

  • Well said.
    in no carbs Comment by Redfya May 2013
  • Just read the comment above.... Dislocated knee? I can only image that the high protein is to 1. Promote weight loss to alleviate pressure on the knee joint and 2. to promote healing and or muscle growth to aid the strengthening of the surrounding tissue of the joint. I wouldn't have thought this 'diet' would need to be…
    in no carbs Comment by Redfya May 2013
  • Veg and fruit contain carbs and sugars. Bread, pasta, rice etc contain carbs and sugars of a different molecular structure which are harder to metabolise for some people. Think Glycemic Index. Those that cannot metabolise due to insulin fluctuation and other endocrinological conditions. High protein diets allow for these…
    in no carbs Comment by Redfya May 2013
  • I beg to differ. As outlined in this month's British Medical Journal, weight loss is and can be attributed to the body's chemical make up. Yes, we are 'complex machines', machines which can go wrong... cancer, stroke, IBS etc. Another is Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), which throws out the regular menstrual cycle -…
  • Well said. I'm glad to have found a thread where there are like-minded people with words of encouragement. I'd like to know what the first week is like. I'm going in for the Gastric Bypass at the beginning of Jan and all other gastric weight loss forums speak about the first week being 'hell week'.
  • Well said about others' misconstrued ideas of the 'easy way out'. Well done on your hard work and good girl for pumping the iron. I'd love to stay in touch to know more about the tummy tuck etc.. I fear I will have to do the same. Seems inevitable and not found many people to get info about it.
  • Hello all. I replied to a different post on here regarding Gastric Bypass Surgery. At that time there were so many muppets voicing their belief that this form of weight loss is the EASY option. I'm glad to see a thread with some sensible people who are all going through the same thing. My sister is a qualified doctor and…