cynthiawallach Member


  • great job
  • yes yes protein shakes are just what you need the one i use is proflex 20 dutch chocolet from melaleuca it is sold on line at 150 in cal. my husband likes them for his sweet treat an they only have 2 sugars in one serving if you need help to get some let me know an i can send you some in the mail
  • I am new to mfp but my husband an I are doing it together / I too have been on every diet / but only the healthy ones / everyone that I work with tells me that I am ok because I always eat healthy / but I stay the same / what I need to do is lose 40 pounds / take one week at a time an do not stop don't give up / yes this…
  • yes i have tried all of the diets that want you to eat little to no food at all it is very bad for you an your body stops working the why god wants it to work you need to eat to lose but you also need to eat healthy no junk food or large amounts of food . Myfitnesspal is awesome stick with it an eat what your body needs to…
  • good for you god wants you to feel your best an to live long i understand an will keep you in my prayers