Any Fellow Cancer Survivors?

Losing weight is hard enough but post chemo due to the steriods, I have packed on 30 additional pounds. Need some support to help get this weight off! Would love to have some fellow cancer survivors to help me and for me to encourage as well!


  • BvonD
    BvonD Posts: 7
    I am not a cancer survivor but I am praying my husband soon will be. However, you have probably been through some of the toughest days of your life so far. Here you are ready to take back your body, cancer thought it had the very best of you but you are a fighter, YOU CAN DO THIS!! I find that instead of saying I have 30lbs to lose (which is also true for me too) I am setting goals of losing 10lbs at a time. It just doesn't seem to be such a daunting task doing it this way. Exercise and diet are so important as you know, but don't push yourself too hard right now. Celebrate life, you will lose the chemo weight soon enough. You are so beautiful and strong. I don't know if your cancer is in remission but I hope it is and I wish you the very best in this journey!

    PS- just read your profile and saw you lived in Clemmons, we are from High Point, NC. Stay positive neighbor :)
  • Not a cancer survivor but I would just like to commend you on your bravery and strength! :-)
  • miked7344
    miked7344 Posts: 26 Member
    Cancer fighter here. I'm taking chemo treatments currently but still have managed to be in control of my weight loss. Started changing my lifestyle in January 2012. Lost 75 lbs and then got diagnosed with appendix cancer in September. Still soldiering on now down 110lbs (20+ since using mfp). It's hard work but you can reach your goals. I still have another 50 I want to lose.