

  • Hey girl, wow that's awesome news!!! So excited for you :) NYC is an awesome place to be. There's so much to do not to mention foodie spots to visit heheh. I'm gonna send you an inbox soon!!! ciao :)
  • Oh that's awesome! I'm also trying to get into running, good luck!
  • Hi Noma, Good to have you on here. I'm happy to see more of our people on MFP and getting healthier. It's a great site to support each other and share in our journey. Welcome :)
  • Hi Marina, I hear you on that. Going on 40 too so it's high time to get my body in order before its too late. I'd be happy to recommend some spots for you to visit in NYC, that's where I'm celebrating next year too, it'll be good to go home :)
  • Hi Tanya! Good thing we're friends on here it's great to see everyone's personal journey :) thanks for sharing!
  • Awesome! Glad it helped :)
  • bumb for the interesting stuff
  • Hi, I've just been talking to two friends on how I've lost my motivation to go to the gym or drag someone there to drive me. I came out of a 2 week funk and my motivation hasn't picked up yet so I needed to read this today. Thanks for the reminder!
  • Quinoa recipes! Enjoy! http://allrecipes.com/recipes/healthy-recipes/super-foods/whole-grains/quinoa/top.aspx
  • thanks for that story, we all have self esteem issues that stems with body consciousness. For a long time I was in denial that I was gaining weight. It happened almost overnight and I was shocked when I looked at my pics 6 months later. Hope we can enocurage each other every day!
  • Hi guys, it's awesome to find more people from similar cultures and I'm hoping to get more people and more conversations of support and motivation to help each other out. Thanks for joining!!
  • Hi David, Welcome! Thank you for being part of our group. We are all here for support and motivation. Have a read around, I've comprised many things I've taken from many folks on MFP and put it together to share with everyone. Hope they can help you :)
  • amazing transformation. i keep motivated by people like you :) great job!
  • Bump for future reference. Great thread :)
    in Indian Food Comment by eag264 May 2013
  • Here's a great site for healthy meals under 500 Calories!! http://www.fitsugar.com/Healthy-Recipes-Under-500-Calories-30403413
  • A VERY USEFUL TOOL to figure out HOW MANY CALORIES your activities can burn. Use it! http://calorielab.com/burned/
    in Exercise Tips Comment by eag264 May 2013
  • Hi Rhonda, and welcome! Hope you are able to get some helpful and interesting information from this site. It's good to have a new member and I would love to know how you lost 40 lbs!! If you need anything, just let me know. Feel free to add me :) Cheers, Liz
  • schweppes also has flavored mineral water in orange and passionfruit. Only 78 cals per 250ml (1 cup) Pretty good!
  • such an amazing story, thanks for sharing. I get distracted at times and a few moments here and there I wonder what the hard work is all for when I can't even lose as much as I thought I would...but now I can see that in a year's time or two can have a significant change as long as I keep at it and be diligent.
  • Awesome I'll check it out! Thanks!
  • 1200 a day is just too much for me and many other's who have testified on our message boards. Don't really know what your starting weight and goal weights are and everyone's different but check out this post i took from message boards about the whole thing. Take a read and then decide for yourself. good luck!…
  • Hi there, It took me a while to find out and figure out about BMR and TDEE formula. I found all this information reading message boards and blogs, there's so much info floating around that I bookmarked the best ones to read. Here's a few that can help. Good luck!…
  • I'm not sure about macros so can't help you there but as far as I know, there's no way to track the time you eat. What I do is label my meal names under times. Breakfast I place times 6am - 9am, mid day snack (9am - 12), lunch (12 - 3pm) and so on. You can just break it down to times only and then log your meals according…
  • Anytime girlie :) we're here to share coz we care! :D
  • So! For anyone brave enough to take up your running shoes and try to ease into running, there's a group on here called C25K (Couch to 5K) who train you to follow a daily plan to get you running. It's really cool, I've joined them and will see if that's something I can try. Always wanted to try running but was out of shape…
  • bump great stuff!
  • Loads of IMPORTANT information - lots of READING. (taken from: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/833026-important-posts-to-read The Basics http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/819925-the-basics-don-t-complicate-it http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/841305-corn-used-my-man-parts-as-a-speedbag Setting Your…
  • How to calculate your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) This is your BASE metabolic rate, this means this is the bare minimum of your metabolic rate. This is what you would burn if you where in a coma. http://www.exrx.net/Calculators/CalRequire.html http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/ To Calculate TDEE (Total Daily Energy…
  • Hey Bettyeditor (or anyone else) When resetting your metabolism, how long do you do this for? Im unsure if someone trying to lose 100 lbs should be eating at 1800-2000 caloreis a day, or do the metabolism reset. Would love more information on this. I've been eating 1500 a day for 8 weeks now, exercising 3-4 times a week…