Join US! FAB FOURS (4 week challenge group) NEW!



  • jakstamp
    Hey Everyone,

    I really wish I had logged in earlier to see the idea for the no sugar challenge! I have already had a Fibre 1 bar and a spoonful of cranberry sauce on my turkey sandwhich. Too bad! Maybe I will try it tomorrow if we don't have another daily challenge lined up.

    Can't wait to see the results on Wednesday - great motivation to not overeat the weekend :)

  • msmoodygirl
    HI everyone I'd like to join in too...I'm new to the sight and may need some help learning how to do this. I weighed in yesterday at 193lbs and my 4 week goal is 10lbs. Did I write in the right spot to join? and is this where I come everyday to find out what I'm suppose to do? Sorry to be a bother, hopefully I will catch on quick!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Kelynn - Yay for the sucessful day yesterday!

    Thanks!! Gonna do it again today... I can *feel* it!! :bigsmile:
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    :flowerforyou: artichoke & msmoodygirl, WELCOME TO OUR GROUP! You are in the right spot to post your weight every Tuesday, and share more about yourself everyday. Thanks for finding us.

    artichoke, I will post your current weight as 151 and your Jan 5th goal weight of 145. Let me know if that is incorrect.

    today's challenge is to avoid extra sugars (desserts, candy, sweetened drinks, syrups, etc). Best of luck to you! let us know how you did with the challenge.

    I'll update the summary list in a few days, adding your names.
  • ashaver_21
    Hey everyone just checking in! Just got done reading yesterdays and today's comments. Just wanted to do a little pep talk! Ladies we can do this challenge today. Instead of No sugar just keep it down as much as possible. Shoot for no pop, candy or junk food. I say Orange juice is worth it, because remember its good to have some sugar in your diet as long as its natural!

    I am currently at 7g of sugar today:cry:
    On my way to consuming 9g of sugar for an all natural strawberry banana smoothie blended straight from my kitchen!:tongue:

    Every morning I have a bowl of cream of wheat and instead of milk or water I mix in vanilla soy milk. For the 1/2 cup of soy milk is 7g. In earlier comments I think the new goal was to keep it under 100g which is understandable.

    For a challenge tomorrow I vote at the end of today we all share our favorite exercise and why we like it and how we benefit from it. Then tomorrow we all pick one or more of someone else's workouts and try it out! Not only does it spice things up but who knows you might like the new exercise and add it to your own workout plan! :wink:

    What do you think ladies?
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Not a good time...

    Oh Nooooooo!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    For a challenge tomorrow I vote at the end of today we all share our favorite exercise and why we like it and how we benefit from it. Then tomorrow we all pick one or more of someone else's workouts and try it out! Not only does it spice things up but who knows you might like the new exercise and add it to your own workout plan! :wink:

    What do you think ladies?
    Sounds like a great idea. And fun, too!
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    Not a good time...

    Oh Nooooooo!

    Girls!!!!! Let me just tell you, the candy jar looks EXACTLY as it did when I took that picture. No sugary junky food for me today!!! WOOT!

    I feel awesome and proud! Before he came in, it was empty.. customers eat some, but I admit I am a snacker. I am trying to figure out what I can move that will make it "unseeable!"
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    That sounds like so much fun! I would love to share! I am going to have to think long and hard about this though. Good thing the challenge is for tomorrow!
  • ashaver_21
    So this might not work for everyone, because I am a stay at home mom.

    I start my day off with some yoga. I have been watching a DVD called yoga flex. It runs about 25 minutes long and loosens and warms you up to start your workout. Then I use one of the beachbody DVDs. No one laugh but I love using the hip hop abs! It is a great cardio workout. I use 3lbs weight on my ankles and wrists for some strength training. That usually puts me at 60 minutes of cardio. I take a 20 minute breather and then go for a quick run. But due to the extreme cold I have been adding in mini exercises through out my day. If I am vacuuming the house I use slow controlled movements focusing on my arms, posture, and keeping my abs tights, If I am doing laundry while I am carrying the basket I do lunges down the hallway. When I am cooking I dance like the Rumba! Moving my hips around, flexing and straightening my legs, rolling my shoulders around! I have been doing these exact exercises now for 9 days now and I have lost 6lbs! I do this everyday except for Sunday. On Sundays I do the yoga then spend time with my family. That one day of rest is just enough so I don't get burnt out or injured!

    With my odd but fun workout I stay at 1200 calories. I like to munch so instead of having 3 meals a day I eat like 6 small meals a day. I also have a rule to not eat after 7:00 pm. This helps to stay way from desert, and so I can go to bed not feeling blotted or heavy.

    Hope everyone is doing well with todays challenge, stay stong!
  • rose_parker9784
    Hello again,

    I did really good today on my sugar intake, only 92 grams, with almost 40 in orange juice. So I stayed under the 100 mark. I stay up late at night to do my homework so my last time to eat is 9pm and I wake up later so my first time is 9am. As far as exercise goes, I walk to my son's bus stop to pick him up- this takes about 15 min and I do a brisk walk there then another 15 min home but I have to slow down a bit to let him keep up with me. Any time I can get some free time, I do a 10 min standing ab workout throughout the day. Then around 10pm I do the Jullian Michaels Shred video, Dance Dance Revolution on the Wii, or EA Sports Active on the Wii. So far I gained some weight but I'm hopeing its just muscle increasing and not fat. I look forward to hearing about everyone else's workouts tomorrow. I posted mine tonight because I may not be available to get on tomorrow. Good luck to everyone!
  • proudloser
    I would love to join! What are the challenges? I just joined today and want to be part of a group becuase i'm having a hard time getting motivated....
  • mskellyw
    mskellyw Posts: 111
    Hi everyone!

    Glad to hear that everyone is having a good day. I've done well so far too and have preplanned what I'm going to have for dinner (Sushi! Yum!) so as to stay within my calories. I'm starting to get a little hungry, but just in case I can't make it to sushi time I went out and bought fruit and have left myself about 75 calories for a snack.

    I wanted to share some recommendations for thyroid boosting herbs and supplements. The info is for Kelynn, but I thought I'd post it here in case anyone else was interested.

    Two supplements that can help a sluggish thyroid are selenium and taurine. Selenium is a mineral that your body uses when it converts T4 (an inactive thyroid hormone) to T3 (an active thyroid hormone). A lot of people are deficient in this mineral. You need about 200 micrograms per day. Taurine is an amino acid that helps regulate the thyroid's amino acid balance. Take 500 to 1000mg per day.

    As far as herbs go, I'd recommend ashwaganda, an ayurvedic herb that increases energy, aids with sleep, and is considered an adaptogen. Adaptogenic herbs help to regulate the body's endocrine system and will help restore balance whether you are over- or under-producing certain hormones. Another great and very well studied adaptogen is eleutherococcus (often just called eleuthero and formerly known a s siberian ginseng).

    I also found this information during a quick online search. I found it at
    "Forskolin is an extract of an Ayurvedic herb that resensitizes cell receptors by activating the enzyme adenylcyclase and increasing the levels of cyclic AMP in cells. Cyclic AMP is an important signal carrier that is necessary for the proper biological response of cells to hormones. It is required for cell communication in the hypothalamus/pituitary gland axis and for the feedback control of hormones. Cyclic AMP is essential to synthesize and regulate thyroid hormones, growth hormones, cortisol, DHEA, testosterone, melatonin, and other hormones. Recommended dosage: one to two capsules twice per day. It is possible that some individuals taking this herbal extract and prescription thyroid hormones may require less medication. Consult with your physician regularly. It would also be a good idea to monitor yourself with the basal temperature test."

    I don't know a ton about the above supplement, but I know it is derived from the coleus plant and that a lot of people think coleus may be the next "big thing" in herbal weight loss supplements. I'd have to do more research before recommending it as readily as the others, but it sounds like it may be worth a try.

    I hope everyone has a great night and I'll be back to check in tomorrow!
  • Essence320
    Essence320 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm really proud of myself today! I stayed under 100g of sugar (my biggest weakness), got in all of my calories(didn't go over) & water, and hit my target for carbs, protein, and fat intake. This is REALLY big for me because I usually fluctuate between eating everything or nothing at all. :bigsmile:

    About my exercise...I get bored easily so I have a variety of dvds from Beachbody that I rotate based on my mood. But my absolute all time favorite is dancing Salsa. When I was an instructor, I was in the best shape of my life. So lately I do my normal w/o in the morning and then in the evening turn the tv to the Tropicales Music Choice channel and dance till I sweat. :laugh:
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    ok, if it's not to late, I'll like to join!! My last group went to Thanksgiving and I lost 11 pounds!! Some of us agreed to continue until New Years but it looks like it's slowly losing it's zip so I need something new!! :bigsmile:

    A little about myself. I'm a mom of 3 kids, 6, 3, 19 mths, married for almost 11 yrs and work full time out of the home. I also take care of my mom so any "me" time is valuable! Because of my pregnancies, my weight has gone up and down for years. Since I think this is my last, my goal is to be in the best shape of my life by 40! I have 4 years to go! I want to give myself enough time. :laugh:

    I had shoulder surgery last week so I can't work out for a few weeks but that's no excuse to let myself go! So although I won't record exercise time, I will post how I'm doing with my calories.

    Currently I've been steady losing 1 lb a week so I will stick to that for now.

    Starting weight: 168
    Current weight: 157
    mini goal 4 weeks: 153
    Ultimate goal: 145

    Thanks everybody! I'm excited about this!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I have had a good day! Sick with cold/flu but I have not had sugar!! The only thing sweet I had was smuckers "all fruit" spread on my rice cake for breakfast!! SUGAR is my downfall so I am quite proud of this!! I have not been able to exercise since Sunday evening, that is when I started the wheezing, coughing, aching!!! I am on med's and am getting better! I really do miss the extra calories you gain from fitness!!! What is tomorrow's challenge??? Hope all is going great for you girls!!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    ok, if it's not to late, I'll like to join!! My last group went to Thanksgiving and I lost 11 pounds!! Some of us agreed to continue until New Years but it looks like it's slowly losing it's zip so I need something new!! :bigsmile:

    A little about myself. I'm a mom of 3 kids, 6, 3, 19 mths, married for almost 11 yrs and work full time out of the home. I also take care of my mom so any "me" time is valuable! Because of my pregnancies, my weight has gone up and down for years. Since I think this is my last, my goal is to be in the best shape of my life by 40! I have 4 years to go! I want to give myself enough time. :laugh:

    I had shoulder surgery last week so I can't work out for a few weeks but that's no excuse to let myself go! So although I won't record exercise time, I will post how I'm doing with my calories.

    Currently I've been steady losing 1 lb a week so I will stick to that for now.

    Starting weight: 168
    Current weight: 157
    mini goal 4 weeks: 153
    Ultimate goal: 145

    Thanks everybody! I'm excited about this!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Welcome to the Fab Fours, ought to be a lively group! Wish you success!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Susan are you staying up with all the new members!!! This is awesome !!!! How was your sugar challenge?
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    :flowerforyou: proudloser & akgrant!!! Welcome! :flowerforyou: We're glad you came aboard.
    Akgrant, Thanks for posting your weights and your background. It's nice to meet you!
    Proudlose, please post your current weight, and the weight you'd like to be on 1/5/2010. I'll put you both in the chart soon, I promise!

    :noway: :noway: OMG....we must be the largest group on this site with 42 fantastic Fabulous Fours!!!!! Thanks for joining, everybody. We are going to break records!:noway: :noway: You are AWESOME!!!!

    There's no way we can do "personals" (acknowledging each member for their contribution) with 42 members. So, let's just try to keep the thread lively!

    The challenge for tomorrow: Post your favorite exercise routine, then chose someone else's to do on Friday. Sounds fun!!!! (courtesy of ashaver, right?)
  • hhhdddggss
    Hi everyone. Tough day. Although I did great with the sugar ... I had a few too many carbs, which are my downfall. The day was so crazy also didnt get in all my 8 glasses of water, usually no problem for me. Today was the kind of day I had to schedule a bathroom break, it was so crazy! :grumble:

    Oh well, tomorrow is another day ... as my BFF Scarlett always says. (I'm in Atlanta, so we Southern girls stick together.)

    Some stairs today, but nothing like my usual. Tomorrow is back to SHRED with Jillian. :bigsmile:

    I look forward to our Thursday challenge ... and being a bit more successful tomorrow!