belle10317 Member


  • Oh my gosh I have to eat SO much more protein than that! 3 eggs at breakfast and 6 ounces of chicken or steak or whatever for both lunch or dinner.
  • I am BF my 2 month old. I still want to lose 25 lbs...but I know it will go slowly while nursing. I BF my daughter until she was 2.5, my son until he was 14 months (actually tandem nursed them together for one year!). With all my pregnancies I have gained over 60 lbs and have eventually lost it all. I'm looking for support…
  • Hi ladies! I need more pregnancy friends! I am pregnant with #3 right now. I am now 21w and have gained 14 lbs. I gained SO much weight with my other 2 pregnancies that I am trying really hard this time to stay healthy and active. My goal is to gain 40 or under. I love working out by taking classes at our YMCA. I am…
  • I'm 7w3d with baby #3. I work out almost everyday at the YMCA doing either Turbo Kick or Latin Hip Hop. I also really enjoy weight lifting, but have had to cut down on that now that I am pregnant. I am tracking my calories on MFP so I don't gain more weight than I need. I was not healthy with baby 1 and 2 and gained WAY to…
  • I am only 6 weeks due with # in August. I would LOVE motivation to stay healthier this time around too. I gained 75 lbs with my first, 60 with my second, and would love to not gain more than 35 lbs this time. I was able to lose all the weight from the previous pregnancies and am hoping to not put lots back on. I do work…