

  • Hon your definitely not alone. I'm all to familar with the post binge pain.
  • Thank you for the tips! I'm doing better now that I'm being more constant with my workouts/ routine. Exercise has been keeping my hunger at bay during the day, but at night it's harder. Last night when I felt a binge coming on, I made some fresh popcorn to munch instead and it worked! I also was able to put it down without…
  • Hi! I used to be hardcore goth as a teen, piercings and all. I've mellowed out but still maintain my rock and metal roots! Though Deftones And Type O Negative are the all time favorites
  • Your score was 38 out of a possible 46. Scores in the 27 - 46 range indicate severe Binge eating behavior. I am kinda shocked actually. Now to figure out how to fix this :frown:
  • I honestly believe this is true! After tracking and being strict for a long period I just lose control and say screw it, Im tired of feeling deprived. Thats why Im being more relaxed about the whole thing now. I dont want to feel abnormal...no I cant have this..blah blah. That really does set off a binge for me.
  • Reading all your posts on here has really been a comfort. Its like looking into a mirror. I thought I was alone in this struggle. I honestly have no reasons as to why I need to binge eat, other than it feels good at the time. I am notorious for going grocery shopping just for a binge, spending over $50 on nothing but crap…