no carbs

I had to cut out all my fat, sugar and dairy due to a medical condition and lost quite a bit of weight, i now I have cut out bread, pasta and rice on the advice of my doctor and it is working for me as i have lost 7llbs, since last Monday, i am just wondering is there anything else i can eat instead?
I am eating a lot of lean meat and fruit and veg, but it can be a bit boring as i have been doing that for a couple of months now. I have been cutting out a lot of 'bad' food for months now and i am getting the cravings, which i managing to not give into.
The other thing is exercise is very difficult as i am recovering from a dislocated knee. so i would be grateful for any tips.


  • cutiepie2628
    cutiepie2628 Posts: 415 Member
    Thats alot .. and I applaud you for having the will power to cut all those things out...:drinker:
  • Jullessi
    Jullessi Posts: 38
    I had to cut out all my fat, sugar and dairy due to a medical condition and lost quite a bit of weight, i now I have cut out bread, pasta and rice on the advice of my doctor and it is working for me as i have lost 7llbs, since last Monday, i am just wondering is there anything else i can eat instead?
    I am eating a lot of lean meat and fruit and veg, but it can be a bit boring as i have been doing that for a couple of months now. I have been cutting out a lot of 'bad' food for months now and i am getting the cravings, which i managing to not give into.
    The other thing is exercise is very difficult as i am recovering from a dislocated knee. so i would be grateful for any tips.

    If you can still eat carbs from fruit and veg then you can still eat wonderful salads, my favs are chicken waldorf, tuna nicoise and chefs salad, you can also eat moussaka, and curries and casseroles. I rarely eat pasta, bread or rice after dinner these days but aam rarely bored.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I had to cut out all my fat, sugar and dairy due to a medical condition and lost quite a bit of weight, i now I have cut out bread, pasta and rice on the advice of my doctor and it is working for me as i have lost 7llbs, since last Monday, i am just wondering is there anything else i can eat instead?
    I am eating a lot of lean meat and fruit and veg, but it can be a bit boring as i have been doing that for a couple of months now. I have been cutting out a lot of 'bad' food for months now and i am getting the cravings, which i managing to not give into.
    The other thing is exercise is very difficult as i am recovering from a dislocated knee. so i would be grateful for any tips.
    You do know that fruits and veggies are carbs.

    That being said, eat food. Food is neither good or bad. What is bad is the elimination of a complete macro-nutrient.
  • boarderstu
    boarderstu Posts: 31
    Couldn't have said it better myself.

    Fruits/Veg has sugar (Carbs in), and as Carbs are good (you need these to help metabolise fats), keep eating them.

    Like @FitnessSocial said, you really want to make sure you get some macro nutrients.
    I had to cut out all my fat, sugar and dairy due to a medical condition and lost quite a bit of weight, i now I have cut out bread, pasta and rice on the advice of my doctor and it is working for me as i have lost 7llbs, since last Monday, i am just wondering is there anything else i can eat instead?
    I am eating a lot of lean meat and fruit and veg, but it can be a bit boring as i have been doing that for a couple of months now. I have been cutting out a lot of 'bad' food for months now and i am getting the cravings, which i managing to not give into.
    The other thing is exercise is very difficult as i am recovering from a dislocated knee. so i would be grateful for any tips.
    You do know that fruits and veggies are carbs.

    That being said, eat food. Food is neither good or bad. What is bad is the elimination of a complete macro-nutrient.
  • cals83
    cals83 Posts: 131
    Were you told to literally cut out carbs? Or just bread/pasta types of food?

    If you can still have carbs, try beans. They are more balanced so the body doesn't respond to them the same way as it would towards bread or pasta so it might be ok.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I think you should ask your doctor for a referral to a dietitian or at least to give you a diet sheet.

    If you take out carbs, fat and dairy you don't have many food options left - large amounts of lean protein probably aren't advisable and veg / salad is of limited calorific value.

    I eat low carb , moderate protein but high fat. You can't do the high fat so need some guidance I feel.
  • boarderstu
    boarderstu Posts: 31
    Were you told to literally cut out carbs? Or just bread/pasta types of food?

    If you can still have carbs, try beans. They are more balanced so the body doesn't respond to them the same way as it would towards bread or pasta so it might be ok.

    Any doctor that says to cut out Carbs/Fats or Proteins needs to go back to med school....
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Any doctor that says to cut out Carbs/Fats or Proteins needs to go back to med school....

    Attending a post-grad nutrition course might be a better idea.
  • boarderstu
    boarderstu Posts: 31
    No, no, you're right...

    But I wouldn't expect a Doctor to be giving nutritional advise anyway... but that could just be a UK thing...
  • aquinoz
    aquinoz Posts: 182 Member
    Dont cut out carbs and fats, they are important.
  • Allyice
    Allyice Posts: 122 Member
    Carbs aren't evil if you eat the right ones! I learnt that the hard way. Was so tired at the beginning of my weight loss journey. Wholegrains and fresh fruit and vegetables are the key. :)
  • Thanks for all the advice, I am aware that there is carbs in fruit and veggies, i was told that the ones that linger around in your system for days were the ones to avoid, bread, pasta, rice. am getting used to not having these,but I was brought up with meat and two veg and stodgy puddings.
    The doctor gave me the advice due to my dislocated knee and my other medical conditions that i have, I am going out to the shops today to get a load of herbs and spices to jazz everything up a bit.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    No, no, you're right...

    But I wouldn't expect a Doctor to be giving nutritional advise anyway... but that could just be a UK thing...

    As the first thing said about any weight loss program is "talk to your GP" I think they find themselves having to say something ;-)

    My overweight / obese male GP asks me in a sideways way about how I lost my weight, but hasn't yet come clean and asked me what he should do.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Thanks for all the advice, I am aware that there is carbs in fruit and veggies, i was told that the ones that linger around in your system for days were the ones to avoid, bread, pasta, rice. am getting used to not having these,but I was brought up with meat and two veg and stodgy puddings.
    The doctor gave me the advice due to my dislocated knee and my other medical conditions that i have, I am going out to the shops today to get a load of herbs and spices to jazz everything up a bit.

    I'm confused as to why a doctor would tell you to stop eating entire food groups because of a dislocated knee.
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    Thanks for all the advice, I am aware that there is carbs in fruit and veggies, i was told that the ones that linger around in your system for days were the ones to avoid, bread, pasta, rice. am getting used to not having these,but I was brought up with meat and two veg and stodgy puddings.
    The doctor gave me the advice due to my dislocated knee and my other medical conditions that i have, I am going out to the shops today to get a load of herbs and spices to jazz everything up a bit.

    I'm confused as to why a doctor would tell you to stop eating entire food groups because of a dislocated knee.

    ^ my feelings as well, unless you have a digestive issue (ie the inability to process protein for example stops a family friend from eating meat altogether and he has to be careful with general proteins as well) a doctor wouldn't tell you to cut any food groups- even then he would give you something specific to avoid rather then tell you to cut an entire group out. Also pretty much everything you eat has carbs, in varying levels, in so cutting them is well, impossible.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Thanks for all the advice, I am aware that there is carbs in fruit and veggies, i was told that the ones that linger around in your system for days were the ones to avoid, bread, pasta, rice. am getting used to not having these,but I was brought up with meat and two veg and stodgy puddings.
    The doctor gave me the advice due to my dislocated knee and my other medical conditions that i have, I am going out to the shops today to get a load of herbs and spices to jazz everything up a bit.

    I'm confused as to why a doctor would tell you to stop eating entire food groups because of a dislocated knee.

    Wut?! All this for a dislocated knee? :huh:
  • Redfya
    Redfya Posts: 8
    Any doctor that says to cut out Carbs/Fats or Proteins needs to go back to med school....

    Attending a post-grad nutrition course might be a better idea.

    Veg and fruit contain carbs and sugars.
    Bread, pasta, rice etc contain carbs and sugars of a different molecular structure which are harder to metabolise for some people. Think Glycemic Index.
    Those that cannot metabolise due to insulin fluctuation and other endocrinological conditions.

    High protein diets allow for these digestive and metabolic systems to catalyse food effectively. Coupled with plenty of exersice, it can be a highly effective regime of eating.

    Everyone's body works differently, so to dictate /advise/comment that this style of eating is ludicrous is in itself, blinkered.

    There are many things that you can eat and drink to consume protein in varied ways. It just depends on how creative or experimental you like to get. From bog standard protein shakes that promote lean muscle to steak with lots of dark green veggies to chicken wrapped in Parma ham with steamed broccoli on a bed of sautéed spinach....... Just watch the portions!
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    Sounds like you're on a paleo diet without knowing it is one. That basically means no grains, no dairy, no legumes, no sugar. If you look for paleo recipes you'll find loads of stuff you can eat.
  • Redfya
    Redfya Posts: 8
    Just read the comment above.... Dislocated knee?

    I can only image that the high protein is to 1. Promote weight loss to alleviate pressure on the knee joint and 2. to promote healing and or muscle growth to aid the strengthening of the surrounding tissue of the joint.

    I wouldn't have thought this 'diet' would need to be followed for a long stint, unless of course it is maintained for weight loss.

    Either way, eating high protein should not be dismissed.

    Each to their own and their own metabolisms.
  • Redfya
    Redfya Posts: 8
    Sounds like you're on a paleo diet without knowing it is one. That basically means no grains, no dairy, no legumes, no sugar. If you look for paleo recipes you'll find loads of stuff you can eat.

    Well said.