

  • What size are you? I have the same issue of not being able to go without a bra because my boobs are just too big. I love the Victoria Secret link that someone put but if you are above a C cup like I am personally it won't work. I have done backless before and I normally just try to find a bra that matches in color and has…
  • Yes, please keep me posted on how it s going for you. I am very interested in doing a hybrid of the two, but I have to talk my husband into letting me purchase P90X first. He is getting closer though because I keep showing him other peoples results.
  • Garbage: This is hard for me because I gave it all up all Ummm, I guess I will give up ranch dressing. I love to add it to my salads even if just a tad. Moving: I am doing Insanity, so I promise to do it 6 days this week. Inspirational Quote: To Change your body, you must change your mind - picture on Pinterest
  • I'm In!
  • This is perfect. I am hoping to be down 35-40 by August 4th when the hubby and I are hitting the beaches of Hawaii, so 30 by July 3rd will get me almost there with another month for the last 5 -10. SW: 175.5 Challenge GW: 145.5 Overall Goal weight: 135-140 @ Cryptogirl - I have 4 kids that I have to do workouts around. We…
  • Congrats on your weight loss. I am not modifying the moves so much as my HRM goes on beeping episodes so I have to take more breaks to let my heart rate come back to a good level. Thanks for the input everyone. I am going to finish insanity and then decide if I should get P90X or do another round :)
  • Thanks guys! I have noticed the knee problem especially since I have a bad knee that was injured in High school. Guess I will keep on with Insanity and then maybe try P90X after.
  • Great post! I am trying to focus on hitting my calories every day even if it means an extra protein shake after dinner just to hit that mark. It is very tough.
  • Bernie, I have not looked at the nutrition guide that was provided with insanity in quite a while but will take a look at it in a bit. I am currently working with a doctor to get my weight down and get my eating up. She has me on a strict diet of trying to hit 1200-1400 calories per day net. This is hard for me because I…
  • Awesome video. So inspiring. I know how it is to sometimes have to workout at 5AM or with kids around your feet (I have 4) and watching your video has inspired me even more. I only wish I had not worked out yet today because now I want to go do my fit test over again :) And you look AMAZING!
  • I am a couple days behind you as I just started Insanity today, but feel free to add me if you wish. All through the fit test I was wondering if I was insane for doing this. lol
  • I am a bit behind you as I just started Insanity today, but feel free to add me as a friend if you wish :)
  • Wow, great results and what an inspiration. I just started insanity today so I still have 62 days to go. Did you use the Insanity diet plan or just stick to a certain number of calories?
  • Hi all, I just started Insanity today and wow did it make me feel out of shape. I have been workout out 6 days per week for the last year but I guess I was not getting enough cardio. Would love to have more friends to keep me motivated and help get me through the 60 days. I really want the Insanity T-shirt so I am going to…
  • Hi there, I have done Jillian's Body Revolution twice and love it. I bought it the first week that it came out. I personally only lost 8 pounds on it but I did notice a huge difference in my body and my strength. I just started the Insanity program today, but feel free to add me if you like.