miked7344 Member


  • I'm sorry to hear that Daltem. You're a strong person. You have overcome it before you can do it again. I'll keep you in my prayers.
  • Walgreens has "Nice" brand sugar free/fat free/ gluten free hard candy. 3 pieces 35 calories. Not too bad.
  • What is fitbit? is it an app Fitbit makes various devices that track activity or weight. I have a fitbit one. It will track steps, miles, floors climbed, calories burned, even sleep time. Even nicer yet is you can sync it with my fitness pal.
  • www.fitbit.com/user/25M6VR I have a fit bit one. like it very much. Could use some friends as well.
  • I would say you should put it in as orange juice/apple juice by volume (ounces or by cup). You lose out on fiber and other nutrients when you take out the pulp. This would be a more accurate representation of what you consumed.
  • That does seem like a small amount of food. Have you lost weight prior to these 4 weeks. May be that you just hit a plateau which is common and just have to bust through.
  • I'm in. I just restarted after a rough patch and could use the motivation.
  • Hi Daltem. I'll pray for you and your mother for clean bill of health. I was blessed to have my PET/CT Scan come back normal. Now in wait and see mode. Nerves will be uneasy still for a long time but feel like a ton of weight lifted from my shoulders. Now I'm ready for a vacation LOL. Best of Luck to you, Mike
  • I have one. The incision line gets and skin over it irritated. I asked my oncologist about strength training and he said not to while it is in.
  • Weight loss is more than just dieting. You have to realize you are making a lifestyle change not dieting. Feel the need to change deep in your bones. You can do it. Just need patience and commitment.
  • I do believe that when you log exercise now you report the time of the exercise and MFP reduces the fitbit adjustment accordingly.
  • Signet Ring Adenocarcinoma of the appendix. Diagnosed September 2012.
  • Cancer fighter here. I'm taking chemo treatments currently but still have managed to be in control of my weight loss. Started changing my lifestyle in January 2012. Lost 75 lbs and then got diagnosed with appendix cancer in September. Still soldiering on now down 110lbs (20+ since using mfp). It's hard work but you can…
  • I know it's easy to get discouraged. I went 3 months without losing a single pound. Plateaus happen. If this is a new routine for you then your body is adjusting and possible adding some muscle. Don't give up whatever you do. There are other indicators that are equally as important as the scale readings, such as how your…
  • Sorry Bud. When I'm at work avatars don't show up. My fault. LOL
  • Seinfeld Reference. If you don't get it you missed out on a great show.
  • It's because it takes a lot of calories for your body to sustain such a high weight. The more you lose the less in calories you will need to consume. I was 350lbs and started losing on weight watchers for 9 months until I got stuck for 3 months at 270lbs. Then switched over to mfp. I like it better because it goes by…
  • I went nearly 3 months at a plateau. But I did notice that my clothes were feeling looser during that time so the same may be happening to you. Just your body readjusting a bit. Whatever you do don't give in.