thank you
17.25" at largest part, I'm 6'1" though so they look really small for my height. My calves are only 11.5"
I'm doing it more for myself than anything, I don't feel good looking too thin. Right now I feel insecure and weak looking around other guys.
That's exactly what I maxed out at the other day for the first time 160. This is my first time doing any weight training so I'm hoping to change that
lol thanks
lop what's skinny fat. I agree, I think they zoomed on me too much
thanks, I've heard of it and sounds like a great workout
that's true
I'm 6'1" with a pretty small frame
Thanks everyone it really makes me feel a lot better. That's not the only reason I've gotten to the gym but it was one of them.
I've already set my other goals just not sure about legs, I just need some goals to work towards
I actually had a girl ask me out a few months ago which doesn't happen with me but , after our date, which I thought went well she wouldn't go out again because she said she prefers a larger guy that she didn't feel comfortable being bigger than me. Why did she ask me out then? Lol
that's better than me, mine are 12" and I'm 6'1". I never realized how small they were compared to others. Everyone is different
I have noticed a lot of people have small wrists.
that is what I hear the most is that the girl doesn't want to weigh less the guy.
Must be different around where I'm from because just about all girls I know have told me or my friend that they Wouldn't date me because I'm too skinny. Maybe in the wrong part of the country
wow, thanks I'll look for him
Is there any way to edit the topic
I'll trade you lol
I'm in the same boat as you and yes they are for the most part genetic . I just measured mine at 12" and looking at my brother and father they are the same. I'm hoping to add some muscle with weights
My wrist is 5.25" and I'm 6'1" and my forearm is just under 8" so were close to the same. I hate having small arms