

  • ugg! this is getting really frustrating! i gained like 2 lbs over the holidays and i'm just kind of drifting away from the program. I can't stick to it and i never feel like exercising. suggestions?
  • ok guys im back! sorry i havent been on in a while but i see yu guys have still been posting which is AWESOME! im having trouble pulling through the holidays. I lost 3 pounds but i gained it all back during christmas and everything so ya.... advise? i could really use it! well, hope you guys are doin better!
  • Okay so today was a good day for me. I could improve on a few of my food choices but i exercised a lot today so I'm marking it off as a good day! =D I'd like to know how you guys are doing. I know the holidays are getting pretty hard for me. Stupid eggnog ruined my day =/ 2 days til Christmas! please post an update on how…
  • im not sure about finding it because im new too. I just go to "My Topics" under the community tab and it brings it up =D try that.
  • Thanks for joining MeganAimee! Start weight/ current weight~ 180 :sad: goal weight~ 120 :heart: ok guys start posting your weights because our weigh in is January 5th lets see who can lose the most!! :tongue:
  • glad you joined becky_boop! the first thing i think everyone should post is current weight and the weight you would like to be at in 2 weeks. You can also share your stories.
  • Well thanks for your support! I thought it was a good idea too! so I was thinking we'd post any questions on here for our group to answer. and we could do a weigh in every week or something. We could post the start weight, current weight, and goal weight. Any other ideas?
  • Thanks and I like that thing that says "The lord is my Sheppard, I shall not want unhealthy foods" lol!
  • well this is only my second day so my start weight is 180 I would like to be at 175 its a small enough goal. I hope you guys have a good day! good luck to all of you!
  • hello! my name's Ciara and I would love to join this group! what exactly do I need to do?
  • thank you so much! its great to have this kind of support because i've tried to lose weight alone and it doesn't work! thanks for the help =D
  • ive been heavy all my life and im sick of it. i eat not of boredom completely but because i like the taste. id like to see what its like not to be the fat one for once. =/
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