Looking for Clean Eating Friends



  • hey y'all: I am looking forward to hearing all the great ideas you may have about eating clean. I just can't make myself eat clean, maybe my tastebuds are too jaded from all those years of junk food, but healthy food just seems BLEH. So add me and teach me your ways. :wink:
  • I love to Eat Clean too! Glad to find some fellow clean eaters! I just started up a Clean Eating recipe blog www.thekitchenshed.co.uk, would love to build a community to healthy clean eaters :)
  • Hooray for UK clean eaters! ;)
  • Hey in from the uk and just starting clean eating ! Please help you sound in the know :-)
  • jessgreene1
    jessgreene1 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been clean eating for a while now but new to MFP so feel free to add me would love to be able to have a bit of motivation and support! :) x
  • Finally! People that understand that reading food labels, and not all things that say are healthy, are healthy. I've eaten clean for awhile now, and my body feels best when I do - but that doesn't mean I don't have wing-night fight-night once in awhile.

    I stick to what I call the Laura Ingalls lifestyle - I don't buy anything with more than five ingredients, especially ingredients that I have no idea what they are. Whole foods. Cutting out all the crap made a huge difference in my life, and I intend to continue down this path.l
  • YES, ADD ME TOO! I have done too much mindless nibbling like in my profile photo here which is why I chose this picture. I like the Clean Eating idea and want to know more.
  • smithalexar
    smithalexar Posts: 3 Member
    I do my best to be a clean eater 90% of the time and I love to share my recipes and my diary; it keeps me motivated!
  • I'm looking for clean eating friends as well! My food diary will betray that I'm sorely out of practice...I'm beginning to ease my family back into clean eating. I also need to break a dreadful sugar habit. :-P All are free to add me. I'd love the accountability! :)
  • ZB1110
    ZB1110 Posts: 70 Member
    You can add me. I also try to eat as clean as I can but with 2young kids best laid plans don't always happen. Right now I'm getting over stomach virus so I've been eating white flour, but trying to lay off all the fiber until I feel froggie again.
  • I'm very new to the clean eating lifestyle. I'm trying my best to avoid refined sugars and processed foods because I feel SO much better when I do, and since I have 160 pounds to lose, I know eating clean will help me get there. Feel free to add me. Always looking for great friends for support and encouragement. :smile:

  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    I'm not a clean eater either, but also a "wanna be". Anyone can feel free to add me as well. Thanks. We can do it! <3