Feeling soo goood.. Always struggled trying to loose weight ever since I was 375 LBS.. I've came a long way (at 256 LBS) but still feel like my job is not done. I want to be able to look in the mirror and feel like all I've done was worth it. I was able to work out a lot today and will be starting the INSANITY workout dvds tomorrow .. Hoping to stick with it, I having my bestfriend/girlfriend along with the journey.. and also some other friends liking this app . Im soo ready for this.

Has anyone done INSANITY? I also have p90x but due to the many pull up exercise I feel like this will be the next step for me..

ANY SUGGESTIONS or words of wisdom?


  • txjulie
    txjulie Posts: 190 Member
    I attempted INSANITY last year after finishing Chalean Extreme's 90 day program (another BB product). Be careful!! There is a lot of jumping up & down quickly & I ended up tearing my meniscus. I still haven't recovered 100% and it's almost been 1 year. It is a great program though & if you can finish it you will be super in-shape!! Good luck!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Make sure you're eating enough during this program, otherwise you will not lose weight. This especially goes for the 2nd month where the workouts are close to an hour long.

    You said other people are doing the program with you? Well, keep in mind that other people may flake out. If you have a dedicated workout buddy then it's all good. But if you're serious about the program, you may need to go it alone if they flake.

    Listen to your body. The program will take 63 days. If you start to have soreness in your knees then you may need to take a day off. That's fine, a 64 day program is better than pushing through an injury. For minor soreness, Aleve Gel Caps will be your friend.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    The program is Insane. I thought it was a huge accomplishment but it's very strenuous on your body. I did a wrong move and had to take 3 days off in the first month. There is a lot of jumping and hard hits on your joints I would make sure I'm on a carpet or a padded surface. Also invest in a HRM if you don't have one. Have a towel and plenty of water - HA HA! Oh and if you can have a recovery drink after I would get that too. I would incorporate weight/strength training. My husband did the Insanity/P90X (you can use resistance bands) hybrid and he got fantastic results!
  • tkcmp
    tkcmp Posts: 2
    I just started it this morning...I know its going to be really hard at first, the fit test kicked my butt! lol I did the p90x for a while last year and thought it was really hard (espacially plyometrics) but it wasn't long until I needed less breaks and felt better overall! Just need to be careful to keep the good form and prevent injurries.
  • darthjohn
    Dude, I’m on day 3 on Insanity. It will kick your *kitten* and make you cry like a little girl! Like anything in life you just have to commit if you want to succeed. Mind the advice of txjulie and take it slow. Don’t try to keep pace with the people on the video or you will just set yourself up for failure. That is, of course, unless you are already an amazing athlete. I’m not in the best shape of my life, but I am not overweight either; and I still have to take it slow and stop and rest during the exercises.

    Taking that into account, if your joints are not strong enough to handle your body weight considering this workout is high impact you may want to try another workout until your joints can support your body weight. It is often overlooked but swimming and water aerobics are great for strength training and weight loss. It’s all cardio and resistance training. It will also really help you with your breathing because you can’t fake it, you’ll just swallow water and that sucks. Join a master’s swim team at your local city college or pool. They will provide you with a structured swimmer’s workout that will get you in shape fast.

    Good luck and stay focused!
  • wilforeal
    Thanks for the advices and appreciate taking the time to reply to my post.. I will keep everything all said in mind.. Keep your fingers crossed !!!
  • cinico
    cinico Posts: 294 Member
    I am half way in! So far it's awesome but very challenging!! The scale hasn't budge but one pound for me, but I have lost inches! So my advice is take pictures, measurements and body fat! Eat you calories as recommended! I find I I try to skimp anthem I don't have enough energy to get through the day!! In fact I am still contemplating on eating more calories!!
    Good luck and lots of will power!!
  • en4cerd43
    en4cerd43 Posts: 34 Member
    Go for it! I'm on my second day and currently weigh 297 pounds. At 256 you're in a much better starting position than I am. As long as you stay inside yourself and listen to your body, you will do fine. Don't try to do too much in the beginning and let your body adapt. You're going to want to use a plyo mat to absorb some of the shock on your knees. It helped me out quite a bit. Especially since you're jumping A LOT.
  • wyo_mom
    wyo_mom Posts: 10 Member
  • LisaLeslieFitness
    If it is a Beachbody product, it is pretty much a guarateed win. They only offer the best products. :)
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    I started into month 2 yesterday and I'm feeling like I am back at day one. In addition the advice already given, I'd say focus on form. It's better and more effective to do the exercises slowly and with correct form than quickly with the wrong form. I'm pretty sure you'll be pretty sore the next day. As long as it's just soreness, keep pushing through, and it will eventually fade. Good luck!
  • wilforeal
    Just finished day 1 yesterday and oh man.. the fit test is hard but I definitely have a goal of getting those numbers up. Half way through my body was already trying to give up.. but that was definitely not an option. Now I just have to keep going.
  • dsteig
    Good luck to you! I did P90X back when it was called Power 90 (Beachbody) and loved it. Just take it one day at a time - sounds like you are committed.