100 Day MFP Challenge



  • stayfocusedAMANDA
    stayfocusedAMANDA Posts: 22 Member
    My name is Amanda. I have been overweight and or obeese since I was 12. I am really trying to loose weight and be healthy. I definitely am going to try to do the 100 day mfp challenge.
  • Oh, hayyyyyy! This is exactly what I was looking for! Let's be friends so I will for really keep up on this journaling. The only time that I went through weight loss is when I had mono, but, you know, that was about five years. I kept a bunch off, but I'm kind of morally against exercise, and I'm trying to get over it/myself. I'm 23 and just doing my best.

  • Deja_Thoris
    Deja_Thoris Posts: 18 Member
    Hi All,

    I started with MFP a year ago Monday - and lost almost 50 pounds in the first 6 months of religious logging on MFP. Lost my posting streak at around 210 days, and then went lax... Surprise, surprise - have plateaued ever since, and even gained back about 7 pounds! I am soooo with you on this challenge!

  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    I'm in, as you can see from my diary I'm great at logging week days but not so good at weekends

    ETA: I'm Gemma, 28 from Tasmania (Australia). I love lifting weights and playing Aussie rules football. Would like to lose about 4-5kgs and add some lean muscle
  • mcpostelle
    mcpostelle Posts: 418 Member
    I don't like the way this thread sounds like some kind of AA meeting or something. :smile:

    I've been trying to lose weight for a loooooooooong time, and the scale is finally moving again after a year and a half plateau, glory to God. I tried really hard, and learned a lot, but didn't lose much. Now that it's much easier, I'm losing weight! I like my food healthy and delicious, and eat whatever I like. For me, that looks like eating like a vegetarian some meals, a high school football player some meals and a gourmet chef some meals. I cook most of my food, and don't have any off limit foods except Nutella, because it's chocolate crack. I've tried the low carb. I like being pleasant to be around, so couldn't do low carb. :laugh: I've tried six meals a day - Uggggggghhhhhh. Now, I eat delicious food, praise God, watch my sodium, and eat 2-4 times a day, with consistent breakfasts and lunch and some variety at dinner. Unless I don't. ;-).

    Regarding exercise, I'm into it. I enjoy the way it makes me feel. I don't use exercise for losing weight. I use it to feel good, for fitness, strength, endurance and flexibility. I've tried to use exercise for weight loss and losing weight turned into an obsessive part-time job. So I don't bother logging exercise unless I'm doing an exercise challenge. I've done the squat and lunge, push up, plank, plank and push up challenges. Now I just hit the gym like an idiot, breathing loudly and gymtimidating because I really want that PUMP, then limp out the gym thinking how dumb of me. Then, repeat.

    :laugh: :happy: :laugh: :glasses: I also love the feeling that working out gives me. I do it for me not for losing weight or some other - even if they are huge positives-, but I do it for the burn and the satifaction. Last time I hit the gym hot and heavy I didn't realize that I was sick which made the recovery much, much worst. Anyways, too true, but I agree with below...
    Whatttt!!! I'm so happy to see everyone who joined. I'm adding everyone the second I finish this post. CJ is right, it is starting to look a little like an AA meeting. I'm thinking that might not be a bad thing. If AA can keep a bunch of alchoholics picking up a drink then maybe MFP100 will keep us picking up a cookie.

    Also, I'm trying to figure out how this will work aside from the AA style introduction section. My best idea is to make this like 100 Happy Days on Facebook. Post what day you're on and something that made you feel empowered to finish your goal (e.g. MFP100 Day 39- Feeling awesome because my boyfriend ate a full bag of nachos in front of me and I only had two chips). Let me know if you guys have any other ideas which I'm sure will be better than mine.

    Also, I'm taking my before photo after work today if anybody wants to join me.
  • mfpchris
    mfpchris Posts: 279 Member
    I really applaud you and wish you good luck. For me (maybe for you) there is just some power and force that seems like it will be deflated if I can log a "costco box of cheezits" or a "whataburger."

    The idea of not wanting to dwell on negatives seems to be the reason to follow that plan. I think your plan of plainly looking at "what is." is way way more healing.

    So in the next hundred days if this is one long slow slide into eating horribleness and you keep you promise to log it all, I think you'll be much much further along than the same long slog down and also going back on your promise to log.

    (of course we all hope and believe you can have a GREAT 100 days) But I think what is most healthy and rewarding is "100 days of just what is."

    Again, great challenge, good luck, and I think you are doing a lot of good inspiring others.
  • lildynarider
    lildynarider Posts: 78 Member
    Ugh ok this is going to keep me focused and I will be your cheezit eating chica. I need to drop another 20 lbs to reach my second mini goal and I've lost my motivation. This is going to kick me back into gear. Good luck ladies and gents!
  • FartsMcGhee
    FartsMcGhee Posts: 10 Member
    Totally want in on this.

    I can do 100 days... :glasses:
  • cherhorowitzzz
    cherhorowitzzz Posts: 16 Member
    I really applaud you and wish you good luck. For me (maybe for you) there is just some power and force that seems like it will be deflated if I can log a "costco box of cheezits" or a "whataburger."

    The idea of not wanting to dwell on negatives seems to be the reason to follow that plan. I think your plan of plainly looking at "what is." is way way more healing.

    So in the next hundred days if this is one long slow slide into eating horribleness and you keep you promise to log it all, I think you'll be much much further along than the same long slog down and also going back on your promise to log.

    (of course we all hope and believe you can have a GREAT 100 days) But I think what is most healthy and rewarding is "100 days of just what is."

    Again, great challenge, good luck, and I think you are doing a lot of good inspiring others.

    Thank you so much for your kind words. Really. When I decided to start this it was just to lose 20 pounds. I didn't realize people like you would give me such good feels. I think accepting yourself is a necessary first step to growth and shedding off bad habits. Even if I don't lose weight I think I'll finish this challenge a healthier person.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    SSooo... 100 days huh? well, I've been doing this for 21 days straight already.... Challenge accepted!! :glasses:
  • ghenne04
    ghenne04 Posts: 14
    Perhaps a group would be a better place to have this challenge? Did you start one already? I saw the sticky post about how challenges like this should be groups instead, to allow for better posting/support over time.
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    I am so glad to see this. This is exactly what I need. I'm 100% guilty of not logging on bad days and I know it doesn't help me reach my goal any faster by ignoring what I did and not seeing that glowing red number at the bottom of my tallies. I just turned 27 and I have about 160 lbs to lose now. The last year I've been working on my bingeing/emotional eating with therapy and with that more or less under control now, I'm beginning to focus on the weight loss aspect of my journey.

    I want to reach my goals. I'm fully committed, and getting more consistent with my food logging is only going to help me more. And I guess I really can't say that I'm "fully committed" unless I'm tracking everything I eat, right?
  • cherhorowitzzz
    cherhorowitzzz Posts: 16 Member
    Perhaps a group would be a better place to have this challenge? Did you start one already? I saw the sticky post about how challenges like this should be groups instead, to allow for better posting/support over time.

    Thanks to ghenne for the good advice. I'm working on making this into a group today. Stay tuned :)
  • deadlygear
    deadlygear Posts: 1 Member
    I am all about this group. I've been off and on the wagon so many times that I'm really interested in keeping track. I've got 25lbs to lose and I am feeling motivated. I know that feeling doesn't last so having some extra encouragement will be a HUGE help.
  • 100 days sounds great to me. I'm on Day 4 today. I'm liking that I now have a food budget and can add an allowance when I exercise. I'm about 15 lbs from my all time low last year but have successfully kept off the bulk of what I have lost (90 lbs). I'm probably older than most, but that's okay. Perhaps that will make the rest of you feel encouraged. I didn't start being very successful with significant weight loss until I was 40. I'm happy that people are making great efforts at earlier ages. More good information is available now but still controversy or the latest tweaks. I try to find the truth that a lot of professionals agree upon.
  • cherhorowitzzz
    cherhorowitzzz Posts: 16 Member
    Day 5 of MFP100: Feeling awesome because I ate a piece of icecream cake at work and then entered it into MFP. I noticed that the cake wasn't as many calories as I assumed. Instead of feeling like I had blown my whole day and going crazy at the vending machine I've kept up with eating low calorie meals. If I keep going like this for the rest of the day I'll probably stay beneath my daily calorie goal.
  • Sounds good I'm in!

    I got this day licked!
  • LRK88
    LRK88 Posts: 36 Member
    Count me in!!

    My name is Laura and I am 25. I know that tracking everything is so important!I did so good tracking last year and as a result looked and felt great. With an injury and a new job I started slacking on my tracking and gained back some of the weight that I had lost. I am ready to recommit! Let's do this together! :)
  • nicki85
    nicki85 Posts: 12 Member
    :smile: I'd love to hop on board!!! Really trying to get into a MFP logging streak, would be great to have to motivation of all of us!!!
  • wantfit
    wantfit Posts: 9 Member
    I am in. I have been on and off for food and workout tracking. I need to lose 15 lb to achieve my goal. I don't want to have any excuses and count me in.