cherhorowitzzz Member


  • Hi Ghenne! Agreed. The board was looking a little dead. I was doing really well until I got sick. Then I slipped up and didn't input everything while seeking out comfort food. Yesterday I logged everything into MFP and shed some of the weight I had gained this weekend even though I overdid it on the calories. Right now I'm…
  • I'm posting every day on my wall but sometimes I forget to crosspost to here. So you might see a few days input all at the same time :)
  • Day 5 of MFP100: Feeling awesome because I ate a piece of icecream cake at work and then entered it into MFP. I noticed that the cake wasn't as many calories as I assumed. Instead of feeling like I had blown my whole day and going crazy at the vending machine I've kept up with eating low calorie meals. If I keep going like…
  • I'm entering my ups and downs every day. I'm going to cross post them between here, the forum posting and my wall.
  • Thanks to ghenne for the good advice. I'm working on making this into a group today. Stay tuned :)
  • Thank you so much for your kind words. Really. When I decided to start this it was just to lose 20 pounds. I didn't realize people like you would give me such good feels. I think accepting yourself is a necessary first step to growth and shedding off bad habits. Even if I don't lose weight I think I'll finish this…
  • Whatttt!!! I'm so happy to see everyone who joined. I'm adding everyone the second I finish this post. CJ is right, it is starting to look a little like an AA meeting. I'm thinking that might not be a bad thing. If AA can keep a bunch of alchoholics picking up a drink then maybe MFP100 will keep us picking up a cookie.…
  • Hi Alex and Sonia! I'm so happy you guys joined. This is going to be a great challenge. I'm going to take before and after pics to see my progress after the 100 days if you guys want to do the same. Now get prepared for me to stalk your profiles on a regular basis.
  • Let me also start by introducing myself. My name is Jackie, I'm going to be 30 in about 3 weeks (yikes!) and I've been trying to weigh 120 pounds since I was 17. However, I'll totally accept weighing 130. After an awesome 3 week run at MFP I got sidetracked and stopped entering my food and work outs so I gained a lot of it…