hunger4love Member


  • I feel you!!! Night time eating is my #1 self sabotage strategy. I have been working on it... You might think about what activities are paired with your eating behavior. For me, some common triggers are (1) being upset or lonely, (2) being intoxicated, even mildly, with alcohol or pot (I live in a state where it's legal),…
  • I am a terrific binge eater. Seriously, I should get an award or something. I think I try to numb out with food. I definitely binge in response to stress and loneliness. And then comes the shame and guilt and fear and there I am, bloated and uncomfortable at the gym, doing an hour of cardio and hating myself the whole…
  • I love a scoop of protein powder in a cup of coconut milk - delish!
  • Coconut butter - not the same texture or consistency as the other nut butters - but chock full of those fabulous monounsaturated fatty acids and delicious! I mix a couple of tablespoons of it into my organic, high fiber oat bran hot cereal in the morning (with a chopped up apple and cinnamon = YUM). Try it. You'll love it.
  • Feeling powerful/energetic/strong. Oh, and looking really good naked. Yeah, that about sums it up.