inner thighs

Aymzc Posts: 159 Member
My inner thighs were all wobbly and need help with what exercises are best for toning this area. I do squats and lunges but not sure they target this area.
I also do zumba and a military style circuit class.
I'm looking for exercises to do at home as I don't go to the gym.


  • pollyineedtobeskinny
    Try 30DS at home... My thighs toned up !! :smile:
  • luvred51
    luvred51 Posts: 163 Member
    I need help too, bump to read later.
  • lovescontrary
    lovescontrary Posts: 8 Member
    isometrics against a ball or object that you squeeze
    using ankle weights and raising your lower leg while laying on your side
    buying a home resistance thinggy that you squeeze with your legs

    If you can get out to the gym or pool, swim breaststroke or use a multihip machine