

  • I don't, but a friend of mine does. No-one asks her for directions and people do not try to start a conversation with her in a line-up. She just looks angry all the time.
  • Got tired of tap water so bought a sodastream to carbonate it. I add a teaspoon of lemon, lime or rhubarb juice to it. Loving the rhubarb!
  • mmmm... I once read about a fascinating tribe in Papua New Guinea where the men and women lived in separate villages a distance from each other. There was a formal courting ritual when men were allowed into the women's village. young boys stayed with the women until age of 5 or 6. What struck me was the description of the…
  • so sweet an offerrr.... a comedian (can't remember name) once said "aren't women beautiful? if I was a woman, I'd be a lesbian. Seriously, all women should be lesbians."
  • fair comment. I actually have a lot of sympathy for men asking women out... You're vulnerable in that moment. In college I hung out with an attractive woman who tried to see how many guys she could turn down in a night... course she had to pretend interest first.
  • wow, u must be a super nice guy, cause the fuglies actually think they have a chance!
  • it may be reality right now, but I believe change is possible. I have to believe social mores can change because so much of what is the 'norm' right now depresses me. I'm speaking of wider issues than just women asking men out.
  • same thing happens to me... shock and awe when I introduce the husband... I think I spent too much time hanging out with my brothers, bad influence when you're supposed to be learning how to be a girl!
  • that's just sad. I think every guy should be asked out at least once or twice in his life...:flowerforyou:
  • so I read your response and thought "man I wish I was a lesbian".... u know how weird first thoughts are... but hey, if I was I coulda dated that Olympic hockey player who was hot for me...
  • so if you're not interested, how do you turn her down? One guy told me he had to repaint his apartment (maybe equivalent to a woman's "I have to wash my hair all day saturday"?
  • Well, since I gained the weight, no one has tried to pick me up. The weight also helped for creating a greater personal space around me. kinda concerned about what will happen when I lose the weight... what about the other meaning of pick up? Have you ever picked a guy up?
  • Maybe you should starting asking random women to pick u up? say its for an experiment...
  • Glad you got a laugh! yeah I did pick-up my husband once to show off to friends, but I asked him nicely first and we did the cross the threshhold lift... we were newly wed I'm kinda sad that I lost strength over the last decade, to much time behind a desk. Trying to get back to lifting heavy.
  • ooo... so tempted to flirt, but my husband is watching...
  • but checkout football or soccer, guys are aways picking up other guys. I think this actually has more to do with me being a female showing strength (domination?) over a male
  • I gave a bit of thought to responding to your post. Congratulations to your sister! sounds like she may have had an uphill battle to get where she is now. I was also raised in a fairly conservative small town environment... the women could only show strength when necessary, otherwise had to pretend frailty.. I like to…
  • yeah, I get that... guess i was thinking that if it was a relationship of trust, then it could just be treated as a bit of fun... sort of the way I was expected to take it all in fun when my brothers or boyfriend did it to me
  • all I can say is I'm sorry you went through the same. definitely destroyed my confidence in being able to control a situation for a while.
  • but you would think that it would be handy to have a partner who could pick you up and run when you were injured? think of the coming zombie attacks...
  • How I was raised? My father and brothers took great joy in picking me up and spinning me til I was sick when I was young. With my husband, I thought it was all just in good fun... hug squeeze lift
  • I also like being in control, probably why I liked asking men out rather than waiting. I like to think I wasn't creepy about it... simply ask them point blank (after finding out if they were seeing someone or not) I also don't like being picked up (literally) but that has to do with a guy picking me up, running away with…
  • Thanks, I was going through old pics for motivation and came across it. made me laugh too...
  • I also used to be a vegetarian, then a vegan. You (the OP) asked what made me change back to being an omnivore? Or how to change your husband back to being an omnivore? Well, I was similar to your husband in that I became a vegetarian and then a vegan because it was the socially responsible ( read cool within my friend…
  • Also want to note that I went back to youtube to find videos on butterfly stroke. I've found some useful videos and applied that to my Monday swim. I did the HIIT workout I mentioned before - I have no shame about looking awkward - at this point I can only get better!
  • I've taken group lessons a couple times over the years, but didn't improve much ( maybe the class size was too big). After swimming a couple times in December, I did a little Internet research and came across Total Immersion training. I'm a visual learner so I studied the available free youtube videos about total…
  • Swimming rocks! I focused on swimming from December through March, started at freestyle 500 metres in 21 min, now swimming freestyle 1500 metres in 37 minutes. I was swimming 3 times a week. I also lost 20 lbs from November to march so the swimming definitely helps. I kinda lost interest the last couple weeks (I found that…
  • When ppl say "boom" I cringe & duck
  • I'm a 5'7" hourglass and had my goal set for 140. Then your question made me wonder what my frame size was. I have 7" wrists so Livestrong states that I am large framed! News to me!:noway: :grumble: Supposedly my ideal weight is between 143-163lbs. So I've reset my goal weight for 150-155 and I'll check how I feel when I…
  • For doing intervals, I carry my watch in my pocket (with such short intervals, you may want to keep it in your hand). This is before I got a watch with an interval alarm program. Now on cold running days, I keep it under my hat or around my headband. Can you tell that I hate wearing a watch? As for snow running I have used…