abreuluv Member


  • I had the same love of coffee (or should I say creamer with a splash of coffee), but decided the calories weren't worth it. Now I drink Celestial Seasoning English Breakfast Black Tea with some Splenda - perfect! Warm, sweet, and gives me a little pick me up I need when I get to work.
  • Hilarious as always and yes! yes! yes! Exactly how I felt yesterday and today! I wake up at 4 am to do my workouts. Usually I am all excited and ready to go. These past two days though have been rough. If it weren't for the fact that my husband and I are doing this together, I really think I would have just slept in the…
  • I referred to it as a Beergarita - before I started my weight loss journey, of course :-)
  • This was awesome! I just started my 2nd week of Insanity, but I already love it. Your explanation of the hardest warm-up and the reasoning behind it totally makes sense now. Thank you for that! And it is true - through the warm up I struggle, but after the stretching and going into the "actual circuits" I am able to do so…
  • This week my goal is to make healthier snack choices. I find myself craving less and less of the junk food, but still eating them out of habit. So I am going to work on being aware of what I am taking in and make healthier choices (sometimes).
  • I think this a great challenge! I've been telling myself to do this, but now I'll really try to commit to not eating after 8 pm.
  • Incredibly inspiring! Those are the exact results I'm trying for. Thank you for sharing!
  • I started on an off day, not a Monday because I wanted to hurry up and start the program. So far I really like it. I have read some men burn up to 1000 calories during an Insanity workout. I was just wondering if my reading was a bit high since I'm female and only 5'3". Seeing that I burned so much is really motivating.…
  • I started Insanity 3 days ago. Today I completed the Cardio Recovery DVD, first time using a HR/calorie monitor. It said I burned 328 calories in 33 minutes? Seemed a bit high since the DVD was pretty simple. I can hardly wait to see what my calories burned will be when I complete the other workouts with my HR monitor.