Did not loose anything .. WTF !!!

I am mortified !! Kept to diet & exercise all week and scales say u have lost nothing :((( I can't understand what I have done wrong ??? I was 4751 calories under my weekly target ???


  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Weight loss is not linear. Meaning, it doesn't always work how you think it should. Last week, by the numbers, I should've lost 1 lb. Instead I gained 3. Less than a week later, I've already lost that 3 and expect to lose more before my weigh-in. Don't get discouraged, just keep at it!
  • drewboy30
    drewboy30 Posts: 32 Member
    i will keep at it but I am so disappointed .. all the effort i have put into it :((
  • Ayirela
    Ayirela Posts: 204 Member
    Did you check your measurements? You may have gained some muscle mass while losing fat and therefore there might be some hidden inches that you wouldn't notice without a tape measure. :)
  • drewboy30
    drewboy30 Posts: 32 Member
    Not checked measurements although I am not doing any weights at the moment just Cardio .. would i still gain muscle ??
  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    Not checked measurements although I am not doing any weights at the moment just Cardio .. would i still gain muscle ??

    Cardio work burns calories-CAN result in reduction of mass (some fat/some muscle)

    A good weight training program will increase muscle mass, the increase in muscle mass will reduce body fat for hours after the workout is complete.

    For beginners check out:



  • chrisjathompson
    chrisjathompson Posts: 227 Member
    Are you weighing yourself at the same time each time? I fluctuate all day long up to 6 lbs.

    Did you have a lot of salt in your diet today and the day before you weighed? Maybe you are holding a lot of water.

    Like the other person said, take measurements. Also, take photos, they help too.

    You must at least feel better? I don't see a difference on myself yet, but I do notice everyday it's easier to get off the couch, easier to get out of bed, don't have to sleep as much, I am more alert, ect.
  • Ayirela
    Ayirela Posts: 204 Member
    Honestly, I do not know if you'll gain muscle mass or not with cardio, but it is worth checking your inches. Some people lose inches before pounds. :) Worth checking!
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    I am mortified !! Kept to diet & exercise all week and scales say u have lost nothing :((( I can't understand what I have done wrong ??? I was 4751 calories under my weekly target ???

    You need to open your diary so people can see.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    Not checked measurements although I am not doing any weights at the moment just Cardio .. would i still gain muscle ??

    Not in one week that would result in no weightloss at all, no.
  • lovescontrary
    lovescontrary Posts: 8 Member
    Weight can be very chaotic. When you lose fat, the fat cells tend to hold on to fluid and only shrink, up to months, later than the actual fat loss. Exercise can increase lean mass, and that actually weighs more per volume than fat. And changes in inflammation, edema, and bowl function can change your weight dramatically in the short term. Really, don't worry about short term weight changes. Do the right things and be patient.
  • phildawson75
    phildawson75 Posts: 205 Member
    Chances are he'll be losing (or maintaining) muscle rather than gaining muscle on a deficit. The body doesn't have muscle building as a priority when you are taking less than your TDEE. When you lose fat your muscles are more defined giving the impression they are bigger though.

    It'll probably just be down to what you ate the day before or exercise.

    If you've accurately logged that amount over a week that's just over a pound lost.
  • Kabijots
    Kabijots Posts: 218 Member
    If you had a deficit of 4751 over the course of the week, that's on average 679 a day below. Seems an awful lot to be under?

    Try eating to the calories MFP has suggested (and eat back exercise calories) and see if that helps?

    This is a lifestyle change and not a'diet' and you certainly shouldn't be *starving yourself (*figure of speech! I am sure you aren't actually starving yourself).

    Besides as others have said... losing weight is not linear. Weigh yourself monthly only so you can check that the overall trend is downwards. Plus take your measurements with a tape and see if you are losing inches.

    Other than that, just live your life and enjoy it! Don't get obsessed with the scales. Good luck
  • cerenia
    cerenia Posts: 74 Member
    I gained weight over the last week, was well under calories, but lost 2 inches off bust and waist, and 1.5 inch off hips from doing cardio workouts 6 days last week, could be that you've gained muscle.
  • tlynnweb
    tlynnweb Posts: 201 Member
    I was up almost 3 lbs this week too and very bummed. That being said, I did track but I ate a couple of things that sent me over a few days. I know I need to make some more changes in that department but it was my first week back and trying to track. The things I went over on shouldn't have made me gain almost 3 lbs though. So yes, I feel ya on the discouraged part!!! I had gone through and set my goals according to this link that people say to use called www.scooby???? something like that. Maybe I'll just go back to what MFP says. Keep on trucking! Maybe we'll have a bigger loss this week??? Ugh!!!

    Oh and as far as gaining muscle mass. The answer to that is probably not! I remember Jillian Michaels telling people that it takes months of serious lifting to gain that much muscle. It's most likely the muscles are shocked from the working out and have retained fluid.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    A week? What's the hurry? This is a long haul. Patience.
  • Susie0307
    Susie0307 Posts: 31 Member
    It can get discouraging, but keep at it. I agree tho - make sure you're eating enough so your body isn't going into a starvation mode. I wasn't losing at 1300 cals as I think my body needed more fuel, but I am losing now on 1400. ALSO, make sure you're drinking LOTS of water so your body isn't retaining it by not having enough. Sometimes I have no loss one week (or a slight gain) with doing all the right things. Then BAM a pound or more the next week. Weigh & measure your food too! Good luck.
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    could be a lot of things. you could be underestimating your calories and/or overestimating how much you are exercising. you could be retaining water from sodium or carbohydrate intake. you could have weighed yourself when your intestines are filled with waste you haven't gotten rid of (also water logged).

    give it more time than a week before you start questioning your routine. buy a food scale and weigh/measure everything out. don't eat food from places where you are guessing your serving sizes (like eating out or getting delivery). if you work out an hour, record 45 minutes instead. you could even try adding a couple hundred calories to your diary every day at the end just to make sure you aren't underestimating (or at least by as much).

    if you think you are doing everything correctly, then give it more time before you start panicking.
  • drewboy30
    drewboy30 Posts: 32 Member
    I am mortified !! Kept to diet & exercise all week and scales say u have lost nothing :((( I can't understand what I have done wrong ??? I was 4751 calories under my weekly target ???

    You need to open your diary so people can see.

    Diary now open for all .. sorry thought it was :(
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I am mortified !! Kept to diet & exercise all week and scales say u have lost nothing :((( I can't understand what I have done wrong ??? I was 4751 calories under my weekly target ???

    One week is not something to worry about. It can be frustrating, but averaged over time you will lose if you are in caloric deficit.
  • drewboy30
    drewboy30 Posts: 32 Member
    could be a lot of things. you could be underestimating your calories and/or overestimating how much you are exercising. you could be retaining water from sodium or carbohydrate intake. you could have weighed yourself when your intestines are filled with waste you haven't gotten rid of (also water logged).

    give it more time than a week before you start questioning your routine. buy a food scale and weigh/measure everything out. don't eat food from places where you are guessing your serving sizes (like eating out or getting delivery). if you work out an hour, record 45 minutes instead. you could even try adding a couple hundred calories to your diary every day at the end just to make sure you aren't underestimating (or at least by as much).

    if you think you are doing everything correctly, then give it more time before you start panicking.

    Thanks for the advice mate .. I do weigh everything or use the scanner on the bar code for foods. I am quite strict that I get it right. I time my workouts either on the machine or my using other apps linked to MFP so I get a good indication of calorie burn.

    The water idea is a possible cause and I think I need to drink more.