hsacksy Member


  • The shake idea is a good one, for my workout days anyway. Silk makes a delish, premade fruit and protein shake that i really like. its a little expensive, which is why i don't keep it in the house regularly. I don't know much about protein powders, only that whey protein is really popular, and i can't have that since whey…
  • Thanks to everyone's feedback, i've realized that while i've been focusing on calories, i've been forgetting about quality. i am lactose-intolerant (fyi for those of you who have noted a lack of dairy in my diet) and i avoid red meat (i don't digest it well), but i love all fruit and veggies... I have just gotten lazy with…
  • :blushing: been missing lately. now THERE'S a good new years resolution... more fruit and veg!
  • oh but that pink 4t was calling my name! haha :wink:
  • i'm about 20lb from my goal, and i have my settings at 1lb per week. I'm not in a major rush, and i don't want to force it. I really do want to do it the right way. I haven't lost hope or anything... there's been no "why isn't this woooooorrrrking" whining. I literally posting because MFP is telling me i'm eating too few…
  • Its net calories that are under. And no, i wouldn't say that i eat back enough of my calories on days where i work out more, and those are the days where MFP is telling me i still have tons of calories remaining. Example: Last Sunday... I ate 1586 food calories, burned about 843 at the gym (getting a HRM so i can try to…
  • Yeah, I have only been tracking since Dec1, and i am down 1lb... it took me a full year to loose my 1st 20 with WW, so i know that patience and sticking-with-it-ness is KEY. I was just curious about how literally i should take the little warning i get when i complete my daily log and i'm under. I don't want to accidentally…
  • a) thanks for adding the img tag in there for me ;-) b) yeah... i had just been having my first tear-free day... then... ugh..
  • We just had to put our dog down on Tuesday. A friend on Facebook (who lost her own down a month ago) had this posted today. i thought it was so sweet. http://cdn4.aplacetolovedogs.com/wp-content/uploads/3706834192.jpg
  • Edamame ARE soy beans. I love ALL soy products (Soy milk, tofu, edamame in all forms) so I'm obviously biased when i say TRY IT! I buy the frozen kind, and just steam them in the microwave, toss with some sea salt and garlic powder and snack away. I also add them to my stir fry and toss in my salad.
    in Edamame Comment by hsacksy December 2012
  • I was JUST saying that to my boyfriend last night! I was like, -33 is nothing! i'm sure i did some untracked activity yesterday (i have two dogs, and frequently take the stairs at work) that would have kept me within or under goal. But its STILL disappointing to see those angry red numbers!!
  • I've been you. At least you can see things aren't working... it took me looking back years later to realize what a messed up relationship it really was!! Being single can be harder, but its always better than staying with the wrong person just because its easier.