LisaLeslieFitness Member


  • If it is a Beachbody product, it is pretty much a guarateed win. They only offer the best products. :)
  • Hi!! Welcome!! This is one of the most supportive places and keeps track of your workouts, calories, etc.
  • You have done one of the hardest parts - starting! Now the second is just sticking with it! You can do it... if you don't feel like doing it, make yourself. If you can, do it at the same time every day - easier to make it a habit. Good luck - I know you can reach your goals!!
  • P90X is an awesome workout. I also use P90X+, an extension of the program. I have a hard time following a "diet" per se. I just try to review the diet plan to learn what to avoid - I already know to avoid the trans fats (mainly from preservatives - I remember this because it preserves the fat cells on my hips and…
  • Hi! I think first of all, recognizing that you are having an issue with possible depression is the first step. Try to focus on the positives in your life, view everything as something that will pass - believe you will feel better, basically don't let yourself think negatively of yourself. No negative self talk. Reach out…