

  • That is totally understandable especially as you have lost weight already, there develops a fear around food and going back to where you started. But food as you said isnt bad. I used to get really stressed about certain foods (sadly when i had nothing to stress over in terms of health) so I switched it on its head. If you…
  • OOOOOOOh I am up for this one, did you mention star jumps? i personally HATE them which probably means they are doing me good!
  • Hello and welcome Always looking for support along the way. I find this site really helpful and and community topics are great, I have just discovered the search option which allows me to check out previous threads, turns out lots of people have the same troubles and triumphs in common. Anyway feel free to add me and good…
  • Hello I work nights and I am experiencing a similar thing, I have been in this post since March and recently ie the last couple of weeks i have struggled on my days and nights off. I am basically sleeping all the time! However I have also experienced insomnia in the past and these things helped me (maybe a bit too much!!!)…
  • Hello everyone I am getting married on spring next year and want to focus on feeling my absolute best in terms of health and energy and confidence. It is going to be a teensiest affair but I am excited as a date has now been set and i have something to aim for. Good luck everyone
  • Add me, I have found the support on this site fantastic. It really helps to have that daily motivation
  • Hello I am on here daily and ready to encourage and motivate. i have had a pesky setback with a small gain this week but this has made me more determned to post daily everything and step up the exercise. Feel free to add me i need all the motivation i can get and its so much friendlier when you know others doing this…
  • Hello I have been told that it can be used in place of any cooking oil and is very good for you. I am not sure how it compares to olive or rapeseed oil (my personal favourite) in health benefits. But i am aware it makes a great hair conditioner and external beauty tool. Good luck and post your thoughts :)
  • Yes Count me in I am starting today having just got the dvd. Will add you for support!
  • Hello there Add me :smile: I use this site regularly and love the ongoing support from everyone on here. I also have around 60 lbs to lose (wow sound alot when I see it!) Good luck with your weight loss Liz
  • If you really cant face seeking professional help, what about support groups? also websites? is a fantastic resource and has information on the cycle of bulimia and self help strategies such as menu planning and contracts, distraction stuff. there is also stuff on mindfulness which i have found really…
  • Hello there good luck in your weight loss goals, its great you have something to aim for. I am also a serial dieter but this site does appear to be helping me much more than groups etc as there is always someone on hand to give support and advice. In terms of recipes if you google slimming world recipes there are some…
  • Hello I am that woman!! Please feel free to check out my profile and add me. i am fairly new to the site and always looking for support along this weight loss journey. i have found that weight loss seems harder in my thirties, but perhaps I have other priorities as well. i dont know! but i am ready to make myself a…
  • Sunny dorset
  • Nakd raw fruit bars I love the orange chocolate flavour! It gives you the really sweet hit and does the trick for me. Although I have also just discovered dark chocolate flavoured chips just had the rasberry flavour. The bag is under 100 calories and is lovely, and I couldnt finish it (this is unheard of for me).
  • Hello everyone, I am Lizzie from the UK. I have around 60 pounds to lose and love exercise but I have got out of the habit. I am so in need of a kick up the backside so I am very excited about starting a challange and getting bacvk on track with moving more. Good luck everyone.
  • OOOOh I love the idea of a care package... but i shall have to think of stuff. Can I ask what is hypershread? I am based in the uk and have not heard of it? grief i still cant think of stuff to go into my care package (this makes me sad :()
  • Hello there That sounds a horrible experience but an excellent motivator! Just think, on your next holiday you will be fitter healthier and more confident!! I like to think at each weigh in that "this is the most I am ever going to weigh ever again". I totally beleive that you can and will do this, and this website is…
  • Me too me too! I am challenging myself to a john o'groates to landsend triathlon and need all the extra training and motivation i can get! thank you
  • Hi there I have rejoined this site having tried various groups and products. I am the biggest I think i have been and am looking to lose four stone! Which sounds ALOT when I have typed it! anyway day one has started and It would be great to have support along the way! good luck with your journey I wish you well Liz