Join US! FAB FOURS (4 week challenge group) NEW!



  • mrsrobinson
    Well, I know I was supposed to wait until tomorrow morning to weigh-in, but I am very busy tomorrow, so I weighed in tonight. I lost 3.5 pounds!!! :noway: (Actually, I weighed this on Fri., but I wanted to re-weigh closer to Tues. for a final number :tongue: )

    SW 459
    CW 454.5
    GW 449 but I'll take any loss with the pneumonia!
  • biddy
    biddy Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to join in with your 4 week challenge
    I am trying to lose six kilos which may not seem much but its a size bigger than what I want to be. I want to lose it for health reasons and I need more energy, I have a toddler and want to be fit and strong for her
  • jwebb593
    Is it too late to join?
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I would love to join your group too. It's a tough week but I need help! Do we report to slidingscale?
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    didnt lose anything this week...143.2....Its been a rough week. Hopefully everyone will make it through the holidays...I am gonna start back at it really hard after the new year...Welp off to my fitness test!!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    hello! my name's Ciara and I would love to join this group! what exactly do I need to do?
    Hi Clara,
    I am glad you joined us!!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Well, I know I was supposed to wait until tomorrow morning to weigh-in, but I am very busy tomorrow, so I weighed in tonight. I lost 3.5 pounds!!! :noway: (Actually, I weighed this on Fri., but I wanted to re-weigh closer to Tues. for a final number :tongue: )

    SW 459
    CW 454.5
    GW 449 but I'll take any loss with the pneumonia!
    SUPER!!! Good Job!!!!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Is it too late to join?
    No it is NEVER to late! Post your start weight and what you want for a goal weight on 1/5! We will continue setting four week goals hence Fab Fours! Best wishes!
  • Pollart77
    Pollart77 Posts: 263 Member
    Finally the scale started to move again! That was getting a little frustrating! Tuesday weigh in weight is 293.2.

    Have a great day!
  • Sunsama
    Sunsama Posts: 100 Member
    Alright, my weigh in this morning was *sigh* a gain of 2 lbs. I'm officially at 192, but considering the week I had, I'm glad it isn't more! Well, lets start this week of great, shall we gals? =) Get your water in today!!!
  • jakstamp
    Hi everyone ... not a great weigh in day for me. I am up 1 lb :( It is that time of the month though (i think we are all women here !) so I am really hoping it is just water weight and that I see a good loss next week. Oh my!

    Anyhow here are the stats:

    SW: 156.5
    last week:: 153.5
    Today: 154.5
    GW: 150

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Hi, I stayed the same 149# ! WhoooooH !!
  • cryslynn1980
    cryslynn1980 Posts: 111 Member
    welll ladies I gained 1.8 back of the 2 I had lost. oh well...atleast i didnt gain it all back! Plus I think its alot of water weight so lemons in my water here I come. Does anyone have any low sugar but great tasting breakfast ideas? It seems everything I think is good has sugar. this morning I am having a bowl of 1 min oats with fresh apple, and ground cinnamon...well the apple has 11 sugars what the HELP? I will lose weight this coming week! CONGRATS to all who did lose! and keep up the hard work to all who didnt!

    oh yeah...

    i am now 175...something(lol)
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    MORNING Wonderful ladies!!! Weighing in at 231.6! Woot!!!

    2.2lbs down!

    For a wopping total of 12.4 lbs down since MFP

    7.4 since I re-started

    and 5 even since Fab Fours!


    Thank you fabulous fours!!!

    2 weeks to lose that other 3.6 lbs - I havent been in the 220's since 05. I graduated at 170 and that is my big goal right now! I thought I was big then, now I would LOVE to be there. When I got up this morning, I said to my hubby "Its weigh-in time" he says "Your tummy looks smaller" :) That made my day!
    Sorry I've been so lax about posting everyday! I'm finally done with school for the semester and just found out I managed to get straight A's! That feels like an immense accomplishment after all the craziness that I've had to endure this semester! Now I'm just trying to clean the house and get everything ready to leave for Phoenix tomorrow afternoon. My mom lives there and I'll be spending the next week or so with her.

    CONGRATS mskellyw! Thats so exciting! I remember when I got my first set of straight A's I was so excited. I was probably 11, but I remember taking FULL advantage of it! "can I have this and this and this and that, oh and that - cause I got straight a's?" If only it worked like that now right? Have a blast on your trip, be safe!

    :drinker: Welcome Jessica!
    I was totally ready to go to a buffet with my friend and eat away the rest of my anger, but I talked myself out of it. So instead, I'm off to see So Have You Heard About The Morgans... Hopefully it'll be worth a laugh or two =)

    Well good for you for fighting that urge. It never helps, after you are done being angry about the situation that caused you to binge eat, and that feel good satisfied feeling wears off then you are back to be angry at yourself for eating all that in the first place. :) I am proud of you!
    I may be PMS too. I hear women that live together begin to cycle together. Do you think we're doing that on MFP?
    I hope so, because I would love to have a normal cycle for once. Aunt flo is a full time resident for me. She takes a day or two vacation, but comes right back as though she never left. I had gone to see a Dr. about it, and he performed a D&C to see if he could just restart the whole system, and I went a whole 2 months without. I was ecstatic but also worried. Then here she comes, suitcases full, right back in. Now he says that he thinks I might not be ovulating, which I am not sure I understand how that works. Wouldnt there be No cycle then? He wont see me till I have lost 20lbs anyway, like all the other dr's now. I'll show him! :)

    :flowerforyou: Rose - I can't wait till wednesday! I have gifts for the boys! They can open them then right????

    :noway: Ashaver - OMGoodness! Wow, that is intense. I think you definately outdid yourself!

    Heres to 64oz of water!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    *edit* - sorry its so long!
  • nikinicole
    well this is only my second day so my start weight is 180 I would like to be at 175 its a small enough goal. I hope you guys have a good day! good luck to all of you!
  • ebh1024
    ebh1024 Posts: 186
    Good Morning! I have not been very good this week at logging! With shopping and having 3 Christmas parties it was really difficult for me to find time to log. I was okay, but didn't do the best last night. We had hot wings and pizza and other stuff.

    I wasn't going to weigh, but I did go ahead and weigh and today my weight is: 173.0 and last week it was 171.2. I feel some could be water retention too. But I don't like to see it moving up not good! So this week I am really going to try hard. I know it is Christmas, but if I don't watch it..the weight will creep right back up. Today is my new beginning...looking forward to a better day and better week. Water, Water and more water!!!!

    Last week: 171.2
    Today: 173.0
    Goal for end of Fab Four: 169.0
  • Steph2285
    Steph2285 Posts: 118 Member
    Hello Everyone! I Thought my weigh in would be a little better - but I think some of it might be water retention too. =(

    myfitnesspal Start Weight: 152
    Fab 4 Start Weight: 134
    Last Week Weight: 133
    Current Weight: 131.75
    Lost 1.25 lb this week :blushing:

    Goal for 1-5-10: 127
    End Goal Weight: 120

    I really hope I can keep my goal - I'm not losing as much as I was hoping =( I have to lose 4.75 lbs to meet my goal for 1-5-10
  • mskellyw
    mskellyw Posts: 111
    So it looks like this will be post number 500! Just to remind everyone, that will lock this thread and we'll have to start another one. DON'T TRY TO POST HERE OR MFP WILL EAT YOUR RESPONSE!

    Anyway, I weighed in this morning at 189! That's 2.4lbs lost and a whole pound past my January 5th goal! I'm shocked to say the least, especially since I haven't been great about eating well or tracking this week. I have taken some of my own advice about treating a sluggish thyroid however, so maybe that's what's making the difference. I've never tested out of range, but have had a couple of doctors tell me that I exhibit most of the classic symptoms of low thyroid (especially difficulty losing weight).

    I hope everyone else has a great weigh-in and I'll see you on the new thread!