Giving up Coffee...suggestions for a Good TEA?????

I LOVE starting my day at work with a warm cup of coffee! And by a cup of coffee I mean about 8oz. of coffee and LOTS of delicious French Vanilla or Hazel Nut creamer. Yeah Yeah I know it's really BAD for me and since I'm trying to improve my eating habits I'm trying to stop it all together but it's proving to be a little more difficult then I imagined. Problem is with this cold weather we've been having it's become incredibly difficult for me to not have a warm drink of something sweet in the mornings & since hot coco isn't all that great either I was thinking or switching to Tea. It seems like a good idea but I just don't know were to start I'm totally cluless when it comes to Tea. I know there are probably hundreds of different types and that's why I would Love to get suggestions of other peoples favorites. Today I tried a Green Tea with Orange, Passion Fruit & Jasmine and even though I'm not really fond of Green Tea it was surprisingly Good. Just makes me wonder what other drinks are out there that I've been missing out on ??????


  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I'm fond of chai blends. Not the ones that come in a carton, just the teabags, no sugar, no milk or cream. As far as tea goes it's not as cheap as bulk Lipton or whatever, but it has a nice flavor and it's great served hot.
  • Artillerybabe
    Artillerybabe Posts: 9 Member
    Red Bush Tea its lush with or without milk and its caffeine free :drinker:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    check out or see if they have a store near you.

    they have good stuff
  • chels0722
    chels0722 Posts: 465 Member
    Green Tea!!! You can get it caffienated too. And it has lots of health benefits. It is also proven to help kick start your metabolism! So it is a great morning drink! If you drink it with a little ginseng, cinnamon, and an extremely small pinch of cayenne pepper it will boost your liver function and start your fat burning process while cleaning out your system. There really is no down side to green tea :)
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    I usually drink green, black (with milk and sweetener) or peppermint
  • JDunbar82
    JDunbar82 Posts: 31 Member
    You should try Bigelow Vanilla Carmel tea...I add a splash of milk and a little sweetener ...good stuff! :)
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    There are so many! I just started drinking hot tea, and found a lovely local tea shop. They literally have at least 200 different kinds of tea and the guy at the counter was soooo helpful with finding out my likes and suggesting different teas he thought I'd enjoy. I got a lavendar Earl Grey last time, but am thinking about getting something spicy next time I go there.

    I also hear really good things about David's Tea.
  • buddysmom35
    buddysmom35 Posts: 20 Member
    Im usually a big co9ffee drinker, but I love Lipton's Honey Lemon Tea.
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    Twinings green tea with citrus is the best! Cranberry and raspberry is lovely too. Some of them smell amazing but taste rubbish. I have coffee with 2 artificial sweetners and skimmed milk- not many calories if you want to still have a coffee.
  • vanzeem
    vanzeem Posts: 107
    my favorite tea (and my husbands) is Sweet and Spicy from Good Earth. I can get it at walmart. It's so good you won't even know you're drinking tea, but it helps me with my sweets cravings.
  • janatleigh
    janatleigh Posts: 33 Member
    My favorite tea is Mint Green Tea (Twinings makes one, as well as Bigelow). The mint makes it very refreshing. I even make it into iced tea.

    Also green tea is really good for your metabolism, so bonus points there!
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    I ended up switching to just hot water with a cinnamon stick. Maybe try that? I use the same stick all day and just keep the hot water coming.
  • abreuluv
    abreuluv Posts: 9 Member
    I had the same love of coffee (or should I say creamer with a splash of coffee), but decided the calories weren't worth it. Now I drink Celestial Seasoning English Breakfast Black Tea with some Splenda - perfect! Warm, sweet, and gives me a little pick me up I need when I get to work.
  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member
    Coffee isn't bad for you. If it is the sugar/sweetened creamers you are concerned with I would gradually replace it with skim milk. I used to be a sweetened coffee drinker but now I drink with an ounce of 1% milk or black coffee. Your palate will change with time.
  • fusion777
    fusion777 Posts: 197
    Love Irish or English Breakfast tea, any brand (even store). Really nice flavor and requires no sugar or milk. I hope you find one you like!
  • gillesse
    gillesse Posts: 66 Member
    celestial seasonings wild berry zinger is my favourite tea at the moment.
  • wildechild74
    wildechild74 Posts: 64 Member
    i am a coffee junkie!! my suggestion would be to learn to drink your coffee with less creamer, but that is just my opinion :glasses:
  • 30Purple
    30Purple Posts: 252 Member
    I usually drink my coffee with half n half, but have been on a milk kick for a while to save money.

    Anyways, fruit teas are good - also, vanilla tea is tasty
  • Dyann_Alvarez
    Dyann_Alvarez Posts: 61 Member
    I don't know why anyone would do that!! Good luck - I got nothin'! :drinker:
  • If you can find a tea called sugar plum it is the best one I have ever tried! I used to be a coffee addict! But I also gave it up and now am addicted to different flavous of loose leaf teas! After Eight is also good if you like a strong minty taste ;)