Join US! FAB FOURS (4 week challenge group) NEW!



  • rose_parker9784
    Hello again everyone. I am so excited to start losing my weight! I can't exactly say its baby weight any more because my "baby" is now 4. But its better late than never to start getting back into shape. Right now I am approaching finals this week and next so studying has been my main focus. I have been doing the Jullian Michaels Shred 30 minute videos though, as often as I can. I recently gained about 3 lbs in the last week so I'll try to work harder....

    CW 191
    GW 181
    This is on average 2.5 lbs lost each week.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Wow! We are suppose to get 12 inches of snow today here in Nebraska! Looks like we are getting close to it! :sad:
    Brrrrr. My nephew & his wife just moved from Lincoln to Boise (her family is from Lincoln). I wonder if they're missin' the snow?

    (I just got new smileys. Let me know when it gets out of hand!)
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Welcome cassangelidy and smadag1! We're all new here, so jump right in. smadag1, don't forget to log your current weight (today) and your goal in four weeks. Again, welcome to the Fab Four.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I am a 30 year old secretary living in central Alabama (originaly from Illinois) I have the full support of my hubby in my journey.
    My current weight has been stuck at 160 for several months now, my goal weight in 4 weeks is 155. I am hoping to reach this by new years eve. My goal by the end of my journey is to be around 140-145, but I am 5'8 so I am not sure if that will workPlease tell me how this works are there challanges. Can someone givce me a quick over view of what the previous 4 pages say :flowerforyou:
  • mskellyw
    mskellyw Posts: 111
    Hi! I’m just returning to MFP and could use some accountability. I hope it’s ok if I jump into your group!

    I originally joined MFP earlier this year and lost 13 pounds. Then in September I fell off the wagon big time. This guy I had been casually (in my mind anyway) dating went nuts when I broke things off with him and started doing things like breaking into my apartment and slashing my tires. He even broke a window and threw a lit flare into my living room while I wasn’t home which set the place on fire. Needless to say, it was a REALLY stressful time! Add to that the stress of school and a new relationship (serious this time, with a guy who is VERY sane!) and I’m sure I don’t need to explain how I gained the weight back. Plus five pounds. Sigh.

    So anyway, I’m tired of making excuses. A restraining order seems to be keeping crazy at bay, the semester’s almost finished and I’ve become fairly settled in the new relationship, so it’s time to take care of the damage I’ve done over the last three months! I can’t believe I’ve let things go this far and I know I need to put it stop to it now. I’m not going to let the holidays deter me from getting back in shape, because if I don’t do it now, I won’t do it January 1st either!

    Today’s my new official Day 1. My weight at the moment is 195(!) and I’m going to aim for a totally attainable five pounds lost in the next four weeks to put me at 190 (my original starting weight :ohwell: ).

    I look forward to getting to know everybody!
  • running_girl_84
    Hi! I’m just returning to MFP and could use some accountability. I hope it’s ok if I jump into your group!

    I originally joined MFP earlier this year and lost 13 pounds. Then in September I fell off the wagon big time. This guy I had been casually (in my mind anyway) dating went nuts when I broke things off with him and started doing things like breaking into my apartment and slashing my tires. He even broke a window and threw a lit flare into my living room while I wasn’t home which set the place on fire. Needless to say, it was a REALLY stressful time! Add to that the stress of school and a new relationship (serious this time, with a guy who is VERY sane!) and I’m sure I don’t need to explain how I gained the weight back. Plus five pounds. Sigh.

    So anyway, I’m tired of making excuses. A restraining order seems to be keeping crazy at bay, the semester’s almost finished and I’ve become fairly settled in the new relationship, so it’s time to take care of the damage I’ve done over the last three months! I can’t believe I’ve let things go this far and I know I need to put it stop to it now. I’m not going to let the holidays deter me from getting back in shape, because if I don’t do it now, I won’t do it January 1st either!

    Today’s my new official Day 1. My weight at the moment is 195(!) and I’m going to aim for a totally attainable five pounds lost in the next four weeks to put me at 190 (my original starting weight :ohwell: ).

    I look forward to getting to know everybody!

    What a psycho!!!! Glad you are okay :)
  • hhhdddggss
    This guy I had been casually (in my mind anyway) dating went nuts when I broke things off with him and started doing things like breaking into my apartment and slashing my tires. He even broke a window and threw a lit flare into my living room while I wasn’t home which set the place on fire. Needless to say, it was a REALLY stressful time!

    So anyway, I’m tired of making excuses. A restraining order seems to be keeping crazy at bay, the semester’s almost finished and I’ve become fairly settled in the new relationship, so it’s time to take care of the damage I’ve done over the last three months!

    I look forward to getting to know everybody!

    Honey I think you have every right to be stressed out! (In fact, I think you won an unofficial award for that ...) Welcome to the Fab Fours and don't hesitate to call on the group for the support you need!
  • pmckenna
    Hey everyone! I'm reasonably new to this site and so far am really finding it one of the most positive, effective sites I've been on.

    Anyways, here are my numbers:

    SW - 238
    CW - 230
    GW - 225

    Oh, and BTW, how do you get the lbs lost box on the bottom of the messages?
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Ditto from running_girl & cherlou. Crazy guy! I'm glad you have your life back now. Welcome!:flowerforyou: We're glad you're here.
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Oh, and BTW, how do you get the lbs lost box on the bottom of the messages?
    Go to the TOOLS tab at the top of the page and create a Weight Loss Ticker.
    Then get the link code (copy it).
    Go to Community and click on your Signature tab.
    Paste the code there.

    That should work. Let me know if I missed a step.
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member

    So my day is going well but I am dreading this evening.. I have to go raise hell at Tire Kingdom for trying to charge me $89.00 for a problem THEY caused... and as the minutes tick down to 5:00 (only 35 minutes) those candy canes the boss brought in look better and better (im a stress eater) so I decided to get on here and see whats going on. I have a message.

    Check out the new iPhone App!! YAY FREAKING YAY!! I am so excited!!! I was just talking to my hubby about how much easier it would be on the weekends if they had one for the iPhone so that I can keep track when I can't get to a computer!!

    MFP, once again... made my day!

    BTW, I didn't eat the donuts. I don't know if everyone missed it, but I was having a hard time denying the donut a customer brought in for me... I didn't eat it though. It was a chocolate eclair with cream filling.. but I gave it away!! :)
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member

    So my day is going well but I am dreading this evening.. I have to go raise hell at Tire Kingdom for trying to charge me $89.00 for a problem THEY caused... and as the minutes tick down to 5:00 (only 35 minutes) those candy canes the boss brought in look better and better (im a stress eater) so I decided to get on here and see whats going on. I have a message.
    MFP, once again... made my day!

    BTW, I didn't eat the donuts. I don't know if everyone missed it, but I was having a hard time denying the donut a customer brought in for me... I didn't eat it though. It was a chocolate eclair with cream filling.. but I gave it away!! :)
    I wondered what happened to that donut....Great job. When I blow that many calories, it better be the best donut in town! I bet that one wasn't even the perfect donut. Good luck at Tire Kingdom (I hate doing stuff like that, too, I don't like confrontation), and step away from the candy canes.
    I'd better get off the computer and get some exercise. See you later everybody. -Susan
  • ashaver_21
    Good afternoon everyone! My posts will be primarily in the early afternoon. I spend most of my mornings doing chores and working out. We have a high of 10 degrees :huh: here in the Inland NorthWest. I have to go out every hour and break the ice on my horses water trofts. Not so bad except for the fact I have seven of them. Feeling great and ready to lose some weight!

    SW 147
    GW 135! :smile:

    I can't wait to get into shape so I can stay fit with my kids! So planning on being the cool mom!:laugh:

    Look out Challenges here we come!!!! GO FAB FOURS!!!!:bigsmile:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Hi! Just found this group today and figure it's better late than never... although the initial post said you'd be starting Dec. 8th (which is today!) so maybe I'm not technically late? :huh:

    Little bit about me...
    I just turned 25, I'm the director of a middle school after school program, I live with my boyfriend. I have been on MFP since last March. Started in March at 153 lbs. and got down to 140 by August, but I've gained it all back. I have never had any health issues whatsoever, but in the last 2 months found out that I have high thyroid levels and I'll soon have to be on medication. I never believed it when I heard overweight people blame their thyroid, but now I totally do! My appetite has been through the roof:angry: To make matters more complicated, I was very, very sick for a while and just found out that feeling so terrible is due to having at least a gluten-sensitivity, if not Celiac's Disease... I'm in the process of seeing doctors and specialists. So, for about a month and a half now I have been 100% gluten-free which is SO much harder than it sounds :noway: But, I feel a lot better. I started running in June, ran my first 5k in August and am up to almost 5 miles. I'm in the process of convincing myself that I can be ready for a half marathon by October :noway:

    Anyhow, I know I can do this because I've already done it once!

    My starting weight (as of this morning): 153.4
    My goal at the end of 4 weeks is: 148.4 (a difference of 5 pounds)
  • ebh1024
    ebh1024 Posts: 186
    Hey Susan,

    I joined the group but wanted to see if you were creating the chart you showed us before? I am really excited about this and the challenge gets me more excited. How do I know if I'm in or not? Thanks for all your time to help each and everyone of us. I am a stay at home mom. My kids are ages 10, 7 & 3. I have a tendency to "snack" on their leftovers. I am going to NOT be the human garbage can anymore. It is just amazing to see everyone's results and I know I can do it too!
  • sjessup
    Here Goes!
    Starting Weight: 170
    Goal Weight: 160

    Ready, Set, Go!!
  • rose_parker9784
    Hi! Just found this group today and figure it's better late than never... although the initial post said you'd be starting Dec. 8th (which is today!) so maybe I'm not technically late? :huh:

    Little bit about me...
    I just turned 25, I'm the director of a middle school after school program, I live with my boyfriend. I have been on MFP since last March. Started in March at 153 lbs. and got down to 140 by August, but I've gained it all back. I have never had any health issues whatsoever, but in the last 2 months found out that I have high thyroid levels and I'll soon have to be on medication. I never believed it when I heard overweight people blame their thyroid, but now I totally do! My appetite has been through the roof:angry: To make matters more complicated, I was very, very sick for a while and just found out that feeling so terrible is due to having at least a gluten-sensitivity, if not Celiac's Disease... I'm in the process of seeing doctors and specialists. So, for about a month and a half now I have been 100% gluten-free which is SO much harder than it sounds :noway: But, I feel a lot better. I started running in June, ran my first 5k in August and am up to almost 5 miles. I'm in the process of convincing myself that I can be ready for a half marathon by October :noway:

    Anyhow, I know I can do this because I've already done it once!

    My starting weight (as of this morning): 153.4
    My goal at the end of 4 weeks is: 148.4 (a difference of 5 pounds)

    I just want to let you know that I also have thyroid issues. I just went to the doctor last week to find out if this could be contributing to my weight gain and of course she said it is very likely. So I am being retested to see if medication is necessary. We will find out Thursday the results. So I wanted to let you know that it is very possible that your thyroid could be the culprit. I hope you will do well in your jouney to losing the weight you wanna lose. Good luck!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Hi F'rs (Fab Fours),
    Just entering my info. Are we challenging each day or each week? I challenge us all to NO , Notta, None sugar tomorrow!!!!!!
    SW- 148
    GW- 145
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Hi! Just found this group today and figure it's better late than never... although the initial post said you'd be starting Dec. 8th (which is today!) so maybe I'm not technically late? :huh:

    Little bit about me...
    I just turned 25, I'm the director of a middle school after school program, I live with my boyfriend. I have been on MFP since last March. Started in March at 153 lbs. and got down to 140 by August, but I've gained it all back. I have never had any health issues whatsoever, but in the last 2 months found out that I have high thyroid levels and I'll soon have to be on medication. I never believed it when I heard overweight people blame their thyroid, but now I totally do! My appetite has been through the roof:angry: To make matters more complicated, I was very, very sick for a while and just found out that feeling so terrible is due to having at least a gluten-sensitivity, if not Celiac's Disease... I'm in the process of seeing doctors and specialists. So, for about a month and a half now I have been 100% gluten-free which is SO much harder than it sounds :noway: But, I feel a lot better. I started running in June, ran my first 5k in August and am up to almost 5 miles. I'm in the process of convincing myself that I can be ready for a half marathon by October :noway:

    Anyhow, I know I can do this because I've already done it once!

    My starting weight (as of this morning): 153.4
    My goal at the end of 4 weeks is: 148.4 (a difference of 5 pounds)

    I just want to let you know that I also have thyroid issues. I just went to the doctor last week to find out if this could be contributing to my weight gain and of course she said it is very likely. So I am being retested to see if medication is necessary. We will find out Thursday the results. So I wanted to let you know that it is very possible that your thyroid could be the culprit. I hope you will do well in your jouney to losing the weight you wanna lose. Good luck!

    Thank you for telling me! My doctor said last time I was there that I could go on medicine now because my levels are pretty high, or I can wait. He said I'll be on it for the rest of my life so I opted to wait- I'm generally not much on taking medicine unless it's really necessary. Well, I may have missed the boat... I think I should have started it. I gained about 13 pounds back in a month and a half. Please send me a message and let me know what your doctor says. The whole thyroid thing is new to me, so I will take all the support and help of others that I can get! :flowerforyou:
  • hhhdddggss
    Hi everyone! It was a stellar day with excellent calorie counting and 45 minutes of PX90 Cardio. Of course I thought I'd die around half-way through, but I didn't and have lived to post yet another evening. :-)

    So the finale of THE BIGGEST LOSER is coming on in a moment ... remember that we all can do this! See you all in the morning!
