Join US! FAB FOURS (4 week challenge group) NEW!



  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    Ok so I am back! I am so excited about our weigh in tomorrow. I can't wait to see the progress everyone has had!!! :) What was today's challenge?
  • Steph2285
    Steph2285 Posts: 118 Member
    Hey everyone! I kind of missed the whole first week - I have been so sick!! I pretty much missed an entire week of school too =( Needless to say, I didn't make it to the gym =( But even though I wasn't active, with a diet of chicken noodle soup & hot tea I didn't gain any weight! =) Even though I am not completely over my cold, I am so ready for this now. I am worried about the holidays coming up - we will be traveling a lot & all those meals... Ahhhhhh... But I am determined to get back to where I once was & be in even better shape =) He had to go to AZ for 2 months & when he left I was pudgy, & when he came back I was a lot lighter! He was very impressed =) I lost 15lbs for my husband's Marine Corps Ball last month to get into that dress! I was so excited =) So I need a little bit of an update on what's going on here with this. What should I do now? =)


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  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Just checking in quickly... had a busy weekend and wasn't on the computer much. I ate really, really well during the week last week, but we went to NYC over the weekend and I didn't eat so well. Hoping it doesn't effect my weigh-in too much :ohwell: Going to make sure I get a lot of water in my system, and head out for a run this afternoon!
  • momieof2
    I am not looking forward to weighing in tomorrow. I have been a very bad girl this past week. With Holiday Christmas Parties too, football yesterday. I am so mad at myself. So I am hoping to just not gain any. Has anyone tried Slim in 6? Just got it today and wondering if anyone had good results.
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    I got "Jillian Michaels Shred" last night! I am so excited to try it out!!! I am gonna "Shred" it tonight!!! :) Hopefully it will make a difference in tomorrows weigh in!!! I am also trying all 3 of the challenges:

    100 Pushups
    200 Situps
    200 Squats

    I'm gonna be a lean, not so mean, good looking, machine!!
  • momieof2
    This might sound like a silly question but what is shredding?
  • ashaver_21
    Good afternoon ladies! A little disappointed in my workout. I just have to keep in mind that muscle weighs more then fat. A week before this challenge I lost a total of 8lbs I am guessing water weight. I have not strayed from my diet or my workouts. I have gained it back but look thinner and feel great other then having a cold... I am beginning to think I will never get a chance to get to my goal weight... My new goal should be loosing inches instead of trying to hit a certain weight. I will take my measurements and post them a little later.

    What do you all think I should do???
  • Sunsama
    Sunsama Posts: 100 Member
    Good afternoon ladies! A little disappointed in my workout. I just have to keep in mind that muscle weighs more then fat. A week before this challenge I lost a total of 8lbs I am guessing water weight. I have not strayed from my diet or my workouts. I have gained it back but look thinner and feel great other then having a cold... I am beginning to think I will never get a chance to get to my goal weight... My new goal should be loosing inches instead of trying to hit a certain weight. I will take my measurements and post them a little later.

    What do you all think I should do???

    Measurements are a lot better way of keeping track of your fitness and weight loss, as muscle mass weighs more than fat, but takes up less space. So, yea, go with the measurements, itll make you feel better =)
    This might sound like a silly question but what is shredding?

    Are you referring to everyone else talking about the 30 day shred? It's a work out dvd made by Jillian from the Biggest Loser, and its a pretty intense work out session. I must admit, I tried it one day and only got half way through the work out, and was sore the next 2 days... So my goal is to be able to get through the whole thing by New Years, and keep up with it like I'm supposed to =P
    I got "Jillian Michaels Shred" last night! I am so excited to try it out!!! I am gonna "Shred" it tonight!!! :) Hopefully it will make a difference in tomorrows weigh in!!! I am also trying all 3 of the challenges:

    100 Pushups
    200 Situps
    200 Squats

    I'm gonna be a lean, not so mean, good looking, machine!!

    Wow! What a challenge! I wish you the best of luck, and may you not be too sore in the morning =) Watch out calories! She means business!

    My suggestion for a challenge is to eat your daily amount of fruit, or to post your favorite dinner recipe, and then chose another F'ers (sorry Verda, I stole your phrase!! hehe) and make it that night.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I feel like I am slacking from the group..not trying to...working alot only one day off a week sucks, especially when you still have shopping and wrapping to do. well tomorrow is my day off, my 5 yr old has her chirtsmas program at 830 am then off to shop before 130 when I pick her up.. Hopefully I will have an alright weigh in Aunt FLO came to visit with a vengence!!! and I mean a vengence...worst one in a long time I thought I was gonna have to leave work early....well hopefully I can hit the gym for a littel bit as my last chance workout!!!!
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    Wow! What a challenge! I wish you the best of luck, and may you not be too sore in the morning =) Watch out calories! She means business!

    My suggestion for a challenge is to eat your daily amount of fruit, or to post your favorite dinner recipe, and then chose another F'ers (sorry Verda, I stole your phrase!! hehe) and make it that night

    Yes, why yes I do!!!! I am gonna kick some calorie but!!!

    BTW what is "your daily amount of fruit"? How do we know what that would be?
  • Sunsama
    Sunsama Posts: 100 Member
    Wow! What a challenge! I wish you the best of luck, and may you not be too sore in the morning =) Watch out calories! She means business!

    My suggestion for a challenge is to eat your daily amount of fruit, or to post your favorite dinner recipe, and then chose another F'ers (sorry Verda, I stole your phrase!! hehe) and make it that night

    Yes, why yes I do!!!! I am gonna kick some calorie but!!!

    BTW what is "your daily amount of fruit"? How do we know what that would be?

    It may have changed since I last looked, but I believe the recommended daily serving of fruit is 2-3 servings of medium sized fruit. Correct me if I'm wrong, it happens =)
  • mskellyw
    mskellyw Posts: 111
    Hi everyone! I just wanted to check in before tomorrow's weigh-in. I was terrible about tracking this weekend! I ended up drinking on Friday and Saturday (diet kryptonite for me!), but tried not to got too crazy and still watched my food intake, so I'm still expecting to be down by at least a little bit tomorrow. I've got a final tomorrow at 11, so I'm trying to stay on track while studying tonight! The idea of weighing in tomorrow is a great motivator! I also have to say that I like that we're weighing in on Tuesdays. I've always done it on Mondays in the past, but I like having one day to undo some of the damage done over the weekend...
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I had an ok day! I stayed in the calorie range , drank 64oz of water and burned 652 calories in my hour workout!! But with it being 24 BELOW zero all I want to do is eat-eat-eat!!! I truly dread tomorrow!!!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    It may have changed since I last looked, but I believe the recommended daily serving of fruit is 2-3 servings of medium sized fruit. Correct me if I'm wrong, it happens =)
    this may help, too, since many of us are at different calorie levels:
    1 serving equals:
    :heart: 1 medium apple, banana, orange, etc.
    :heart: 1/2 cup of chopped, cooked, or canned fruit
    :heart: 3/4 cup of 100% fruit juice
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    I, too, am not sure about tomorrow's weigh in, but I'll face it and move on. :ohwell: 3 restaurant meals killed me this weekend.
    I'm heading out now for one last desperate attempt at the gym.

    Sorry for not being online much lately. I'm racing to get the Christmas shopping done.

    See you tomorrow,,,,,,,,uh, with cow bells on. :ohwell: Workin' towards jingle bells next week!
  • rose_parker9784
    I agree that #3 is the best. When I first met my husband, I looked worse than #1 though. I was so thin that people thought I was anorexic but I ate like a pig and was VERY active. I even drank ensure between meals to try to gain some weight, but nothing worked.... except pregnancy! And that took me way over board.

    Rose, I'm so glad you're healthier now, and on track to fitness. That must have been so frustrating for you at your thinnest, not gaining any weight. Did you every find out what was wrong?

    I did figure it out in fact. It is my thyroid. I have an over active thyroid which my doctor said may have contributed to my thinness. But then after my hormones got all out of whack when I got pregnant, she said my thyroid may have caused the weight gain also. Its cooky how it can cause both. But Im working on fixing some other health issues and hopefully I will be the healthiest after a few months!
  • rose_parker9784
    A few ladies were talking about a tummy tuck, I used to want a tummy tuck too.... until i watched "Dr. G, medical examiner" and one of the ladies that they had on there died due to a blood clot or something after her tummy tuck. :ohwell: That was the day i decided i would rather do sit ups! ahhhhh.:noway:

    I would be fine if I could just do sit ups. But my stomach as too much excess skin. My stomach stretched way out and even just from the weight Ive lost in the past, you can see a flap of skin. I still have fat in my stomach, but the skin wont tighten up.
  • mrsrobinson
    Yeah, tomorrow is scary, esp. since I went on a food frenzy Friday night. BUT...I am going to face the scale if you all are going to! :grumble:
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Good luck to everyone on weigh in today. Even if your weight is up, please post. We've all been there - and we can all start over on a new week. Hopefully we have some losers. Go Fab (Forty) Fours (like cherlou said, right?)

    Eat your fruit! Read an earlier post to find out how many servings are right for your calorie level.

    Also, please post a challenge idea. I'll list them daily or weekly, whichever works best for people (let me know which you prefer).

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I am reporting my weight loss for the week when I weighed in last tuesday I was 148 this morning I was 143.2 with a 4.2 pounds loss. Well hope everyone did good.

    Yes even post if you have gained we have all been there...promise me you, before thanksgiving I was down to 136 so just to show you we can all fall off the wagon sometime. I will be back down to 136 may not be til the beginning of Feb but I will be there thats my promise to myself!!!!

    Welp off to the gym, today is my only day off gotta get some christmas shoppping done, so hope everyone had a great weigh in and a great day!!!