endermako Member


  • An ex very good friend of mine started phentermine because she didn't want to put in the work involved to lose weight. You can even see some of my old posts on here with my concerns. She lost 16-20 pounds in the first two weeks and when I checked her MFP, she was only eating 400-700 calories a day. I was really concerned…
  • Wellbutrin isn't a magical weight loss/antidepressant. It just has a side effect of decreased appetite that not all users get. I've been taking it for 3 years but I didn't use it for weight loss. I just ate at a deficit to lose.
  • You're entitled to at least one 15 minute break in a 6 hour shift. Anything after 6 hours and your entitled to an unpaid lunch as well.
  • 2lbs, but i'm basically in maintenance range anyway
  • Name: Firecat1987 Age: 31 Height:5'4 Total weight lost: 51lbs Time it took to lose: 18 months How long in maintenance: 4 weeks Maintenance weight range: 130-140lbs Average weight recorded from 2018: N/A Average weight recorded from January: 155.3lbs Average weight recorded from February: 151.6lbs Average weight recorded…
  • That's what i'm doing. I stopped at 3-4lbs from goal. Now i'm slowly chipping off the remaining weight.
  • My preference is to reward myself with new clothes. I think food rewards can lead to falling into bad habits. Just my preference though.
  • Name: Firecat1987 Age: 31 Height:5'4 Total weight lost: 49lbs Time it took to lose: 18 months How long in maintenance: 3 weeks Maintenance weight range: 130-140lbs Average weight recorded from 2018: N/A Average weight recorded from January: 155.3lbs Average weight recorded from February: 151.6lbs Average weight recorded…
  • there is a big difference between eating back your calories or none at all. Try eating a portion of them back.
  • i have that pain when my form is off when lifting. I would just rest it for a few days, and just make sure your form is spot on when doing your weights
  • @missperfectpitch It's great that I can recognize trouble before it happens. I realized right away that I really needed to watch these date nights. Thankfully this guy is also watching what he eats so he is kind of doing the same thing which helps.
  • you need to hydrate a lot more. dehydration can feel like hunger but without the stomach growling.
  • Name: Firecat1987 Age: 31 Height:5'4 Total weight lost: 49lbs Time it took to lose: 18 months How long in maintenance: 2 weeks Maintenance weight range: 130-140lbs Average weight recorded from 2018: N/A Average weight recorded from January: 155.3lbs Average weight recorded from February: 151.6lbs Average weight recorded…
  • i use it to update my macros per day and to turn exercise calories off, a few other things as well but those are the main two.
  • haha i love this.
  • Wellbutrin for a lot of people (including myself) can suppress your appetite. You may feel hungrier when weaning yourself off of it. Just maintain your calorie deficit and you should be fine.
  • I have IBS too. You can eat whatever is comfortable for you as long as you remain in a calorie deficit (if that is what your goal is). I usually don't eat salad unless i know i'll be home for the rest of the day.
    in IBS Comment by endermako May 2019
  • look at my diary for monday through wednesday. I've had wine everyday. If it fits, eat it :)
  • Name: Firecat1987 Age: 31 Height:5'4 Total weight lost: 49lbs Time it took to lose: 18 months How long in maintenance: 1 week Maintenance weight range: 130-140lbs Average weight recorded from 2018: N/A Average weight recorded from January: 155.3lbs Average weight recorded from February: 151.6lbs Average weight recorded…
  • protein doesn't make you gain weight, You gain weight if you are eating more than you burn. Anything you eat could make you gain weight if you eat over your maintenance calories. 1200 is too low most likely, Do you have it set to 1lb a week and are you eating your exercise calories back? if tracking macros seems too…
  • you may want to switch that 2pm snack to something more satiating like a protein. I will do rice cakes with cookie butter and cheese sticks, or fruit with a greek yogurt protein fruit dip and that works as well. You can still meet your calorie range with those options.
  • get an airfryer, put everything in it, eat. so quick and yummy, you don't need oil. or you can premake your dinner on the weekends and just warm it up. I do that for tacos a lot
  • you can do so much to chicken, healthy is in the eye of the beholder. I put chicken tenderloins into my airfryer covered in salt and pepper and then eat them with ketchup/mustard/bbq sauce, it fits my macros
  • Yes, you can make all five days and freeze half of it if it freezes well, if not cook 3, and then cook again on like wednesday night or something.
  • Jamaican me hungry
  • I have been thinking about just going back to the calorie tracking and watching my protein level rather than just watching all macros. I think i'll alternate the two different methods to see if i feel any different.
  • Thanks for the woos, I didn't say anything on whether it was good for you to do that or not.. Don't be rude because i'm only talking about CICO.
  • in the beginning (several years ago) i was following the fads and getting frustrated (keto, water fasting, juicing) they were just making me so sick. then i started to just count calories and weightlift and it's all good now :)
  • you could eat ice cream at every meal and as long as it still put you in a caloric deficit you would still lose. The same goes with rice.
  • Your other posts are usually about this same thing. Do you have a therapist or a team to help you? A lot of people on the internet cannot give you the help/validation you are looking for.