

  • If you are doing that much exercise then you aren't eating enough calories!! do you feel fatigued? Im doing insanity right now and i had to up my calorie intake because of how much I was burning with the exercises. under eating is just as detrimental as over eating so eat until you feel full and make sure its healthy,…
  • you are little! I am 5'10 145 and eat about 1500 calories a day, try cutting a few more calories out of your diet. when you hit a plateau it helps to change up your workout routine just to shock your body a bit. If you do elliptical or run every day, do a week of circuit training instead and then go back to the elliptical…
  • I like fit and toned. I think girls with muscle look great, however too much is very manly and puts off a lot of guys. My boyfriend would agree and likes that I am, in his words (and I hate this description), "toned but soft and girly" I want to be slightly more toned but a lot of guys like "girly muscles", so not huge but…
  • I had a crazy boyfriend that I broke up with and who threatened and harassed me for 3 months. I got a restraining order and it was the best decision I had made concerning that relationship. A restraining order tells him that if he does ANYTHING to hurt you, he will go to jail. If he comes near you, if he talks to you, if…
  • these are SO delicious and healthy! I like to mix the toppings in though because it tastes better. I like to mix in slivered almonds, a little dark chocolate and crasins for some good flavors. You can…
  • Goal right now - Im at 145 and I would like to be between 135 and 140. Last time I was this weight I was doing green tea supplements and eating salad for lunch and dinner EVERY DAY. but that was just for prom, because I can't live like that. I started the insanity work out plan and I am cutting down to feeding my sweet…
  • Just eat when you are hungry, and if you want a sweet treat make sure you save some of those calories for it! make sure its low calorie good protein rich food you eat so that you will feel fuller longer. Your body will tell you when it needs to be fed!
  • totally feel you! Ive always been super into fitness but its really hard to stay healthy when your food options are not. I would love to add you as a friend =]