

  • No bad advice :-) just good old fashioned concern
  • I love your response. I'd love to also motivate each other. As things stand fresh fruits and veggies is more or less all I'm really suppose to have to live 'healthy' with my bodys vices lol
  • About six comments before your last...
  • Technically I could be prepping for surgery, this is to see how well my body will adjust and to measure if I truly will need the surgery because of other issues. At 27 and being told no fast food, nothing high in fat, sugar, salt. No gluten products. Things people enjoy sausage, bread, regular grains I'm not suppose to…
  • The pancreas level was suppose to be 15-30 and mine was 1090. I was at a critical level and my body full of toxins. Basically my body just doesn't process those foods like normal
  • I literally took pictures of everything that went into my body. I lost 26lbs in a month from just my diet in 2011 when we found that My pancreas wasn't properly working(had pancreatitis) I quit eating any processed foods and felt much better. We've recently discovered that I also have an issue with gluten. Basically I'm at…
  • I should mention it's a weight loss doctor/surgeon I've been working with. We're not discussing that being a continued weight loss regimen. Simply add we've lowered my calories I've continued to gain. We're seeing if this helps. I use to be very active and burn similar calorie amounts. I didn't ask for criticism, just if…
  • I run in the AM, walk during my lunch break, and then typically do fast pace dancing for about 2 hours in the evenings. Thanks you guys, I knew I wasn't feeling quiet right. I stay really tired. :)
  • Why would I eat the 1360 again?? I want to lose the weight but I don't want to hurt my body ya know?
  • I use Zumba on the wii but I want the third one out now...I have the videos and the games -_- I'm a bit over the top for zumba! Anyone got the new one??
    in Zumba Comment by RHinkle26 January 2013
  • It's alright you have come SO far I seriously do not think you'd let yourself get back where you were. As for working out, I find it hard to find time to go to a gym what with two small children(I'm a single mom) and so I want to start trying this bodyrock.tv maybe you could too?? Get some free weights and start using them…
  • You're a good looking man!
  • Well I can tell you as a 26 year old lady at 250.8 pounds that I am miserable at my current size(but I fear I actually weighed more a couple weeks ago) I know I've lost some from being sick and all the water weight going away. Could always use a friend in the same place as me at this point :) The more motivation the better!