spm2010 Member


  • Thanks you guys. I get so caught up in these new fads and stupid articles that I start questioning everything I eat. I wish I can delete all that garbage from my brain. So basically I can eat anything I want (healthy foods..not all junk) and will lose weight as long as I eat at a deficit. Carbs..fruit..all that isnt bad…
  • 5'9 and 172 is not considered severly overweight not sure who told you that. 1230 calories for your activity level doesnt seem right at all.
  • Does she have beginner workouts?
  • I lost every week on the flex program than without warning my account was changed to that stupid points plus, I gained back half what I lost trying to figure out what to do. They should let people choose what they want to do, I paid for flex I want the flex.
  • I find when I do intervals the little fatty bulges on my lower body disappear plus I don't have time to walk 60 min 6 days a week and I am not in good shape yet to be able to run for 20-30 min straight, One day I hope
  • I was thinking 3 would be good too. 3 days intervals and 3 days walking with 3 strength days, seems like a realistic plan lol
  • Did your medication make you gain weight?
  • They thought it was hypothyroid and that came back fine, even though I did have it in 2011 after the birth of my son but that Dr. refused to put me on medication but it magically disappeared. There is definitely a medical condition I know that, but whether it is hormonal or not eating less calories is not working, trust me…
  • Not enough especially if you are biking/walking 5-14km a day
  • Good to know, I always heard clear urine meant you were drinking the right amount.
  • Well I find the urine test is hard as the new multivitamins I am taking turned them a lighter yellow (say #4) if I work out I drink way more though. Not thirsty just don't want to drink too much as I hear its bad for you
  • Not always....I have an underactive, untreated thyroid and eating less and working out more doesn't make the pounds fall off. Takes me a good 6 months to lose 5lbs. If something worked for you fantastic, but it doesn't work for everyone.
  • It will be 4 years come Christmas, not treating it can make it a lot worse so if something even helps a bit until I find a Dr that actually gives a *kitten* Ill take it lol
    in Hypothyroid Comment by spm2010 June 2015
  • I was going to do crossed arm and the front of my thighs are big so guess Ill be adding lots of those in..Thanks
  • Looks like a good plan and that it will target my whole body (can something finally target my leg fat lol) Thanks I will sgtart this once the set is here.
  • Its a 5 foot long barbell, Id hope that would be long enough
  • What is stonglifts?
  • I think its the fat and calories now that everyones mentioned it, I actually thought with all the fruit, veggies and meat I was eating I have to be going over my calories but I guess not.
  • I am only hurting myself if I eat back every single calorie, I don't intend to even eat half back so I am not worried
  • Do you know of any good ones?
  • Once a month I do a massive cleanin up, don't have time for anything other than dishes and sweeping so that why I added it.
  • Don't need approval, never asked for it. What I asked is why is there such a big issue for some people when others log cleaning calories. I do not need anyone approval I would just like to know the reasons behind it, am I missing something? are the calories MFP put in for that totally bogus? I honestly do not know which is…
  • So what is the NEAT method? So really is it worth putting in any exercise no matter what is it if they expect me to eat back those calories I just burned? This is where I am confused...if I burn 300 calories why would eating them back be a good idea?
  • Lol my treadmill *kitten* the bed so this is my cardio for the day, or else Id say eff the cleaning and go for a jog.
  • See that's what I can say "okay that's a little crazy" to, I put half the time and as light not vigorous because I will not be sweating it out the whole time, sweeping vs scrubbing baseboards...not the same amount of effort put in.
  • Actually it is not my goal to eat back those calories, my goal is to keep track....isn't this what this site is for? keep track of your food and exercise, how much and how hard you move in a day? To just assume I would spend all that time to reward myself with pizza is a very unfair assumption especially since you do not…
  • I am actually waiting on my bike to be repaired, my treadmill died so got a bike now that's broken and waiting for them to send someone (no luck with cardio lol) So that's why I want to make sure I am doing enough weights until I can get back with cardio.
  • lol you can never have to much sex so def wont be asking that question lmao
  • Yeah I noticed some days have 100-120 but they say you can split them up.because I dont know anyone that can do 120 squats in a row lol