

  • I'm looking for clean eating friends as well! My food diary will betray that I'm sorely out of practice...I'm beginning to ease my family back into clean eating. I also need to break a dreadful sugar habit. :-P All are free to add me. I'd love the accountability! :)
  • I'm tandem nursing my 2-year-old and my 7-week-old. There are DEFINITELY challenges unique to nursing a toddler, I agree. I read yesterday that breastfeeding burns an average of 500 calories a day...but what about when you add a toddler's nursing habits on top of (or instead of) what you normally expect from an infant? As…
  • I've just started looking for some ways to fix this problem this week. (I had a baby 10 months ago and my abs split sometime in my third trimester.) Obviously, since I'm just now trying to fix it, I haven't had success yet. lol. But I found several workout videos on YouTube that illustrate how to isolate the right muscles.…