

  • Hi everyone, i am new to this group and not sure what I should do or how to introduce myself but would love some more friends in this journey we are all in. I joined MFP on Jan 1st and have lost 13 pounds and have ab out 85 to go. I am 43, a new grandmother, and dealing with a lot of fatigue that hinders my exercising.…
  • Hi, I am 43 and since starting MFP in Jan 1st, I have lost 13 pounds. Hoping to keep going as I have about 85 more to go. Over the past 3 years I have lost 55 pounds and it has been very slow going....stalled and just broke thru another plateau by...get this...adding breakfsat..LOL Would love the support from others in the…
  • I completely understand your dilemma as I have been through this too. I am about the same size and have to reduce my calories to 1000 to get anywhere. However, I have some strategies I am starting to check out. First, make sure it is not medical.... Get tested for hypothyroidism and PCOS. Make sure you are logging…