Any gastric bypass patients on here



  • NastiMcLuvn
    NastiMcLuvn Posts: 1 Member
    I NEED HELP!!!
    I had gastric bypass in July 2010. I had a awesome weightloss going from 330lbs down to 175lbs. I stayed at this weight for a long period of time but ive crept back up to 195. I need helping loosing these 20lbs!!! Im in the gym 5 days a week doing cardio, as well as strength training. Are there any tips that anyone can give to me to help me shed this 20lbs weight gain FAST PLEASE!
    MY BIGGEST FEAR IS GOING BACK TO THAT ZONE IN LIFE!!! i dont wanna be back to 330 ever again!!!1
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I have already had it.........did you know that after 2 years you lose the benefit of mal-absorbtion?

    They call malabsorption a benefit? Must be a term the surgeons use...shivers.

    OK I'm obese and I've looked into bypass and lap band multiple times each time the conclusions comes back to for only being simply a tool, drastic surgery does not seem to be an option for me...let me state that again for me! The only effective means to lose weight is portion control (which is done by reducing the stomach) and more movement from what I have learned.

    I'm going to put a high jack question to the thread, forgive me OP.

    If we as food addicts had started to work on the route cause of our destructive behaviors would you have still taken the route to have surgery? If you knew that you would have a better relationship with food and could manage the addiction would altering your GI tract the benefits would have outweighed the risks. As we all know bypass is not a 100% answer and if someone is still not facing the demons the weight can and possibly will come back.

    Question sorry if I offended. I am a struggling addict and every day I think to myself maybe a bypass would help make this addiction easier.
  • Jessvaliquette
    Jessvaliquette Posts: 111 Member
    Hi, I had my surgery 3 weeks ago so really looking for advise, I lost 31 lbs since starting optifast but I haven't lost anything in the last 2 weeks now.
  • velvteen
    velvteen Posts: 5 Member
    I'm so glad I found others who've had WLS here. I had a lap gastric bypass 3/13/13. Would love to stay in touch with you all.
  • I had bypass 3 weeks ago yesterday, Im so happy to see so many supporters here!
  • EduProf
    EduProf Posts: 1 Member
    I had gastric bypass three years ago and lost 105 pounds. I've just recently started to struggle so I will share with you any success and help I find. :smile:
  • Emsielee
    Emsielee Posts: 1
    Hey all,

    Great to see this post! I am baffled by my weight gain. I went from 270 - 130. My goal weight was 145. I have now shot up to 155 in three months = 25lb weight gain.

    The thing is, I don't eat junk, I rarely make it to the 1200 calorie goal, I exercise, protein is my first choice, I track everything on MFP daily. I am being totally honest with myself seeing how it is possible but I don't understand it? This is my average food day:

    Protein shake for breakfast
    Lunch consists of lettuce and chicken
    Dinner usually fish, chicken, turkey with lettuce
    I drink water or bubbly water or green tea.

    That is it!!!

    Anyone any ideas? I did have 9 endoscopies to dilate my stoma due to a closure...maybe it is too big now?

    I am so miserable about this =/

    I am trying a clear liquid diet for the next few days to see if I can shift the excess.
  • Redfya
    Redfya Posts: 8
    Hello all.
    I replied to a different post on here regarding Gastric Bypass Surgery.
    At that time there were so many muppets voicing their belief that this form of weight loss is the EASY option.
    I'm glad to see a thread with some sensible people who are all going through the same thing.

    My sister is a qualified doctor and it has also now been written in the BMJ that it's not just over-eating that can lead to weight gain, but hormones too.

    Anyway.. Im currently in the Liver shrinking diet, with my gastric bypass planned for July 1st.
    I'm excited as well as quite apprehensive, as I can't quite fathom the changes in my body and look once it all starts happening!

    It's good to see others here who are well on the way to recovery.

    I can't wait to get my life back again and laugh in the face of my body that I have been battling against since I hit puberty.
  • Redfya
    Redfya Posts: 8
    Well said about others' misconstrued ideas of the 'easy way out'.
    Well done on your hard work and good girl for pumping the iron.

    I'd love to stay in touch to know more about the tummy tuck etc.. I fear I will have to do the same. Seems inevitable and not found many people to get info about it.
  • Redfya
    Redfya Posts: 8
    It has been a struggle, but the bypass has given me the tool I need to do the job.

    Well said.
    I'm glad to have found a thread where there are like-minded people with words of encouragement.

    I'd like to know what the first week is like.
    I'm going in for the Gastric Bypass at the beginning of Jan and all other gastric weight loss forums speak about the first week being 'hell week'.
  • swheaten
    swheaten Posts: 1
    Hi I had the Gastric By pass Surgery on March 14,2013 I am two months almost three post op. My start weght was 258 and now I'm down to 210 so far. I think I'm doing great to have lost 48 pounds already but it feels like my weight has came to a stand still. I measure all my food intake so I no I'm not overeating. I walk and work out everyday and my Dr has me on a strickly protein diet no fruits bread pasta protein shake jello or veggies. I feel like I'm going crazy. I'm not much of a meat eater and never have been but thats basically all I can eat. I occaionally look at other diets for the surgery online and want to switch over to them because i noticed that they have some fruits and veggies in there plan. I havent lost weight in about two weeks what do I need to do at this point. Help!!!
  • ncampoli
    ncampoli Posts: 1 Member
    Hi had gastric bypass 2 years coming up in July. Six months post op I got pregnant. Had a beautiful baby girl and have lost the 33lbs baby weight gain but I'm feeling down because I'm 50lbs away from my goal weight and am struggling to lose a pound. I've lost 78lbs in total. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  • Your daughter is beautiful. I am 22 pounds away from my goal. Start at the beginning start with protein shakes only and start from the first step.
  • I am one I had my surgery done March 9th, 2013 and I am loving the new lifestyle it has given me. i am down 82lbs and rode my first mountain bike race on Father's day.
  • Amazing and congrats on the baby! Just get back into the routine you had before, cut the sugar back and it will start again! Good for you for losing the baby weight, write your goals down and start with some smaller ones and the big ones will catch up!
  • Add in more exercise @ my 3 months I haven't lost a lbs in over a month and I rdi 4 times a week for a total calorie burn of 3,000 cal.

    But more important to me is not the numbers on the scale it is how you are feeling and how your clothes feel on you, I have kept my old belt I had for 7 years and I just punched hole #7 in it yet on the scale nothing has changed.

    Good for you plateaus are a hard part of weight-loss, protein is key on this diet though.
  • siqiniq
    siqiniq Posts: 237 Member
    I had a lap band in the late 1980's. Back then it was called gastroplasty. The doctor never mentioned malabsorption or "dumping" to me, and after reading about it in these posts I had to look it up. huh! I've been suffering from dumping all these years! I've gained back about 60 of the 150 I lost, and I'm working to get it off again. Things happened over the years that led to me making poor choices, but I'm determined!
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I had rny on 9/27/12 and have lost all of my excess weight in only 9 months. I am striving for 10 more pounds and will be back to my teen weight--back when I was very thin. I don't see much loose skin, unless you count my upper arms. I have had NO problems, no dumping, no throwing up ever. I started my weight loss plan before surgery and already knew nutrition, as I was studying to be a dietitian back in college years ago. Once I found my "focus" I relearned everything and brought myself up to date with what had changed over the years. I really believe it's all about changing your lifestyle and sticking with it. I am a type I diabetic, so I never should have let myself get heavy anyway. My top weight was 246 and I am 145 now, shooting for 135. Oh, there are several groups here on MFP for people who have had wls and they are very helpful. Anyone who needs support, or needs a friend, feel free to add me. I'm on here every day and my diary is always open.
  • I had my gastric bypass On March 5, 2005 I did well for a long time until I went through a lot of stressful moments Now I notice that I am tired all the time I don't do much exercise because I think I'm going through depression I take all of my vitamins and I also have to B12 injections once a month But I notice that it's still does not improve on my tiredness I just don't have the will to do things anymore like I used to And I've even started gaining weight back I've had all my blood work test come back nothing wrong But still do not understand why I am so tired all the time I hurt in my joints a lot some days more than others I am just at my wits end with this I guess any advice that anyone could offer would help me I would truly appreciate it
  • SabrinaNorton70
    SabrinaNorton70 Posts: 17 Member
    I had RNY , October 2005 lost over 120 pounds and within the last 3 years have put back on about 30 pounds I would love to lose. I had my gallbladder out 6 mo after RNY. I had a car accident in 2010 and was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2012, in March of this year I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and vitamin deficient in Vitamin D and Magnesium. I currently take about 20 multi vitamins, vitamin B shots and eat around 1000 cal. I am trying to up those calories and get back some energy so that I feel good enough to do anything other than go to work. If you are a bypass patient please add me I could really use the support. Thank you