crowefoot Member


  • Zucchini fritters. Thing potato pancakes, but with zucchini instead. Delicious and much better for you.
  • Are you matching your carbs with a sizable amount of protein? I've found that I do best at a 1:1 ratio (or higher) of protein to carbs. I just saw my dietician and reset my goals to about 120g carbs and 140g protein a day. You might check in with a health professional and see what they think.
  • I have an alarm set on my phone to remind me to eat every two hours, otherwise my blood sugar goes insane. Which is sad, because traditionally I've preferred large, infrequent meals.
  • I have guidelines given to me by a dietician: no more than 30 grams of carbs per meal, balanced by at least 15 grams of protein, and halve that for snacks. I'll visit with her again after a few more weeks of trial and error to see how things work very specifically for me—I've already found that 30 grams of carbs is too…
  • I forgot to mention, I'm deathly allergic to tree nuts and have a milder reaction to fruits in the peach family, which further reduces my intake. Sadly, tea is one of the few things that I can't stand any hint of sweetness in. The reason I need to watch total carbs even more than GI is my discovery that I can't eat an…
  • Lots of small meals will help, too. When I joined MFP I was just watching my cholesterol/trying to lose weight, and I had a hard time sticking to the 1500 calories the dietician outlined for me. I've since been diagnosed with reactive hypoglycemia and have been forced to cut sugar and starch from my diet and to eat every…
  • 5'7" and my realistic goal is 160, a touch under my pre-pregnancy weight. Ideal goal would be about 145. I have broad shoulders, broad hips, and have always been busty, so I'd be happy if I could comfortably wear my size 14 pants again. I'm currently comfy in 18s.
  • Garlic naan. Pita and hummus. Pasta. Caramel bread pudding. I don't care about the calories, I just miss bread. It's honestly harder for me to avoid starch than sugar.
  • I was finally diagnosed with hypoglycemia after ten months off work due to constant, crippling dizziness. It was a self-perpetuating cycle of feeling bad, eating easy comfort food, and feeling bad. Still, I metabolize strangely, so it didn't show up until I had a five-hour glucose tolerance test. My fasting baseline was 82…