

  • Not without causing yourself some serious health problems and collapsing long before you reached your goal. Youre looking to lose just under 5 lbs/week at that pace, and you need to short yourself 3000 calories from your calorie requirements (approx.) to lose a single pound. That means you'd have to short yourself 15000…
  • Calories in, calories out. If you want to lose 12 pounds by July 1. You have 7 weeks - that makes 1.5 lbs per week (roughly). Set your goal in Fitness Pal to lose 2 lbs per week so you have room to spare, and ensure you set your diet to meet your calorie goals. After that, any cardio you burn should be a bonus to help…
  • It doesn't matter if you're posting anonymously or not: you are airing out your dirty laundry. How would you feel if your husband posted an anonymous blog saying that he doesn't find you attractive anymore? Good? This is utterly childish. What's wrong with your marriage is you.
  • Just about a year ago I made myself a deal: I could eat whatever I wanted as long as I kept under 1500 calories/day. I lost 20 pounds in a couple of months (without going to the gym). Since then, I've eased off the gas a little and added the gym, but the same principle applies. Control the calories, earn extra calories…
  • First thing in the morning - only time of day that you are (nearly) guaranteed not to be interrupted or pulled away by something else, especially when you have kids. Wake up at 4:30, at the gym by 5:00, work out until 6:00, back by 6:30 so you can be there for your little one. Go after work, or something similar, and…
  • Don't beat yourself up over 2 lbs. Your body's not a bank, and it doesn't always follow the plan. I'd say stick to your regime and stay off the scale for at least a week or two. Next time you check, you should have made progress. If not, then maybe see a doctor to see if there's something wrong.