celiac all my lie, but only realized it a decade or so ago. Since going gluten free so many health issues have benefited, but my weight has gone through the roof. I now need to lose 80 lbs. I would love to connect with others. I have believed that my improved absorption and digestion was a factor in my…