my daily calories = really hard to stay within!

so i'm allowed 1570 or so calories per day. I have a really hard time staying within that, but only by 100-200. I know i'm not making the BEST decisions... but i'm definetely not making bad ones! I save enough calories to eat something i really want, but then i still can't stay within that... either because i'm hungry, or just feel like i should be eating, since that's what i'm used to. Habit i guess.

anyone find their "allowed" calories too little? i've gone from probably 3000-4000 per day down to 1570 so it's really taking some getting used to.... and I realize i ate way more than i should have before i started with MFP. I think most people eat around 2000 calories per day, to maintain their weight... i just feel like i'm starving.

Just looking for tips on how to stop going over my calories. I exercise a bit here and there, but that still doesn't put me under.


  • kazsjourney
    kazsjourney Posts: 263 Member
    Maybe set it for a smaller deficit. If using MFPs recommendations...if set for a 1 pound loss per week maybe change it to a half pound loss. I think tho partly you need to decide this is worth it and come up with ways for dealing when you want more then your have a cup of tea or glass of water...go clean your teeth...go do some exercise...or preoccupy yourself with something else :)
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    One thing is to open your diary so people can make food suggestions for you. You can eat 1500 calories that leave you hungry or you can eat 1500 calories that keeps you satiated. If you've just started this journey then it will take a bit for your body to get used to your new level of eating as well. Drink lots of water, eat proteins to keep you feeling full longer, lots of veggies and fruits and avoid empty calories like breads, pasta and cereals. Not that they are bad for you but they don't provide you with long term feelings of fullness.
  • hrtchoco
    hrtchoco Posts: 156 Member
    Try make better food. There was once I made a huge pot of fried rice, it was only 600 ish calories. My husband was beyond full after eating it. Actually, he had to split it into two meals.
  • batgirl_273
    batgirl_273 Posts: 70 Member
    replacement behaviour - i like it!

    i caved today when i was visiting my mom's house... i had already eaten dinner, but she offered me some of her homecooked leftovers. i had just a few small bites but it was an extra 200 calories that threw me over! i felt instant guilt, ran home to enter it on MFP then hopped on my bike for 15 mins. still wasn't good enough.
  • batgirl_273
    batgirl_273 Posts: 70 Member
    One thing is to open your diary so people can make food suggestions for you. You can eat 1500 calories that leave you hungry or you can eat 1500 calories that keeps you satiated. If you've just started this journey then it will take a bit for your body to get used to your new level of eating as well. Drink lots of water, eat proteins to keep you feeling full longer, lots of veggies and fruits and avoid empty calories like breads, pasta and cereals. Not that they are bad for you but they don't provide you with long term feelings of fullness.

    i think my diary is open to friends... i did just start MFP so i'm trying to figure this all out still, including how the website works!
    i'm happy with my results so far, 5 lbs in a week is huge to me, but some days i just feel hungry/empty/wanting more... and it sometimes isn't even because i'm hungry, i just feel like i need to make the motions of eating or constantly be stuffing my face with food/drink. Its like an addiction. Think i'm in withdrawal stage!!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    replacement behaviour - i like it!

    i caved today when i was visiting my mom's house... i had already eaten dinner, but she offered me some of her homecooked leftovers. i had just a few small bites but it was an extra 200 calories that threw me over! i felt instant guilt, ran home to enter it on MFP then hopped on my bike for 15 mins. still wasn't good enough.

    Maybe in the future if that happens again, take the leftovers home and eat them the next day instead of right then and there. That way you still get to eat them, but you don't end up eating dinner twice.
  • snowflake8am
    I don't know if you drink any calories, but if you do and you cut them out of your diet and replace them with sparkling water, regular water, hot tea, even diet soda it would help!

    Good luck and keep it up!
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    It might be the foods you're eating. If you eat good, healthy food, 1570/day is very doable and can even leave you stuffed. If you eat a bunch of sugary junk that's basically empty calories, then you'll still be very hungry at the end of the day.

    But, like someone else said, if you find that 1570 is too much of an adjustment for you from what you were doing before, change your goal to a slower weight loss pace (like from 2 lbs/week to 1 lb/week, or from 1 lb/week to 0.5 lb/week). That will give you a smaller calorie deficit and will give you more calories to eat each day. (It'll also mean slower weight loss though, but that's fine and slow weight loss is actually very healthy.) But if your goal is already at the slowest weight loss pace (0.5 lb/week),'re going to have to learn to get accustomed to 1570 if weight loss is important to you. Prepare healthy, filling meals, don't eat junk that's empty calories, don't drink a lot of your calories, and exercise regularly so you can eat back those calories too.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    It sounds like you've basically cut your calorie consumption in half, which is a huge adjustment.
    When I feel like I want more food, I add lots of high-volume, low-calorie foods to a meal (usually veggies). Instead of having a plate of pasta, I cook a single serving of pasta and add in lots of sauteed veggies and chickpeas. When I make a taco salad, I have a serving and a half of tortilla chips, and then I cover them with a ton of lettuce. I still eat all the foods that I want, but I bump of the volume with healthy choices.

    But since this is such a drastic change for you, you may want to consider changing your weight loss goals temporarily or gradually reducing your calories to work toward eating less. If you're used to consuming 3000-4000 calories a day, eating 2000 calories is still a significant deficit. You might find it easier to stick to if you choose a higher calorie goal to start with and reduce that number by 50 or 100 calories every week until you get to the number you feel you should be eating for healthy and sustainable weight loss. :smile:
  • batgirl_273
    batgirl_273 Posts: 70 Member
    It might be the foods you're eating. If you eat good, healthy food, 1570/day is very doable and can even leave you stuffed. If you eat a bunch of sugary junk that's basically empty calories, then you'll still be very hungry at the end of the day.

    But, like someone else said, if you find that 1570 is much of an adjustment for you from what you were doing before, change your goal to a slower weight loss pace (like from 2 lbs/week to 1 lb/week, or from 1 lb/week to 0.5 lb/week). That will give you a smaller calorie deficit and will give you more calories to eat each day. (It'll also mean slower weight loss though, but that's fine and slow weight loss is actually very healthy.) But if your goal is already at the slowest weight loss pace (0.5 lb/week),'re going to have to learn to get accustomed to 1570 if weight loss is important to you. Prepare healthy, filling meals and exercise regularly so you can eat back those calories.

    i'm set at 2/lbs per week... i'm hoping to lose atleast 50 lbs in the next year. and i wanted to really restrict myself so i'd see results fast, as not to be discouraged like in the past. I may need to adjust it now that i've seen some results, but i'd like to try sticking to it for a while. old habits die hard. i actually don't drink alot of calories anymore... i used to, atleast a can of regular pepsi a day, but i've completely cut that out because it's not worth the calories. I drink alot of water, tea, and skim milk when i do need calories.

    thanks for the tip, i may need to look at my settings if i keep feeling this way or want to give up.
  • Danabug2
    Danabug2 Posts: 6 Member
    I know what you mean. I am also staying close but normally over. I have really cut back my portions, but not really improved my choices. That is the next step. Try taking just a couple of your choices each day and making smarter ones. More filling less calories. Just a couple of choices will make a large difference for us both. I have yo-yo'd for years and with MFP I have lost 8. Doesn't seem like much compared to many on this site, but it's huge for me. I am just working for a loss each month, so small changes will add up. Just getting your day recorded is huge, keep it up.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member

    i'm set at 2/lbs per week... i'm hoping to lose atleast 50 lbs in the next year. and i wanted to really restrict myself so i'd see results fast, as not to be discouraged like in the past. I may need to adjust it now that i've seen some results, but i'd like to try sticking to it for a while. old habits die hard. i actually don't drink alot of calories anymore... i used to, atleast a can of regular pepsi a day, but i've completely cut that out because it's not worth the calories. I drink alot of water, tea, and skim milk when i do need calories.

    thanks for the tip, i may need to look at my settings if i keep feeling this way or want to give up.

    Don't restrict yourself too much, you don't want to set yourself up for failure. Ease into it. Try changing your goal to 1lb a week for awhile, get used to eating a little less, and then maybe you can change it back.
  • crowefoot
    crowefoot Posts: 11 Member
    Lots of small meals will help, too. When I joined MFP I was just watching my cholesterol/trying to lose weight, and I had a hard time sticking to the 1500 calories the dietician outlined for me. I've since been diagnosed with reactive hypoglycemia and have been forced to cut sugar and starch from my diet and to eat every two hours or so. After the first week while I was still trying to figure out what I could eat, I haven't really been hungry at all. I can't entirely advocate a low-carb diet for everyone, but I lost seven pounds in two weeks and am slowly losing more even thought my fat intake has increased quite a bit.

    Good luck!
  • krystlestar00
    krystlestar00 Posts: 36 Member
    learn to like eating veggies, you can eat 3-4 cups of broccoli and cauliflower and use about 100 or so calories depending upon what else you put on it. put a little salad dressing on top or some shredded cheese for flavor and NOT a bunch of melted cheese sauce. for me, most processed foods leave me feeling super hungry and always wanting more. it's impossible for me to open up a big bag of chips and portion out a serving and eat just that cuz after i finish it, i feel like i'm starving and eat more. i like to snack on 1oz of almonds as they help me feel like i ate something without wanting to eat the rest of them. i try and do a protein, veggies, and small amount of rice for lunch and dinner and breakfast will be oatmeal and fruit, or small bowl of cereal with fruit in it.
  • R_Queenie
    R_Queenie Posts: 1,224 Member
    That is a big change in calories - I'm sure you are feeling the adjustment!

    You could try to push your veggie / fruit servings first and try to eat at least one high fiber food BEFORE you give yourself the treat. That way you are feeding nutrition needs before your cravings? Also, a lot of those treat foods don't really stick with you and then lead to other cravings because they don't really feed your need.

    And push the water.

    Otherwise you could bump your calories to higher - if you were consuming 3-4K even 2000 would be a reduction.

    Good luck!
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    I would look at what foods you are gravitating to and what you have in your diet. Are you going low-carb after a life of cereals, pasta, bread and chips? It's going to be hard going for you at first (or for a while.) However if you start replacing those carbs with better carbs and choices, it's a little easier -- cereal to steel-cut oatmeal, reduce portion size and add salads or vegetables to the mix.

    If you are feeling like you are being restricted too much, you will rebel, so you can't go too restrictive. Plan how you plan to eat for the rest of your life. Such as, if you must have chocolate, have 1 oz. of dark chocolate (if you like it) and incorporate it into your day. There, it's done and it's over and you can stop thinking about chocolate. (I advise a Ghiradelli dark chocolate square with sea-salted caramel.)

    You can still have sandwiches, pizza and the like, you just have to be smart about portion size and ingredients. For me, if I'm going to eat pizza, I make it myself so I have control of the cheese and ingredients (just buy the pizza shell at the store.) I also try to eat 1/3 rather than 1/2 (doesn't always work, but that's OK, too.) and try to make sure the rest of my meals fit into the day. (Friend me and see how I do it.)

    To do this, I had to give up going out to eat or take out. I had to learn more about nutrition and make things that were tasty and good for me. I think that's part of your journey here, too.
  • Tessyloowhoo
    Tessyloowhoo Posts: 504
    *protein protein protein* high protein snacks can leave you feeling full the longest.... I am a massive believer in high protein meals for breakfast as well because honestly then i do not get hungry again for hours...
    Say it with me *PROTEIN* PROTEIN* PROTEIN*
  • ALekaeHay
    ALekaeHay Posts: 37 Member
    Not sure if it's already been mentioned or not but I've noticed that when I start my day out with mostly carbs (oatmeal and toast for example) I feel like I'm STARVING within two hours! I'm trying now to limit my carb intake for health reasons and I noticed that today I felt like I was able to eat a lot, feel full, stay under my 1400 calorie goal, AND under 125 for carbs. (Hopefully I'll be able to wean myself down to about 100 carbs within a week and then down to 75.) I had a higher amount of protein for breakfast (ummm can we say BACON and eggs?! Yes, please!) and it stayed with me so much longer!

    Also, I don't know how much water your drinking but that is usually one of my weakest points. Today I MADE SURE I had 10 cups. I really think it has helped! Good luck with finding some recipes/meals that work for you! And congratulations on your 5 lb. weight loss! Keep it up!
  • Raiden091
    Raiden091 Posts: 19 Member
    I am in the same boat. I recently got back from my honeymoon where I was probably eating 5000 calories a day and the only exercise I did was raising my hand asking for another drink. Now that I'm back in the swing of things (and 10 pounds heavier), I'm constantly hungry trying to go back down to the 1,650 calories MFP gives me.

    Does anyone have any specific foods that are quick and easy that will keep me full? I've been trying to up my protein by eating tuna and protein shakes but they're getting old fast.
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member

    i'm set at 2/lbs per week... i'm hoping to lose atleast 50 lbs in the next year. and i wanted to really restrict myself so i'd see results fast, as not to be discouraged like in the past. I may need to adjust it now that i've seen some results, but i'd like to try sticking to it for a while. old habits die hard. i actually don't drink alot of calories anymore... i used to, atleast a can of regular pepsi a day, but i've completely cut that out because it's not worth the calories. I drink alot of water, tea, and skim milk when i do need calories.

    thanks for the tip, i may need to look at my settings if i keep feeling this way or want to give up.

    Don't restrict yourself too much, you don't want to set yourself up for failure. Ease into it. Try changing your goal to 1lb a week for awhile, get used to eating a little less, and then maybe you can change it back.

    I agree with this! Changing your goal to a slower weight loss pace will actually be MORE encouraging because it'll be so much easier to stick to it. If it's easy and enjoyable to stick to a weight loss plan, then it won't feel like a diet and you'll be able to keep it up long-term...which means REAL results and a MUCH easier time maintaining once you reach your goal. There are also many health benefits for slow weight loss, such as: an easier adjustment on your body, few if any plateaus, lower chance of loose skin, less muscle loss (which means more of the weight lost will be fat), etc. Eventually you WILL need to eat at 1570/day to see a small amount of weight loss and at that point, your body will have an easier time doing that. But for now, I really think you're better off taking this slowly. Remember, that this is about your HEALTH, it's not a race or some Biggest Loser competition where the winner gets a big prize. Slow and steady wins the race. :bigsmile: